이 기도문은 형제회 모임에서 또는 개별적으로 기도 할 수 있습니다. 첨부 된 Litany를 형제회 회원들과 공유하십시오.
지구 형제회 봉사자
Bob Longo, OFS
http://saintmargaretofcortona.<wbr />org/
형제 자매 여러분 기억하십시오. 우리 모두는 말과 행동으로 복음을 전하도록 부름 받았습니다.
Remember brothers and sisters, we are all called to evangelize both verbally and by our actions.
하느님은 주말 방문뿐만 아니라 그분의 자녀들을 완전히 보호하기를 원하십니다.
“God wants full custody of His children, not just weekend visits.”
A Franciscan Litany during the COVID Pandemic
God our Father, who creates and sustains us
Hear our prayer.
Jesus who came to heal us all
Hear our prayer.
Holy Spirit, the Comforter
Hear our prayer.
In the desert, Moses prayed to the Lord for his sister Miriam: “Please heal her!” (Numbers 12:13)
--We too pray for our sisters and brothers: Lord heal them.
Sending out his disciples, Jesus instructed them: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Reign of
Heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse lepers.” (Matthew 10:7-8)
--We too take on this commission, thereby making the impending Reign of God present in our day.
At Solomon’s Portico the Apostles ministered to the sick and lame who were brought before them on
cots and mats “and they were all cured.” (Acts 5:16)
--We too seek God’s healing presence ministered among us in our day.
You led our holy father St. Francis among the lepers and he embraced them with mercy.
--Lord have mercy on us.
Our mother, Clare cared for St. Francis during his illness at San Damiano.
--Christ have mercy on us.
“Those weighed down by sickness and the” caregivers “wearied because of them--all of you” together,
“bear it in peace.” (Canticle of Exhortation)
--Lord have mercy.
Holy physicians, Saints Cosmas and Damian Pray for us.
St. Francis who called the sick “a mirror of our Lord” Pray for us.
St. Clare who cured the sick of Assisi Pray for us.
Blessed Ortolana, mother of St. Clare and a healer also Pray for us.
Lady Jacopa who ministered to St. Francis in his illnesses and upon his death Pray for us.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary who nursed and tended the ill Pray for us.
St. Angela of Foligno and her companion, Masazuola who found
Christ among the sick in the hospital on Holy Thursday Pray for us.
St. Margaret who established a hospital in Cortona Pray for us.
Bartolo and St. Vivaldo who ministered among the lepers Pray for us.
St. Agnes who established a hospital for the sick of Prague Pray for us.
Blessed Margherita Colonna who made medications and treated the sick Pray for us.
St. Benedict the Black, healer of the sick Pray for us.
Bl. Ludovica Albertoni who cared for the sick and poor of Rome Pray for us.
St. Colette of Corbie, healer of newborns and comfort to mothers Pray for us.
St. Rocco of Montpellier who ministered to victims of plague Pray for us.
Ven. Juana de la Cruz whose rosaries cured people in Spain & the Philippines Pray for us.
Ven. Maria Lorenza Longo who established a hospital in Naples Pray for us.
St. Diego de Alcalá who cared for the sick during the epidemic of 1450 Pray for us.
Bl. Michelina of Pesaro who nursed the sick and cared for the poor Pray for us.
St. Marianne Cope who founded hospitals
and cared for those with Hansen’s disease Pray for us.
Servant of God, Fr. Paul Wattson who helped
launch the Catholic Medical Mission Board Pray for us.
Sister Thea Bowman, healer of racial division, cancer patient,
and caregiver for her aging parents Pray for us.
All you Saints of the Franciscan Family Pray for us.
Our Lady of the Angels, Health of the Sick Pray for us.
Antiphon: “I consider you a co-worker of God and a support of the weak members of His ineffable
Body.” (3 rd Letter to Agnes)
As for the sick sisters, let the Abbess be strictly bound to inquire with diligence, by herself and through other sisters, what their illness requires, both by way of counsel as well as food and other necessities, and let her provide them charitably and kindly according to the resources of the place. Because everyone is bound to serve and provide for the sisters who are ill, let them do this as they would wish to be served if they were suffering from some illness. Let each one confidently manifest her needs to the other. For if a mother loves and cherishes her child according to the flesh, how much more diligently should a sister love and cherish her sister according to the Spirit. ~Form of Life of Clare of Assisi, Ch. 8
Antiphon: “I consider you a co-worker of God and a support of the weak members of His ineffable
Let us Pray:
You Lord Jesus, went about doing good works and healing sickness and
infirmity of every kind. You commanded your disciples to care for the sick, to
pray for them, and to lay hands on them. In this litany, we entrust our sick
brothers and sisters to your tender and merciful care. While the current
COVID pandemic feels unprecedented, we trust in your plan for us and our
times. We are thankful for doctors, nurses, scientists and caregivers amidst
this pandemic and join our prayers and efforts to theirs. Grant us soon a
vaccine and a cure. Bring health, healing, and wholeness to those afflicted.
Keep our loved ones safe and secure. All this we ask in your holy Name.
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