Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas southern Caribbean
2014년 4월 11일 금요일
아침 8시에 집에서 출발 95번과 Cocoa Beach가 만나는 곳에 Hamilton motel에 저녁 8시에 도착 121불을 주고 머문 Hamilton motel은 하이 스피드 인터냇이 없구 와이어드 만 있어 겨우 이 메일만 책업했다.
4월 12일 토요일Fort Lauderdale 5PM
호텔에서 아침 8시반에 출발하여 Fort Lauderdale에 도착 하니 12시, 층별로 책인 카운터가 따로 있어 책인 하는데 다른 크루쉽 시스탬보다 빠르게 책인을 할 수 있었다
책인을 하고 15층에 있는 작은 식당에 앉아 간식을 하고 내가 타본 배 중에 가장큰 쉽을 돌아보았다.
Oasis of the Seas는 총 승객이 9천여명을 태우는 내가 타본 크루 중에서 가장 큰 것이다.
5스타이고 부활 연후에 운행하는 크루는 보통 때의 두배 반이나 비싼 가격이라 내가 타지 않는 크루이지만
아이들의 방학을 이용하는 것이라 얼마나 더 그들과 같이 할 수 있는 여행기회가 있을까 싶은 생각에 선택한 여행이었다.
Oasis of the Seas는 오션뷰 발코니만 있는 것이 아니라 8층에 마련해 놓은 센트럴 파그을 내려다 볼 수 있는 배 중앙에 만들어 진 발코니가 9층서부터 14층까지 있었다. 우리 방은 11층 센트런 뷰 발코니가 있는 곳이었는데 방음 장치가 되지 않아 발코니로 나가는 유리 문을 통해서 전해지는 소음으로 밤 낮으로 평화로운 시간을 가질 수 없게 했다.
돈을 받고 운영하는 식당들이 거의 다 라고 할 정도로 7개의 유료 식당과 하나의 무료 식당과 피자와 센드위치를 만들어 놓은 간이 식당들이 있어 오픈 시간들이 다르게 운영되고 있었다.
스팀 사우나를 사용하는데도 돈을 내라는 곳은 이곳이 처음이었다.
디너 식당은 완전히 돗대기 식당이다. 분위기는 아주 없고 소음으로 가득했다.
크루들이 점점더 각박해져간다
손님을 위해 최선을 다했고 화려했던 80년대에 처음으로 탔던 카니발 크루를 회상하며 아쉬움을 더해가는 크루여행이 되었다.
이 배에서 만 볼 수 있어던 것 중에 눈에 띈 것이 하나 있는데 부페 메뉴 설명에 10여개 나라의 말이 써있는 중 마지막 칸에 한글을 찾아 볼수 있었다
또 하나 이 배가 다른것이 있는데 매일 저녁하는 쇼들은 인터냇으로 예약을 하도록 했는데 어쩐 일인지 내가 해 놓은 예약이 한 건도 되지 않았다고 하여 예약 박스에 가서 예약을 하려니 다 book되었다고 했는데 삼일이 지나서야 방에 있는 tv로 예약을 하는 방법을 알게 되었다. 하지만 좋은 자리에서 다시보고자 하는 Oasis of the Seas는 예약이 찾다고 해서 할 수 없었다.
예약을 하지 않은 사람들은 예약한 사람들이 다 들어가고 난 후 마지막으로 쇼 10여분 전에 스탠바이 하고 있는 사람들이 남은 자리를 채우도록 했다. 오늘은 예약이 필요치 않다는 Frozen in Time 을 보았는데 크루에서 새롭게 시도된 아이스 스케트 쇼였다.
아이스 링크가 구비된 배이기에 가능한 것이 스케이팅을 30분간 할 수 있는 시간들이 배에서만 있는 날에 한해서 하루에 3번에서 6번까지 있다.
8층에 만들어 놓은 Central park은 정원을 걷는 듯하게 꾸며 놓았으며 처음에는 새들과 풀벌레 소리가 나는 것에 살아 있는 벌레들의 소리로 착각을 할 정도로 아름다운 소리에 매혹되었었다. 다른 곳에 미흡한 것들이 이 정원으로 해서 위로를 받았을 정도로 마음의 안정을 얻을 수 있었다.
돈을 더주고 선택한 발코니는 프라이버시가 없는듯 했고 별로 즐기지 못해 다음번엔 발코니를 하지 않겠다고 마음 먹었다.
4월 13일 일요일 on the Ship
일어나니 6시 반, 새벽녘 하늘은 구름이 있어 해가 뜨기 바로 전 풍경은 아름답지 않았다. 7시에 오픈한 부페 식당은 지난해 탔던 4스타 카나다행 로열 카리비안의 음식이 얼마나 좋았던가 하고 생각하게 하는 초라하기 그지 없는 것이었다. 또 다른 비교를 한다면 식당 데커레이션부터 차려놓은 음식들은 싸구려 Golden Coral부페 식당에 훨씬 못미치는 차림이었다.
수영장은 5천여명의 승객들에게는 역부족이었기에 수영을 하는 것이 아니라 찬 목욕탕에 들어갔다 뜨거운 월풀에 들어갔다 하는 느낌이여서 이 배를 타고 한 번도 냉온 목욕탕에 몸을 담그지 않았다.
저녁 9시에 공연된 Oasis of Drams은 예약이 안된 관계로 맨 뒤쪽에서 볼 수 밖에 없었는데 물에서 하는 쇼로서 다이빙과 수증 발레이 등으로 스토리를 만들어 공연을 했다. 크루에서 하는 새로운 볼거리였다.
4월 14일 월요일Labadee, Haiti 8AM~4:30PM
로열 케리비안회사가 하이디 정부로부터 하나의 섬을 임대받아 만들어 놓은 유락시설로 돌이 많은 해변을 모래로 매꾸어 자그마한 비치는 무료로 사용할 수 있도록 하고 이곳 저곳에water park등 여러가지 유료 유락시설을 마련해 놓고 돈을 벌수 있게 해 놓았다. .
한가지 좋았던 점은 무료 점심식사를 제공했는데 배에서 가져다가 섬 세곳에 차려 놓고 햄버거, 핫도그, 바베큐 치킨과 폭 그리고 과일과 드링크등을 준비해 놓았다.
아침 식사를 7시에 하고 8시경에 배에서 나와 해변가에 만들어 놓은 비치를 걸어갔다. 이곳에서 차편을 제공하는데 사람들이 너무 많아 탈 수 없었는데 걸은 시간은 한 15분 정도였다. 해변은 맑았지만 tropical fish 는 찾아 볼 수 없어 힘들게 들고간 스너크링 기어가 빛을 발하지 못했다.
4월15일 화요일 Falmouth, Jamaica 10:30AM~6:30PM``
10시 반에 배에서 내려 4살짜리 지혜가 나이가 어려Dunn’s River Fall tour는 할 수 없어서 Bamboo rafting 을 하기로 하였다. 배에서는 점심을 제공하고 일인당 79불이었고 현지에서 하는 tour는 일인당 60불이라고 했다. 우리는 일인45불이 들었다. 팁은 Bamboo rafting 8불 택시 5불을 소비했다. 우리는 일인당 왕복 15불이라는 택시를 타고30불하는 Bamboo rafting타기로 하고 택시 정착장에 안내 여자가 왕복에 15불이라고 하고 그녀의 안내로 택시에 올랐는데 얼마만큼 가다가 운전사가 왕복 30불이라고 해서 그렇게 낼 수 없으니 다시 돌아가자고 하니 할 수 없다면서 rafting 하는 곳에 가서는 편도비를 내라고 해서 좀 미심쩍었지만 일인당 15불의 반값을 주었더니 팁을 달라고 해서 아래 도착점에서 기다렸다가 port에까지 데려다 주면 그때 주겠다고 했는데 우리가Bamboo rafting이 끝나는 지점에 와보니 그 운전사는 없었고 다른 택시를 타고 port로 돌아왔다.
Bamboo rafting는 두사람을 태울 수 있는 폭 1.5미터에 길이 10미터 정도로 만든 대나무배로 3마일 길이의 완만한 10미터 가량되는 좁은 강을 따라 흘러내려가며 여유롭게 Rain Forest의 분위기에 젓어 보는 것이었다. 한시간이 지루하다는 생각이 들 정도로 주위풍경에 흥미를 느끼지 못했다.
싸가지고 간 바나나와 스낵들은 먹지를 못하고 다시 배로 들어오는 책업포인트에서 발견한 검사원에 의해 쓰레기 통으로 들어갔다.
오후 휴식을 하고
이틀전에 보았던 Oasis of Drams 쇼를 7시 반에 다시보고 8시 반에 하는 show를 보았는데 70년대의 노래를 부르는 show로 6명의 뮤지션들로 꾸며진 쇼인데 삼류 극장에서 공연할 것 같은 의상에다 선곡도 별로 이고 노래도 그리 잘 하지 못하는데 이주전에 어떤 TV쇼에 두번이나 나왔다고 하는지 모를 정도로 지루했다.
4월 16일 수요일On the Ship
3:45PM 다이버들과 water ballerina 들이 꾸민 Splish comedy dive show 를 본 것 외에 별로 한일이 없다.
4월 17일 목요일Cozumel, Mexico 8AM~6:15PM
9시경에 배에서 나가 택시를 타고 비치에서 스노크링을 하려고 물으니 택시비만 왕복 56불이라고 해서 avis에서 현대 스틱차를 택스 포함 82불에 빌려서 paradise 비치에서 스노크링을 했는데 비치는 돌이 많아 들어가고 나가기가 힘들었고 깊은 곳에는 물이 깨끗하겠지만 해변가까이는 물이 탁했고 30분동안 대여섯개의 열대어를 보는 것으로 만족하고 물에서 나왔다. 배를 타고 세곳을 돌아 보는 스노클을 35불에 해보라는 유혹했다. 배를 타고 하는 페러그래드를 일인당 50불을 주고 경아 지선 티나가 탔다. 지선이가 이번 여행중에 가장 좋았던 것이었다고 했다.
다음 Cozumel에 올때 가고 싶은 곳=Xcaret Natural Adventure Park $118, 10Hrs, Need Bug spray
After a ferry ride(45 Minutes each way, rough seas may cause seasickness)) to Playa del Carmen and bus ride
4월 18일 금요일On the Ship
오후 5시에 Come fly with me show를 보았다.
4월 19일 토요일Fort Lauderdale 6:15AM
Royal Caribbean - Oasis of the Seas, departs 4/12/14, 7 nights
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Flamingo Gardens 3750 S. Flamingo Rd. Davie, FL 33330
Take the Water Taxi to explore Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood from the water! Your ticket allows all-day on and off at 16 stops, and savings at restaurants and attractions at each stop. The Water Taxi is not be the fastest way to get around, but the views from the water and our friendly crew are worth the trip
-Plan your day well. This is a great way to see the area but get a map of the taxi stops first, get all day ticket for $20
Labadee, Haiti
Labadee is Royal Caribbean’s private beach paradise, located on the north coast of Hispaniola. Visitors can participate in a number of beach activities including parasailing, kayaking, snorkeling or just relaxing and taking in the beautiful coast and surrounding mountains and foliage. Labadee also offers a floating Aqua Park and local shops so visitors can take home souvenirs to remember this gorgeous destination.
Top 5 Things To Do in Labadee, Haiti:
-Labadee is a port located on the northern coast of Haiti. It is also a private resort (fenced off and guarded by a private security force) leased to Royal Caribbean International until 2050. Food available to cruisers is brought in from the cruise ships. Attractions include a Haitian flea market, beaches, watersports, a water-oriented playground, a roller-coaster-type ride, and a zip-line. A tram runs through the resort to move people between attractions. There is a separate fee for each attraction purchasable with a SeaPass. Use of the amazing beaches (including the chairs) is free. Food is also free. Caution is advised when entering the flee market area - the vendors are extremely aggressive. Be sure to wear sunscreen and to bring a bathing suit.
-What a fantastic experience from the private beach owned by RC and the whole serice and tranquil setting..keep away from main events beach as is a complete free for all
- Stay at the beaches in will have a much better time!
-The beach is good for relaxing, but with a whole ship of people coming down you'll want to get there quickly
- wave runners are a fun activity, like riding motorcycles on the water. Lunch is served which is basic bbq fare, burgers, chicken, potato salad, etc. If you are into shopping for locally made crafts there is an outdoor market so bring cash. You will also need cash if you want to tip the beach attendants who set up your beach chairs or your blue cabana.
-The ocean side of the island was very rocky and tough to swim but the other side Nellie's Bay was perfect!!! Lunch left a little to be desired but it is what it is. All food is brought from the ship. There was a little wait for drinks at the bar but nothing to complain about. Drink packages and ship charges are accepted
-Never enjoyed a day on the beach so much before. Plenty of floats to lie in the water on. Water taxi's are available.
-There is a pier for the ship, so no tendering, which is a huge plus. My kids (12,11,8) did the Aqua Park and the Slide and had a great time
-Almost amusement park like. The artisan sales area is interesting. Stay in the covered area to avoid the hawkers. The sandbar swim was fun.
-Went here on a Royal Caribbean cruise. They lease this property from Haiti and have filled it with lots of water activities and non-water (zip lines, bobsled track) activities.
-there are no roads leading to this facility - the only way in is by boat.
-Upon disembarking the ship, we took the free water taxi to Columbus Cove where we headed right to Nellie's Beach. The soft sandy beaches on this side of the peninsula are far superior to the ones on the zip line side where water shoes are required
- We booked the Aqua Park excursion. First point to NOTE...DO NOT do this excursion unless you are in good physical hape and can pull your own body weight out of the water. To enjoy the floating rafts that are in the middle of the ocean area you have to be able to climb onto of them without a ladder attached to each attraction. The attraction is a good 1 mile walking distance from the cruise pier disembarkation location.
Very nice beaches however and decent BBQ locations for lunch but the food is just ok and limited in selection. The privately owned beach area that RCC owns is very built up in a positive way, but is still a significant distance to many of the excursion attractions.
-The ruise ship provides food and you can purchase drinks, our drink package included this!
- Lunch provided by RCI was great and was able to join good food and not worry about how it was prepared, the flies were terrible however. Nothing RCI could have done differently. I have fellow co-workers who have rented wave runners and done snorkeling, there is a lot to do, you just need to find out what is best for your family. Take your camera, very beautiful portion of the island.
-Tipping was expected by most of the local staff (they are not RCI employees that I could tell). Bring some small bills
-we tipped a couple bucks for chairs and it seemed appreciated unlike another reviewer).
-Complimentary shuttle around the area made it easy to get around. Ferry service provided as well, close to the ships berth.
Apr 15 Falmouth, Jamaica
Falmouth is considered by many to be like the Colonial Williamsburg of the Caribbean. Take a stroll through Falmouth's Historic District and explore an impressive collection of nineteenth-century Georgian architecture. Visit the Greenwood Great House museum, and you'll find yourself in the middle of the 19th century. Take a romantic ride down the Martha Brae River on a 30-foot bamboo raft. Hunt for bargains in Water Square, where you'll discover the Albert George Shopping and Historical center. And a trip to Falmouth wouldn't be complete without sampling one of the over 300 different Jerk recipes.
Grand Jamaica and Dunns River Falls Tour
Dunn's River Falls Tour from Ocho Rios$ 38.99
Discover the natural beauty of Dunn's River Falls on this tour in Jamaica! Visit Jamaica’s beautiful Dunn’s River Falls from Ocho Rios and hike to the top of the stunning 600-foot (182-meter) waterfall with the help of your local guide. When you reach the top, take in the magnificent landscapes and admire the scenic tropical views.
Discover Dunns River Falls: $60 USD $57 US
Dunn’s River Falls and Snorkeling Adventure Tour from Falmouth Adult: Per Person: US$85.00
Duration : 51/2 hours
Cozumel, Mexico
Just off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula sits the island of Cozumel, draped in lush, tropical vegetation. The reefs that fringe the island beckon divers and snorkelers. The most popular shore excursions include snorkeling on famous Palancar Reef or a beginner's dive at Paraiso Reef. A land tour will provide a nice taste of Mexico -- Cozumel has done much to retain its Mexican character. Tourists also may want to take a short trip inland to visit the great pyramids and temples of the Mayas.
Cozumel Cruise Terminal, 에서 San Miguel de Cozumel, San Miguel, Mexico까지 3.1 마일
작년 8월에 카니발 크루를 탔을 때 갔던 곳 3-REEF SNORKELING $31.50+ $2.00 Cash Per Person for Marine Park Entrance Fee |
크루에서 내려서 8불을 주고 (인터냇에서는 US $6 to reach downtown이라고 했는데)택시를 타고 Caleta Harbour. Ferry Pier으로 갔다. SNORKELING은 인터냇으로 $31.50을 주고 후로리다에서 하루전에 예약을 했고Park Entrance Fee $2.00를 냈다.모두 $33.50 그리고 팁 10불을 주었다.
Chankanaab Park. Located 5 miles south of San Miguel, Chankanaab Park is one of the more popular beach clubs in Cozumel. The entrance fee includes chaise lounges and beach umbrellas on a first come, first serve basis, hammocks, beach volleyball, fresh water showers, rest rooms/changing rooms and a small amount of Mayan ruins. Additional amenities available for a fee include snorkeling gear, towels and lockers. Chankanaab has a number of restaurants and bars on site, plus a beach boutique, spa, ice cream parlor and a drug store.
The park is open daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The entrance fee for adults is US$21, and US$14 for kids 3 to 11 years of age.
Phone: +52 (987) 872-0093
To get to Chankanaab Park, you'll need to get a taxi from your pier. A taxi from the TMM International or the Puerta Maya piers will cost around US$10 each way. A taxi from the Punta Langosta pier will cost around US$10 each way.
Cozumel Snorkeling Tours -
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (approx.)
Departs: 9:30am, 12pm (noon) & 3pm.
$29 +$2=$31
Taxis are your best bet to get around town or if you are going to a beach club. You won't have a problem finding a taxi in Cozumel. There is a large taxi stand at the cruise ship piers.
Remember to negotiate the price before getting into the taxi. You can pay the taxi fare in US dollars or in Pesos, but always confirm the currency.
The fares (based on 1 to 4 persons sharing a taxi) to some of the more popular locations are as follows (per taxi, not per person!):
One-Way Fares To/From the TMM International Pier & the Puerta Maya Pier |
Fare |
Downtown (El Centro) Chankanaab Park Cozumel Country Club Dzul-Ha Beach El Presidente Hotel Punta Sur Park San Gervasio Ruins Round Trip Mr. Sancho's Beach Club Playa Corona Playa Palancar Playa San Francisco Playa Mia Beach Club
US$ 6 US$ 10 US$ 7 US$ 6 US$ 6 US$ 30 US$ 45 US$ 14 US$ 10 US$ 17 US$ 12 US$ 14
(subject to change without notice) |
Tablet or Smartphone. There are many places in the Cozumel area where the Wi-Fi is free, so you can spend a little time re-connecting with the real world for a lot less than the internet on board your ship.
Cozumel Beaches South, on the Western Side of the Island
Only about 4 miles south of town you'll find the Money Bar Beach Club at Dzul Ha Reef. It's not only close to town, it's one of the best places on the island to snorkel. They have BeachComber Watersports offering snorkeling tours, snorkel equipment for rent, glass bottom kayaks and boogie boards for rent too. In addition, the Money Bar has a good restaurant that's open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. |
Cozumel car rental,
Cozumel bike rental.
Six best places to scuba dive/snorkel in Cozumel
Cozumel divers and snorkelers enjoy some of the Caribbean's clearest waters, with visibility averaging 100 feet and sometimes reaching a remarkable 200 feet or more. At least 230 fish species reside around Cozumel's reefs, which are most famous for rich coral growth, soft gorgonian fans and giant elephant-ear sponges that measure 10 to 12 feet across and grow at 100 feet or below. The continuous ocean currents responsible for the island's remarkably clear water and thriving marine life also make Cozumel the Caribbean's drift-diving capital, where divers swim in a 1 to 2 knot flow.
MORE: Things to do in Cozumel
The presence of current unsettles some new divers and snorkelers who unwisely fight it — a wasted effort that wears them out and cuts their dive time dramatically from sucking up huge volumes of air. Experienced divers know to use the underwater wind to soar like a bird and go with the flow. No reason for panic as dive boats follow diver bubbles and are always ready for anyone surfacing.
Shallow diving and snorkeling
Chankanaab National Park is on this short list because it's both Cozumel's hottest attraction, a cruise excursion favorite and a good family place to spend a half or even full day when cruise ship crowds are tolerable. For snorkelers, Chankanaab lagoon (called "little sea" by the Mays) offers easy access to the wonderful shallow 20-foot deep cove — long popular for its numerous fish and coral heads. The quality of good beginner snorkeling earns plenty of positive online posts despite competition from the park's mini-amusement park crammed with a little bit of everything: good beach for relaxing, crocodile farm, sea lion shows, Maya statue displays, massages, gifts, restaurants with hand-made tortillas and a dolphin swim. It's cheaper to visit on your own by private taxi than with a cruise tour. The lagoon also offers divers access to a nearby offshore dive site.
Paradise Reef contains a trio of adjacent reefs all exhibiting plentiful marine life such as multi-colored tropical fish, lobster, octopus and — if you look carefully under reef ledges or in holes — Cozumel's own Splendid Toad Fish. Said to be found nowhere else in the world, the Splendid Toad Fish grows 12 to 16 inches long and apparently can inhale another fish quicker than your eye can see. If one of the world's fastest eaters does it in front of you, you would never know. Bring food to attract yellowtails, angels and tangs. At a depth of only 45 to 50 feet, Paradise Reef is a great night dive.
San Francisco Reef ranges from 35 to 50 feet, making it Cozumel's shallowest wall dive. The reef is divided into three separate sections with sandy stretches of 50 to 60 yards between them. The entire reef is filled with marine life including larger inhabitants such as rays and sea turtles and something unexpected might swim in for a visit from out from the deep blue. If it's your first time at a deep wall, look over the wall edge and see the drop into nothingness — a sometimes unexpectedly humbling experience.
Deep dives
Palancar Reef made Cozumel famous decades ago and it continues to attract thousands of divers every year, many for repeat visits. Extending more than 3.5 miles and located about a mile offshore, Palancar Reef requires numerous visits to appreciate all that lives on, in and around it. Despite its many deep reef sections, Shallow Palancar is just 20 to 40 feet with caves and narrow, long tunnels. Lacking a strong current, it's the perfect site for new divers needing to acquire a taste for drift diving. Deeper Big Horseshoe is among the Palancar's most visited dives. Just as the name advertises, a chain of giant "U"-shaped coral heads rising from 100 feet to just 20 or 25 feet below the surface form a natural horseshoe. Normally with little current, the 100-foot bottom depth is questionable for novices. At the area sometimes known as Deep Palancar, the wall begins at 90 to 100 feet and divers may descend to 120. Currents are stronger in certain parts but visibility always remains outstanding. A dive computer is mandatory for any deep venture.
The Santa Rosa Wall starts at 50 feet before plummeting, with a strong current creating an exciting experience that advance divers will enjoy riding. Glide the wall face past massive sponges and duck under large hard coral overhangs — avoiding the fire coral. Anticipate approaching caves and tunnel swim-throughs. Large grouper accustomed to divers and sea turtles are common. Spotted eagle rays with wingspans of eight to 10 feet could appear. If one does, hang onto a rock to watch (and film) the magnificent animal as it effortlessly swims against the current.
Punta Sur definitely belongs to advanced divers when, depending on weather, the first challenge starts aboard your dive boat suiting up in rough water conditions. Jumping in to the fast mid-water current requires no fumbling by divers and the skill to descend quickly — or risk missing the dive site. Why bother? Punta Sur features astounding walls with magnificent corals and sponges worthy of a shout-into-your-mouthpiece appreciation (well, at least for me). Best known is the legendary location called "Devil's Throat," an exhilarating experience starting with a swim through a dark, narrow coral tunnel that ends at 130+ feet overlooking the endless void. At this depth, spiraling whip corals, large black coral formations and brightly colored gorgonians jut out from the wall — rare photographic delicacies. Unfortunately, Punta Sur's equally famed sponge-created cross on the ceiling of "The Cathedral" was destroyed by a 2005 hurricane but is still visited for its tunnel system. Use a dive computer.
COZUMEL: Activities by traveler type