오늘의 복음

July 15, 2022 Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Margaret K 2022. 7. 15. 06:14

 2022 7 15일 연중 제15주간 금요일 

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 


이사야서 38,1-6.21-22.7-8
1 그 무렵 히즈키야가 병이 들어 죽게 되었는데,

아모츠의 아들 이사야 예언자가 그에게 와서 말하였다.
“주님께서 이렇게 말씀하십니다.
‘너의 집안일을 정리하여라. 너는 회복하지 못하고 죽을 것이다.’”
2 그러자 히즈키야가 얼굴을 벽 쪽으로 돌리고
주님께 기도하면서 3 말씀드렸다.
“아, 주님, 제가 당신 앞에서 성실하고 온전한 마음으로 걸어왔고,
당신 보시기에 좋은 일을 해 온 것을 기억해 주십시오.”
그러고 나서 히즈키야는 슬피 통곡하였다.
4 주님의 말씀이 이사야에게 내렸다.
5 “가서 히즈키야에게 말하여라.
‘너의 조상 다윗의 하느님인 주님이 이렇게 말한다.
나는 네 기도를 들었고 네 눈물을 보았다.
자, 내가 너의 수명에다 열다섯 해를 더해 주겠다.
6 그리고 아시리아 임금의 손아귀에서
너와 이 도성을 구해 내고 이 도성을 보호해 주겠다.’”
21 이사야가 “무화과 과자를 가져다가 종기 위에 발라 드리면,
임금님께서 나으실 것이오.” 하고 말하였다.
22 히즈키야가 “내가 주님의 집에 오를 수 있다는 표징은 무엇이오?” 하고 물었다.
7 “이것은 주님이 말한 일을 그대로 이룬다는 표징으로서,
주님이 너에게 보여 주는 것이다.
8 보라, 지는 해를 따라 내려갔던 아하즈의 해시계의 그림자를
내가 열 칸 뒤로 돌리겠다.”
그러자 아하즈의 해시계 위에 드리워졌던 해가 열 칸 뒤로 돌아갔다.


마태오 12,1-8
1 그때에 예수님께서 안식일에 밀밭 사이를 지나가시게 되었다.
그런데 그분의 제자들이 배가 고파서, 밀 이삭을 뜯어 먹기 시작하였다.
2 바리사이들이 그것을 보고 예수님께 말하였다.
“보십시오, 선생님의 제자들이 안식일에 해서는 안 되는 일을 하고 있습니다.”
3 그러자 예수님께서 그들에게 말씀하셨다.
“다윗과 그 일행이 배가 고팠을 때,
다윗이 어떻게 하였는지 너희는 읽어 본 적이 없느냐?
4 그가 하느님의 집에 들어가,
사제가 아니면 그도 그의 일행도 먹어서는 안 되는 제사 빵을 먹지 않았느냐?
5 또 안식일에 사제들이 성전에서 안식일을 어겨도
죄가 되지 않는다는 것을 율법에서 읽어 본 적이 없느냐?
6 내가 너희에게 말한다. 성전보다 더 큰 이가 여기에 있다.
7 ‘내가 바라는 것은 희생 제물이 아니라 자비다.’ 하신 말씀이
무슨 뜻인지 너희가 알았더라면, 죄 없는 이들을 단죄하지는 않았을 것이다.
8 사실 사람의 아들은 안식일의 주인이다.” 

July 15, 2022

 Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyTVMass

Reading 1

Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8

When Hezekiah was mortally ill,
the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, came and said to him:
"Thus says the LORD: Put your house in order,
for you are about to die; you shall not recover."
Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord:

"O LORD, remember how faithfully and wholeheartedly
I conducted myself in your presence,
doing what was pleasing to you!"
And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

Then the word of the LORD came to Isaiah: "Go, tell Hezekiah:
Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David:
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.
I will heal you: in three days you shall go up to the Lord's temple;
I will add fifteen years to your life.
I will rescue you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria;
I will be a shield to this city."

Isaiah then ordered a poultice of figs to be taken
and applied to the boil, that he might recover.
Then Hezekiah asked,
"What is the sign that I shall go up to the temple of the LORD?"

Isaiah answered:
"This will be the sign for you from the LORD
that he will do what he has promised:
See, I will make the shadow cast by the sun
on the stairway to the terrace of Ahaz
go back the ten steps it has advanced."
So the sun came back the ten steps it had advanced.

Responsorial Psalm

R. (see 17b)

You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.
Once I said,
"In the noontime of life I must depart!
To the gates of the nether world I shall be consigned
for the rest of my years." 
R. You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.
I said, "I shall see the LORD no more
in the land of the living.
No longer shall I behold my fellow men
among those who dwell in the world."
R. You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.
My dwelling, like a shepherd's tent,
is struck down and borne away from me;
You have folded up my life, like a weaver
who severs the last thread.
R. You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.
Those live whom the LORD protects;
yours is the life of my spirit.
You have given me health and life.
R. You saved my life, O Lord; I shall not die.


Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath.

His disciples were hungry
and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them.
When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him,
"See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath."
He said to the them, "Have you not read what David did
when he and his companions were hungry,
how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering,
which neither he nor his companions
but only the priests could lawfully eat?
Or have you not read in the law that on the sabbath
the priests serving in the temple violate the sabbath
and are innocent?
I say to you, something greater than the temple is here.
If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice,
you would not have condemned these innocent men.
For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath."



 s we age, most of us begin to feel that time is beginning to pass more rapidly. I feel this when holidays and other major events all seem to fly by. One of my astute students observed that this may seem true because I have only a small percentage of my years left. Statistics bear this out. I am sure that I felt then, and feel now, a heightened sense of immediacy to get things in order, to be more concerned about my spirituality, and my reasonable use of the “small percentage” of time I have left.

King Hezekiah, in our first reading, reacted in somewhat the same way. He was mortally ill due to an infected boil. The prophet Isaiah relayed God’s words to the King: “Put your house in order, for you are about to die; you will not recover.” Hezehiah prayed and wept. God heard him and sent Isaiah to tell the King that he would be spared, and Jerusalem would be saved from the Assyrians.

Maybe it is a human weakness to not believe it when good fortune comes to us. Even if God is surely speaking to us. Like children, we want to be reassured. Hezekiah wanted not just a cure for his malady, he wanted a sign from God to indicate the time to return to the temple to complete the cure. God, indicated that He would turn back time as indicated by the shadow on the nearby steps. The King did live on; the House of David survived; Jesus Christ was born of the House of David...miracle of miracles.

God not only saved Hezekiah’s life, He promised the King 15 years of life. By the end of 14.9 years, imagine the “examen” that Hezekiah would need to do each day. I personally have not been promised 15 more years. I have not planned the next 15 years. I do, however, feel an enhanced need to take God’s words more seriously every blessed day. We may say with the psalmist, “You have given me health and life. You have saved my life, O Lord, I shall not die.”

The Gospel today revisits a common theme: Jesus reasons with the Pharisees. The ever-observant Pharisees point out that the disciples are unlawfully gathering food on the Sabbath. Jesus reasoned that priests in the Temple do their work on the Sabbath; King David and some of his men entered the Temple and ate sacrificial food. They were found innocent. Jesus then inferred that the field in which they stood was greater than the Temple, since the “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” “ These men (the disciples) are [as] innocent as the priests in the Temple.” God does not require sacrifice, but mercy. God asks us to be motivated not by the letter of the law, but by mercy and love.

We should all live this

To be for and with others

So easy to do



“O Lord, remember how faithfully and wholeheartedly I conducted myself in Your presence, doing what was pleasing to You!” —Isaiah 38:3

The Lord loved King Hezekiah. When Hezekiah became terminally ill at the age of 39, the Lord healed him and gave him fifteen more years of life (Is 38:5). The Lord even made the sun go backward as a sign of Hezekiah’s healing (Is 38:7-8).

King Hezekiah loved the Lord. He conducted himself faithfully and wholeheartedly in the Lord’s presence (Is 38:3). “He put his trust in the Lord, the God of Israel; and neither before him nor after him was there anyone like him among all the kings of Judah” (2 Kgs 18:5).

Then Hezekiah became proud (2 Chr 32:25). His house was no longer in order (see Is 38:1). He became deathly sick, was miraculously healed, and didn’t even thank the Lord for healing him (2 Chr 32:25). Three years after his healing, he fathered a son, Manasseh, and possibly failed in parenting this child, for the son grew up to do “greater evil than all that was done by the Amorites before him” (2 Kgs 21:11).

The great King Hezekiah left a tarnished legacy after such a glorious start to his reign. He fell away from the Lord because of the sin of pride. Pride ruined Hezekiah’s love. Resist temptations to pride. Don’t lose your love.

Prayer:  Father, I choose love instead of pride.

Promise:  “Those live whom the Lord protects; Yours...the life of my spirit. You have given me health and life.” —Is 38:16

Praise:  St. Bonaventure was a Doctor of the Church, a Cardinal, a prolific spiritual writer, a leader in the Franciscan order, and a lifelong minister of reconciliation.



 What does the commandment "keep holy the Sabbath" require of us? Or better yet, what is the primary intention behind this command? The religious leaders confronted Jesus on this issue. The "Sabbath rest" was meant to be a time to remember and celebrate God's goodness and the goodness of his work, both in creation and redemption. It was a day set apart for the praise of God, his work of creation, and his saving actions on our behalf. It was intended to bring everyday work to a halt and to provide needed rest and refreshment.

Mercy and not sacrifice
Jesus' disciples are scolded by the scribes and Pharisees, not for plucking and eating corn from the fields, but for doing so on the Sabbath. In defending his disciples, Jesus argues from the Scriptures that human need has precedence over ritual custom. In their hunger, David and his men ate of the holy bread offered in the Temple. Jesus also quoted of the Sabbath work involved in worship in the Temple. This kind of work was usually double the work of worship on weekdays. Jesus then quotes from the prophet Hosea (6:6): I desire mercy, and not sacrifice. While the claims of ritual sacrifice are important to God, mercy and kindness in response to human need are even more important. Do you honor the Lord in the way you treat your neighbor and celebrate the Lord's Day?

Lord, make us to walk in your way: Where there is love and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance; where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor annoyance; where there is poverty and joy, there is neither greed nor avarice; where there is peace and contemplation, there is neither care nor restlessness; where there is the fear of God to guard the dwelling, there no enemy can enter; where there is mercy and prudence, there is neither excess nor harshness; this we know through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (Prayer of Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226)

Psalm 116:12-19

12 What shall I render to the LORD for all his bounty to me?
13 I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD,
14 I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.
15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
16 O LORD, I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your handmaid. You have loosed my bonds.
17 I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD.
18 I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people,
19 in the courts of the house of the LORD, in your midst, O Jerusalem.

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: The Seventh Day, from the early Greek fathers, attributed to Eusebius of Alexandria (5th century AD)

"Now every week has seven days. Six of these God has given to us for work, and one for prayer, rest, and making reparation for our sins, so that on the Lord's Day we may atone to God for any sins we have committed on the other six days. Therefore, arrive early at the church of God; draw near to the Lord and confess your sins to him, repenting in prayer and with a contrite heart. Attend the holy and divine liturgy; finish your prayer and do not leave before the dismissal. Contemplate your master as he is broken and distributed, yet not consumed. If you have a clear conscience, go forward and partake of the body and blood of the Lord." (excerpt from SERMON 6, 1-2)


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