성프란치스코의 글

영적권고 20 좋은수도자와 헛된 수도자/XX. the virtuous and humble religious

Margaret K 2007. 5. 17. 01:48

20. 좋은 수도자와 헛된 수도자 
1. 주님의 지극히 거룩한 말씀과 업적 외에 다른 데서는 흐뭇함과 즐거움을 느끼지 못하며,
2 또한 그것들을 통하여 사람들을 기쁨과 즐거움 가운데 하느님의 사랑에로 인도하는 수도자는 복됩니다.
3 쓸데없고 헛된 말을 즐겨 하면서, 또한 그것으로 사람들을 웃기려는 수도자는 불행합니다. 




XX. the virtuous and humble religious


Blessed the religious who has no more regard for himself when people praise him and make much of him than when they despise and revile him and say that he is ignorant. What a man is before God, that he is and no more. Woe to that religious who, after he has been put in a position of authority by others, is not anxious to leave it of his own free will. on the other hand, blessed is that religious who is elected to office against his will but always wants to be subject to others.