오늘의 복음

January 28, 2023 Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

Margaret K 2023. 1. 28. 06:24

2023년 1월 28일 연중 제3주간 토요일


히브리서. 11,1-2.8-19

형제 여러분, 1 믿음은 우리가 바라는 것들의 보증이며

보이지 않는 실체들의 확증입니다.

2 사실 옛사람들은 믿음으로 인정을 받았습니다.

8 믿음으로써, 아브라함은 장차 상속 재산으로 받을 곳을 향하여

떠나라는 부르심을 받고 그대로 순종하였습니다.

그는 어디로 가는지도 모르고 떠난 것입니다.

9 믿음으로써, 그는 같은 약속의 공동 상속자인 이사악과 야곱과 함께

천막을 치고 머무르면서,

약속받은 땅인데도 남의 땅인 것처럼 이방인으로 살았습니다.

10 하느님께서 설계자이시며 건축가로서

튼튼한 기초를 갖추어 주신 도성을 기다리고 있었기 때문입니다.

11 믿음으로써, 사라는 아이를 가지지 못하는 여인인 데다

나이까지 지났는데도 임신할 능력을 얻었습니다.

약속해 주신 분을 성실하신 분으로 여겼기 때문입니다.

12 그리하여 한 사람에게서, 그것도 죽은 것이나 다름없는 사람에게서

하늘의 별처럼 수가 많고 바닷가의 모래처럼 셀 수 없는 후손이 태어났습니다.

13 이들은 모두 믿음 속에 죽어 갔습니다.

약속된 것을 받지는 못하였지만 멀리서 그것을 보고 반겼습니다.

그리고 자기들은 이 세상에서 이방인이며 나그네일 따름이라고 고백하였습니다.

14 그들은 이렇게 말함으로써 자기들이 본향을 찾고 있음을 분명히 드러냈습니다.

15 만일 그들이 떠나온 곳을 생각하고 있었다면, 돌아갈 기회가 있었을 것입니다.

16 그러나 실상 그들은 더 나은 곳, 바로 하늘 본향을 갈망하고 있었습니다.

그래서 하느님께서는 그들의 하느님이라고 불리시는 것을 부끄러워하지 않으시고,

그들에게 도성을 마련해 주셨습니다.

17 믿음으로써, 아브라함은 시험을 받을 때에 이사악을 바쳤습니다.

약속을 받은 아브라함이 외아들을 바치려고 하였습니다.

18 그 외아들을 두고 하느님께서는 일찍이,

“이사악을 통하여 후손들이 너의 이름을 물려받을 것이다.” 하고


19 아브라함은 하느님께서 죽은 사람까지 일으키실 수 있다고 생각하였습니다.

그리하여 이사악을 하나의 상징으로 돌려받은 것입니다.



마르코. 4,35-41

35 그날 저녁이 되자 예수님께서 제자들에게,

“호수 저쪽으로 건너가자.” 하고 말씀하셨다.

36 그래서 그들이 군중을 남겨 둔 채,

배에 타고 계신 예수님을 그대로 모시고 갔는데,

다른 배들도 그분을 뒤따랐다.

37 그때에 거센 돌풍이 일어 물결이 배 안으로 들이쳐서,

물이 배에 거의 가득 차게 되었다.

38 그런데도 예수님께서는 고물에서 베개를 베고 주무시고 계셨다.

제자들이 예수님을 깨우며,

“스승님, 저희가 죽게 되었는데도 걱정되지 않으십니까?” 하고 말하였다.

39 그러자 예수님께서 깨어나시어 바람을 꾸짖으시고 호수더러,

“잠잠해져라. 조용히 하여라!” 하시니 바람이 멎고 아주 고요해졌다.

40 예수님께서는 그들에게,

“왜 겁을 내느냐? 아직도 믿음이 없느냐?” 하고 말씀하셨다.

41 그들은 큰 두려움에 사로잡혀 서로 말하였다.

“도대체 이분이 누구시기에 바람과 호수까지 복종하는가?”

January 28, 2023

Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass

: https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyTVMass

Daily Reading : https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading

Reading 1

Heb 11:1-2, 8-19

Brothers and sisters:

Faith is the realization of what is hoped for

and evidence of things not seen.

Because of it the ancients were well attested.

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place

that he was to receive as an inheritance;

he went out, not knowing where he was to go.

By faith he sojourned in the promised land as in a foreign country,

dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise;

for he was looking forward to the city with foundations,

whose architect and maker is God.

By faith he received power to generate,

even though he was past the normal age

and Sarah herself was sterile

for he thought that the one who had made the promise was trustworthy.

So it was that there came forth from one man,

himself as good as dead,

descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky

and as countless as the sands on the seashore.

All these died in faith.

They did not receive what had been promised

but saw it and greeted it from afar

and acknowledged themselves to be strangers and aliens on earth,

for those who speak thus show that they are seeking a homeland.

If they had been thinking of the land from which they had come,

they would have had opportunity to return.

But now they desire a better homeland, a heavenly one.

Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God,

for he has prepared a city for them.

By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac,

and he who had received the promises was ready to offer his only son,

of whom it was said,

Through Isaac descendants shall bear your name.

He reasoned that God was able to raise even from the dead,

and he received Isaac back as a symbol.


Responsorial Psalm

Luke 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75

R. (see 68) Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel; he has come to his people.

He has raised up for us a mighty savior,

born of the house of his servant David.

R. Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel; he has come to his people.

Through his holy prophets he promised of old.

that he would save us from our sins

from the hands of all who hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our fathers

and to remember his holy covenant.

R. Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel; he has come to his people.

This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham:

to set us free from the bonds of our enemies,

free to worship him without fear,

holy and righteous in his sight

all the days of our life.

R. Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel; he has come to his people.



Mk 4:35-41

On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples:

“Let us cross to the other side.”

Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was.

And other boats were with him.

A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat,

so that it was already filling up.

Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.

They woke him and said to him,

“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

He woke up,

rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!”

The wind ceased and there was great calm.

Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified?

Do you not yet have faith?”

They were filled with great awe and said to one another,

“Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”


This reflection will be coming soon. This reflection was written on these readings by Maureen McCann Waldron in 2001.

Ok, Jesus, are you going to wake up now? Here I am on this ship in a storm. It’s so black out tonight and the wind is whipping and the waves are crashing over my small boat and I feel so afraid. Please stop sleeping now and wake up. I’m scared. Save me.

But when I touch him gently on the shoulder and he awakens to the thunderous storm, he doesn’t look surprised or afraid. He stands up in the boat and stretches out his arms and the wind and sea become calm.

I want him to do that to me, too. I want him to stretch his arms over me and make me calm. He does, too. He searches my face and asks, “Why are you so terrified?” I turn away. I can’t answer.

Today Jesus invites us to respond to that question, to share with him the answer: why am I so afraid? What is it that I hold so deeply down in my soul that I don’t even want to share it with Jesus? What is it in our lives that fills us with fears, knots our stomachs and terrifies us? For each of us it will be different.

The winds and rains whipping around our lives so furiously, what do they represent? The real terrors that storm through our lives might be fears of acceptance, fears of ever being truly loved or of trying to overcome a terrible betrayal that has left us with scars we believe will never heal.

“Quiet. Be still,” Jesus says to us softly as he lifts his healing arms over us. This is our chance to place those fears into Jesus’ hands. We can become fear-less, perhaps not through our own confidence but by trusting in the one who loves us so infinitely in our fears.

We can trust in Jesus. With his arms outstretched over us, he instills in us his healing strength and we find ourselves ready to follow his call to live the gospel. Believing in his presence in our lives, we might be willing to stand at the edge of the boat in the storm, speaking out for the poor and disenfranchised.

“Quiet, be still,” he invites us. The waves and winds are still there, but we are stronger, more faith-filled. We steer the boat toward Jerusalem.



“Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see.” —Hebrews 11:1

We are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8). “All depends on faith, everything is grace” (Rm 4:16). Therefore, faith in the Lord is absolutely necessary. However, this presents a problem because we are lacking in faith (see Mk 4:40). Jesus asks: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find any faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8) We must cry out to the Lord: “I do believe! Help my unbelief!” (Mk 9:24, RNAB) “Faith is confident assurance” (Heb 11:1). It is a solid, substantial assurance of security, stability, affirmation, and unconditional love. We can rest assured, for the Lord is our Rock (see Ps 18:3) and our Abba (see Mt 6:9; Gal 4:6). We are securely held in His loving arms.

Faith is the result of a very good relationship. To have such substantial, confident assurance of God’s love, we must truly and deeply know the Lord. Jesus taught and prayed: “Eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ” (Jn 17:3). St. Paul prayed: “I wish to know Christ” (Phil 3:10). We too should pray to know God so as to have faith in Him.

Prayer: Father, may my love for You result in faith in You. May this faith cause me to experience the “breadth and length and height and depth of Christ’s love” (Eph 3:18). May this deeper love result in deeper faith.

Promise: “All of these died in faith.” —Heb 11:13

Praise: St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “Faith is said to be beyond reason, not because faith does not involve an act of reason, but rather because the reason involved in faith cannot lead one to see the things which pertain to faith.”


How can we fight fear with faith? Jesus' sleeping presence on the storm-tossed sea reveals the sleeping faith of his disciples. They feared for their lives even though their Lord and Master was with them in the boat. They were asleep to Christ while he was present to them in their hour of need. The Lord is ever present to us. And in our time of testing he asks the same question: Why are you afraid? Have you no faith? Do you recognize the Lord's presence with you, especially when you meet the storms of adversity, sorrow, and temptation? Whenever we encounter trouble, the Lord is there with the same reassuring message: "It is I, do not be afraid."

Faith must be nourished with the Word of God

What are the characteristics of faith and how can we grow in it? Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to us. Believing is only possible by grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, who moves the heart and who opens the eyes of the mind to understand and accept the truth which God has revealed to us. Faith enables us to relate to God rightly and confidently, with trust and reliance, by believing and adhering to his word, because he is utterly reliable and trustworthy. If we want to live, grow, and persevere in faith, then it must be nourished with the word of God.

Christ's love and truth strengthen us in faith and trust

Fear does not need to cripple us from taking right action or rob us of our trust and reliance on God. Courage working with faith enables us to embrace God's word of truth and love with confidence and to act on it with firm hope in God's promises. The love of God strengthens us in our faith and trust in him and enables us to act with justice and kindness towards our neighbor even in the face of opposition or harm. Do you allow the love of Christ to rule in your heart and mind, and to move your will to choose what is good in accordance with his will?

Lord Jesus, increase my faith in your redeeming love and power that I may always recognize your abiding presence with me. And give me courage to do your will in all circumstances.

Psalm 51:12-17

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you.

14 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your deliverance.

15 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth your praise.

16 For you have no delight in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt offering, you would not be pleased.

17 The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Awakening the Christ asleep within you, by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.

"When you have to listen to abuse, that means you are being buffeted by the wind. When your anger is roused, you are being tossed by the waves. So when the winds blow and the waves mount high, the boat is in danger, your heart is imperiled, your heart is taking a battering. On hearing yourself insulted, you long to retaliate; but the joy of revenge brings with it another kind of misfortune - shipwreck. Why is this? Because Christ is asleep in you. What do I mean? I mean you have forgotten his presence. Rouse him, then; remember him, let him keep watch within you, pay heed to him... A temptation arises: it is the wind. It disturbs you: it is the surging of the sea. This is the moment to awaken Christ and let him remind you of those words: 'Who can this be? Even the winds and the sea obey him." (excerpt from Sermons 63:1-3)