오늘의 복음

January 31, 2023 Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest

Margaret K 2023. 1. 31. 06:07

2023년 1월 31일 연중 제4주간 화요일

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 


히브리서. 12,1-4

형제 여러분, 1 이렇게 많은 증인들이 우리를 구름처럼 에워싸고 있으니,

우리도 온갖 짐과 그토록 쉽게 달라붙는 죄를 벗어 버리고,

우리가 달려야 할 길을 꾸준히 달려갑시다.

2 그러면서 우리 믿음의 영도자이시며 완성자이신 예수님을 바라봅시다.

그분께서는 당신 앞에 놓인 기쁨을 내다보시면서,

부끄러움도 아랑곳하지 않으시고 십자가를 견디어 내시어,

하느님의 어좌 오른쪽에 앉으셨습니다.

3 죄인들의 그러한 적대 행위를 견디어 내신 분을 생각해 보십시오.

그러면 낙심하여 지쳐 버리는 일이 없을 것입니다.

4 여러분은 죄에 맞서 싸우면서

아직 피를 흘리며 죽는 데까지 이르지는 않았습니다.


마르코. 5,21-43

그때에 21 예수님께서 배를 타시고 건너편으로 가시자

많은 군중이 그분께 모여들었다.

예수님께서 호숫가에 계시는데,

22 야이로라는 한 회당장이 와서 예수님을 뵙고 그분 발 앞에 엎드려,

23 “제 어린 딸이 죽게 되었습니다.

가셔서 아이에게 손을 얹으시어

그 아이가 병이 나아 다시 살게 해 주십시오.” 하고 간곡히 청하였다.

24 그리하여 예수님께서는 그와 함께 나서시었다.

많은 군중이 그분을 따르며 밀쳐 댔다.

25 그 가운데에 열두 해 동안이나 하혈하는 여자가 있었다.

26 그 여자는 숱한 고생을 하며 많은 의사의 손에 가진 것을 모두 쏟아부었지만,

아무 효험도 없이 상태만 더 나빠졌다.

27 그가 예수님의 소문을 듣고,

군중에 섞여 예수님 뒤로 가서 그분의 옷에 손을 대었다.

28 ‘내가 저분의 옷에 손을 대기만 하여도 구원을 받겠지.’ 하고

생각하였던 것이다.

29 과연 곧 출혈이 멈추고 병이 나은 것을 몸으로 느낄 수 있었다.

30 예수님께서는 곧 당신에게서 힘이 나간 것을 아시고 군중에게 돌아서시어,

“누가 내 옷에 손을 대었느냐?” 하고 물으셨다.

31 그러자 제자들이 예수님께 반문하였다.

“보시다시피 군중이 스승님을 밀쳐 대는데,

‘누가 나에게 손을 대었느냐?’ 하고 물으십니까?”

32 그러나 예수님께서는 누가 그렇게 하였는지 보시려고 사방을 살피셨다.

33 그 부인은 자기에게 일어난 일을 알았기 때문에,

두려워 떨며 나와서 예수님 앞에 엎드려 사실대로 다 아뢰었다.

34 그러자 예수님께서 그 여자에게 이르셨다.

“딸아, 네 믿음이 너를 구원하였다.

평안히 가거라. 그리고 병에서 벗어나 건강해져라.”

35 예수님께서 아직 말씀하고 계실 때에 회당장의 집에서 사람들이 와서는,

“따님이 죽었습니다.

그러니 이제 스승님을 수고롭게 할 필요가 어디 있겠습니까?” 하고 말하였다.

36 예수님께서는 그들이 말하는 것을 곁에서 들으시고

회당장에게 말씀하셨다.

“두려워하지 말고 믿기만 하여라.”

37 그리고 베드로와 야고보와 야고보의 동생 요한 외에는

아무도 당신을 따라오지 못하게 하셨다.

38 그들이 회당장의 집에 이르렀다.

예수님께서는 소란한 광경과 사람들이 큰 소리로 울며 탄식하는 것을 보시고,

39 안으로 들어가셔서 그들에게, “어찌하여 소란을 피우며 울고 있느냐?

저 아이는 죽은 것이 아니라 자고 있다.” 하고 말씀하셨다.

40 그들은 예수님을 비웃었다. 예수님께서는 그들을 다 내쫓으신 다음,

아이 아버지와 어머니와 당신의 일행만 데리고

아이가 있는 곳으로 들어가셨다.

41 그리고 아이의 손을 잡으시고 말씀하셨다. “탈리타 쿰!”

이는 번역하면 ‘소녀야, 내가 너에게 말한다. 일어나라!’는 뜻이다.

42 그러자 소녀가 곧바로 일어서서 걸어 다녔다.

소녀의 나이는 열두 살이었다. 사람들은 몹시 놀라 넋을 잃었다.

43 예수님께서는 아무에게도 이 일을 알리지 말라고

그들에게 거듭 분부하시고 나서,

소녀에게 먹을 것을 주라고 이르셨다.

January 31, 2023

Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

: https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyTVMass

Daily Reading : https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading

Reading 1

Heb 12:1-4

Brothers and sisters:

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,

let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us

and persevere in running the race that lies before us

while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus,

the leader and perfecter of faith.

For the sake of the joy that lay before him

Jesus endured the cross, despising its shame,

and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God.

Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners,

in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart.

In your struggle against sin

you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.


Responsorial Psalm

Ps 22:26b-27, 28 and 30, 31-32

R. (see 27b) They will praise you, Lord, who long for you.

I will fulfill my vows before those who fear him.

The lowly shall eat their fill;

they who seek the LORD shall praise him:

“May your hearts be ever merry!”

R. They will praise you, Lord, who long for you.

All the ends of the earth

shall remember and turn to the LORD;

All the families of the nations

shall bow down before him.

To him alone shall bow down

all who sleep in the earth;

Before him shall bend

all who go down into the dust.

R. They will praise you, Lord, who long for you.

And to him my soul shall live;

my descendants shall serve him.

Let the coming generation be told of the LORD

that they may proclaim to a people yet to be born

the justice he has shown.

R. They will praise you, Lord, who long for you.


Mk 5:21-43

When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side,

a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea.

One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward.

Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, saying,

“My daughter is at the point of death.

Please, come lay your hands on her

that she may get well and live.”

He went off with him

and a large crowd followed him.

There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years.

She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors

and had spent all that she had.

Yet she was not helped but only grew worse.

She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd

and touched his cloak.

She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.”

Immediately her flow of blood dried up.

She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction.

Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him,

turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who has touched my clothes?”

But his disciples said to him,

“You see how the crowd is pressing upon you,

and yet you ask, Who touched me?”

And he looked around to see who had done it.

The woman, realizing what had happened to her,

approached in fear and trembling.

She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you.

Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”

While he was still speaking,

people from the synagogue official’s house arrived and said,

“Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?”

Disregarding the message that was reported,

Jesus said to the synagogue official,

“Do not be afraid; just have faith.”

He did not allow anyone to accompany him inside

except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James.

When they arrived at the house of the synagogue official,

he caught sight of a commotion,

people weeping and wailing loudly.

So he went in and said to them,

“Why this commotion and weeping?

The child is not dead but asleep.”

And they ridiculed him.

Then he put them all out.

He took along the child’s father and mother

and those who were with him

and entered the room where the child was.

He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,”

which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”

The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around.

At that they were utterly astounded.

He gave strict orders that no one should know this

and said that she should be given something to eat.


Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. - Hebrews 12

This gospel offers us a terrific reflection today. It is a story within a story and therefore there's a lot going on. And here, the drama is life and death. It is fun to keep our eyes on so many characters at once, especially the doubting disciples who always represent our weak faith.

Jesus encounters a Jewish official who pleads for him to come and "lay your hands on her" because his daughter is close to death. Of course, Jesus heads that way immediately. But, life is never simple. There's a woman there who must have overheard this talk of healing and her heart skipped a beat. She's had heavy menstrual bleeding for twelve years. It has meant that she has been "unclean" for all that time and every chair she sits on and everyone who has contact with her as well are unclean. It has ruined her life and her spirits. What if Jesus could help her. Does she slow down his getting to the help of the child? Or does she quickly take the chance to get relief? What an agonizing moment.

The woman decides to take the risk and only reach out and touch his cloak as he whisked by. The experience of her healing fills her immediately. And, Jesus feels it too. He felt her needy-trusting touch in the crowd (the most unbelievable part to the disciples) and he felt his healing love go out to her.

Imagine the excitement of the Jewish father, seeing the power Jesus has, but just then, while Jesus is in mid-sentence telling the woman her faith saved her, news comes that the daughter had died. Now imagine the father's heart. But Jesus, "disregarding the message" tells the father, "Do not be afraid; just have faith." And they headed to the father's house.

Everyone was in full grief when they got there and Jesus tried to calm them all down. He took just the father and mother into the house, and only allowed Peter, James and John to stay (part of their special formation program, perhaps) and Jesus gave the twelve year old her life back and gave her back to her parents. And, he made sure they "gave her something to eat." What a story.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and I could turn to Jesus this readily, in our needs? Maybe this gospel can remind us to keep our eyes fixed on him each day, even in the midst of our busy ways of avoiding our need for him. There are so many of us, around the world, with so many needs that his touch can really heal. At the very least, he can heal our doubts and fears, our dependencies on other stuff, our angers, our hurts, our judgments, our pride. Maybe, in this renewal of faith, we can just turn his direction and reach out for him. Maybe a loved one has gone to get him, in some way, to bring him to us, and it doesn't matter what obstacles lie in the way. Jesus wants to be with us.

And, for the many of us who have asked for healing and have not received what we have asked for, our faith invites us to place our trust in the power that will flow out of him to us, as we keep our trust in him.

Andy Alexander, S.J. origionally wrote this reflection on these readings in 2007.



“ ‘If I just touch His clothing,’ she thought, ‘I shall get well.’ ” —Mark 5:28

A woman who was hemorrhaging touched Jesus. According to Jewish law, this made Jesus unclean (cf Lv 15:25, 27). Instead, His touch made the woman healed and whole (Mk 5:29ff). Touching Jesus is unlike touching anyone else in the world.

Jesus reached out to touch and take the hand of a dead, twelve-year-old girl (Mk 5:41). According to Jewish law, this made Jesus unclean (see Nm 19:11). Instead, Jesus’ touch raised the girl from the dead (Mk 5:42). No one else’s touch can raise the dead.

Do you want to touch Jesus and be touched by Him? You can be touched by Jesus through the members of His Body, the Church. You can touch Jesus in the Sacraments, especially in the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. Get in touch with Jesus by loving His Church (Eph 5:25) and receiving Him in Holy Communion. In touch with Him, you are in touch with life, love, hope, peace, freedom, joy, purity, and victory. In touch with Jesus, you are in touch with healing and resurrection. You are in touch with God.

Prayer: Jesus, touch me, and “O, what joy shall fill my soul.”

Promise: “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, Who inspires and perfects our faith.” —Heb 12:2

Praise: St. John Bosco was devoted to St. Francis de Sales and his teachings. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. John founded the Salesians, a religious order dedicated to caring for the young.


Do you approach the Lord Jesus with expectant faith or with skeptical doubt? People in desperate or helpless circumstances were not disappointed when they sought Jesus out. What drew them to Jesus? Was it hope for a miracle or a word of comfort in their affliction? What did the elderly woman who had suffered miserably for twelve years expect Jesus to do for her? And what did a grieving father expect Jesus to do for his beloved daughter who was at the point of death? Jesus gave hope where there seemed to be no human cause for it because his hope was directed to God. He spoke words of hope to the woman (Take heart, daughter!) to ignite the spark of faith in her (your faith has made you well!).

Expectant faith believes in Jesus' power to act in our lives today

Ephrem the Syrian (306-373 AD), an early church Scripture scholar and author of hymns and commentaries, reflected on the miracle of the woman who was healed of her flow of blood:

"Glory to you, hidden Son of God, because your healing power is proclaimed through the hidden suffering of the afflicted woman. Through this woman whom they could see, the witnesses were enabled to behold the divinity that cannot be seen. Through the Son's own healing power his divinity became known. Through the afflicted women's being healed her faith was made manifest. She caused him to be proclaimed, and indeed was honored with him. For truth was being proclaimed together with its heralds. If she was a witness to his divinity, he in turn was a witness to her faith... He saw through to her hidden faith, and gave her a visible healing."

The Lord Jesus will touch each of us with his healing hands of love and mercy

Jesus also gave supernatural hope to a father who had just lost a beloved child. It took considerable courage and risk for the ruler of a synagogue to openly go to Jesus and to invite the scorn of his neighbors and kin. Even the hired mourners laughed scornfully at Jesus. Their grief was devoid of any hope. Nonetheless, Jesus took the girl by the hand and delivered her from the grasp of death. Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD), an early church father who was renowned for his preaching at Ravena, comments on this miracle:

"This man was a ruler of the synagogue, and versed in the law. He had surely read that while God created all other things by his word, man had been created by the hand of God. He trusted therefore in God that his daughter would be recreated, and restored to life by that same hand which, he knew, had created her... He [Jesus] who laid hands on her to form her from nothing, once more lays hands upon her to reform her from what had perished."

In both instances we see Jesus' personal concern for the needs of others and his readiness to heal and restore life. In Jesus we see the infinite love of God extending to each and every individual as he gives freely and wholly of himself to each person he meets. Do you approach the Lord with confident expectation that he will hear your request and act?

Lord Jesus, you love each of us individually with a unique and personal love. Touch my life with your saving power, heal and restore me to fullness of life. Help me to give wholly of myself in loving service to others.

Psalm 86:1-6

1 Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.

2 Preserve my life, for I am Godly; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God;

3 be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day.

4 Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

5 For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on you.

6 Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; hearken to my cry of supplication.

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: The long-suffering of parents, by Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD)

"Let us, if it is pleasing to you, speak for a moment of the pains and anxieties which parents take upon themselves and endure in patience out of love and affection for their children. Here, surrounded by her family and by the sympathy and affection of her relations, a daughter lies upon her bed of suffering. She is fading in body. Her father's mind and spirit are worn with grief. She is suffering the inward pangs of her sickness. He, unwashed, unkempt, is absorbed wholly in sorrow. He suffers and endures before the eyes of the world. She is sinking into the quiet of death... Alas! why are children indifferent to these things! Why are they not mindful of them? Why are they not eager to make a return to their parents for them? But the love of parents goes on nevertheless; and whatever parents bestow upon their children, God, the parent of us all, will duly repay." (excerpt from SERMON 33.2)

[Peter Chrysologus, 400-450 AD, was a renowned preacher and bishop of Ravena in the 5th century]