15 Day Cambodia & Vietnam Total $ 3856.36 Departure Date 14 Apr 2019 ~28 Apr 2019
(gate 1) $3531.36 (promotional code DLESVN400 Total $3,931.36)
visa fee paid Vietnam $100 +Cambodia $36
$192 cash spend
4/15~4/17 Cambodia( 3 night) Phnom Penh City Tour, Flight to Siem Reap, Angkor Thom & Angkor Wat Tour Tonle Sap Lake Boat Excursion,
4/18~4/28 Vietnam(10 night) Flight to Ho Chi Minh City, Flight to Hoi An, Hue, Flight to Hanoi, Halong Bay
여행 후기
하루전에 Confirmation 을 해야 될 것 같아 Gate 1에 전화를 하니
내가 Confirmation 할 필요없이 30 page. 를 프린트해서 가지고 다니라고 한다. 그동안 나는 프린트를 하지 않고 컴에 저장한 것으로 사용했는데 ?? 사실 아무 소용 없는 일이었는데 말이다. 대한 항공에서 책인을 인터냇으로 하라고 해서 했는데 공항 대스크에 갔는데 그 책인도 필요없는 것이었다.
내가 Confirmation 할 필요없이 30 page. 를 프린트해서 가지고 다니라고 한다. 그동안 나는 프린트를 하지 않고 컴에 저장한 것으로 사용했는데 ?? 사실 아무 소용 없는 일이었는데 말이다. 대한 항공에서 책인을 인터냇으로 하라고 해서 했는데 공항 대스크에 갔는데 그 책인도 필요없는 것이었다.
아침 라파엘 성당에서 경아와 같이 7시 성지주일 미사를 하고 전철을 타서 레스톤에서 5불을 주고 SL1 공항행 버스를 타고 달라스 공항에 도착 가는 시간이 2시간 반 가량 소요 10여분 만에 A4출구에 도착했다. , 아침과 점심으로 겨란, 센드위치와 고구마를 준비 했다. 비행기는 저녁을 제공할 것이다.
처음으로 대한 항공을 탔다. 기내 식사로 비빕밥이 나왔는데 맛있게 먹었다. 세시간 정도 인천공항에서 쉬다가 캄보디아 행으로 갈아탔다.
인천고항 새벽 5시 도착, 공항은 거의 문을 닫았다. 전세계 명품가게가 즐비했다. 갈때는 2시간 이 걸리고 올때 5시간 가량을 기다려야 하기에 츠렌스훠 데스크에 물어 올때는 서울 시내를 돌아볼 시간적 여유가 있는가 하고 물어보았더니 좀 빠듯하단다. 그래서 그냥 공항에서 기다렸다
캄보디아에 저녁 11시경에 도착 gate. 1 안내자가 출구에서 찾기 힘들었는데 숨어 있어 찾는데 힘들었다. 여행사에 전화를 해야 하나하고 전화를 할 수 있는 곳을 찾다가 안내자를 만날 수 있었다.
프놈펜 첫 인상은 끈적지근한 습기가 가득한 공항 풍경이었다.
나의 나홀로의 여행을 즐기는 습성 때문인지
14일 동안 32명의 여행 동반자들 그들중에 한국인 부부가 포함되었었는데 그들과 가끼이 대화를 나누고 싶지 않아 단체 관광이 없는 날은 나대로 여행을 즐겼다.
여행 기간이 4월 인데 14일간에 비를 맞은 것은 거의 없었고 한번 20여분가량 소나기가 지나가기를 기다린적이 한번 있었을 뿐이다.
캄보디아 1975~79년 경에 모든 지식인들을 죽인 크메르 공산당의 집권으로 아직까지 미개한 생활에서 벗어나지 못하는 나라.
온나라가 쓰레기로 뒤덮인 데는 쓰레기 수거가 되지 않기 때문이란다.
2800명 가랑이 압사라 궁녀들의 댄싱은 오직 왕 앞에서만 추는 춤이란다.
Phnom Penh 에 내려 하루 시내 관광을 하고 다음날 Angkor Thom & Angkor Wat Tour 을 보기 위해 비행기로 Siem Reap으로 출발
1200년대의 최 전성기를 누렸던 크메르 인들의 역사를 돌아보았다. 덮었었는데 500여년간 나무로 캄보디아 인들의 자연숭배 사랑으로 나무를 자르지 않아서 나무로 덮인 사원을 산인줄 알았단다. 1953년 불란서 사람이 주민들에게 떠도는 전설을 듣고 탐험을 시작하여 발견하게 되었단다. Angkor 도시는 만하탄의 두배, 12세기 당시 로마, 런던이 35만 인구인데 이곳은 100만의 인구가 살고 있었다고 한다. 600년동안 왕들이 자신들의 사원을 지어서 유적들이 도시에 흩어져 있고 Angkor Wat는 왕이 어머니를 위해 지은 것으로 무덤에 있는 돌 구멍안에 각종 보석들을 박아 화려함의 극치로 장식되었단다. 처음에는 힌두교의 사원으로 되었다가 불교 사원으로 바꾸었다.
연꽃 줄기로 옷감을 만들어 사용했는데 실크보다는 거칠었다.
들판의 흰 소들이 풀릉 뜯고 있었는데 가뭄으로 인한 듯이 뻐만 앙상하였다.
호수 물위에서 집단으로 생활하는 사람들에게는 정부의 어떠한 도움도 받지 못하고 산단다. 작은 배를 저의며 관광객들이 탄 배를 쫒아오면 자기들 몸에 두배나 되는 뱀을 휭힝 감고서 구걸을 애원하는 눈망울을 굴리며 계속해 쫓아오는 아이들에게는 측은지심이라고는 없고 관광 상품에 만 흥미를 느끼며 흥정을 하는 모습을 본다.
우리들의 어린시절에서 살았던 것과 같이 먹을 거리가 빈곤한 곳에서 파충물을 먹는 습성으로 매미, 여치, 방개등을 먹고 사는 것을 볼 수 있어
힘들게 살았던 세월을 되돌아 보게되었고 그들의 삶에 연민을 느낀다.
길거리에 나둥굴고 있는 쓰레기를 내 손에 잡을 수 있을 만큼에 분량을 집어서 들고 쓰레기통을 찾아 넣으며 작은 양이라도 자연에 도움이 되기를 바라본다.
에집트 피라밋, 로마 문화, 마야 문명지, 잉카 문명지. 중국의 문화 인도의 지혜로웠던 인간들의 삶의 모습들을 떠올려본다.
베트남은 프랑스 선교사들의 전교로 인구 10%가 가톨릭 신자들이 라고 한다. 그 외에는 불교 신자들이다.
각 가게마다 문 앞에 기도소를 만들어 놓았고 논 밭 안에 무덤들이 화려하게 장식된 것들을 본다.
성 주간 미사을 할 수 있을 것으로 생각했었는데 사이공에 가서는 성당에서 미사를 드리지 못했다. 성 주간 미사를 하기 위해 새벽 4시 반에 30분가량 걸려 찾아가서 5시 반 매일 미사를 하려고 했지만 굳게 닫혀져 있어. 성당 주위를 돌며 묵주기도 20단을 바쳤다. 금은방에서 100불 짜리로 환전을 하는 것이 가장 좋다고 해서 그대로 했다.
베트남에 자전거가 많은 이유는 차를 살때 택스가 1005란다.
호이안에서는 시내에서 떨어져 있는 리조트 호텔의 올드한 시설이 좋았다. 서틀을 타고 다운타운과 비치에 가서 사진을 찍었다.
돌아오는 길에는 서틀을 기다리는 것이 시간 소비를 하는 것 같이 택시 3불을 주고 탔다. 시내 곳곳에 설치된 가지 각색의 등으로 호이안의 야경이 지난 세기동안 화려했던 무역항의 모습을 아름답게 물빛에 비춰졌다.
호이안에서는 2시 반 경에 주교좌 성당을 찾아가서 오후 4시 미사가 있다는 것을 확인하고 시내를 돌아다니다. 부활 대 축일 일요 미사를 할 수 있었다.
휴는 1802년까지 옛날 수도로서 444년 동안 64명의 왕이 지배했던 성을 돌아보았다.
베트남 하롱베이
꼭 가보고 싶은 곳이었는데 막상 보니 맑은 날씨에서 볼 수 있었으면 하는 아쉬움이 남는다. 이곳을 보면서 바로 계림의 풍경이 기억에서 살아나면서 계림을 다시 보고 싶다는 생각을 한다.
하노이에는 한국인들이 많은듯했다. 롯때 백화점을 걸어서 찾아가서 김밥한줄을 4불을 주고 사 먹었다. 음식 이 이곳 가격과 맞먹었다.
하노이에서 토요일 5시 반 미사를 하고 일요일 온종일 자유시간이라서 주교자 성당에서 불란서 미사를 했다. 토요일 5시 반 미사를 하고 시내를 걸어서 돌아다녔는데남대문 시장과 같은 장마당을 돌아보고 중심가 호수 주위에는 금요일 저녁부터 일요일 저녁까지 차를 통행금지를 해서 많은 아이들이 놀이 기구를 타는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
Gate 1의 여행 페키지로 다녔지만 15일 동안 거의 혼자의 시간을 가지고 돌아다녔다.
한번도 맑은 날씨를 보지 못하고 무덥지근하고 안개낀 듯한 날씨의 계속이었고 한 시간가량의 소나기를 만났을 뿐이지만 개운한 기분은 한번도 느껴보지 못한 것 같았다.
이번 여행에서 고생 스러웠던 어린시절의 추억을 새삼 체험하게 해 주었고
내가 얼마나 축복받은 삶을 살고 있는가 하는 생각을 또 한번 느끼게 해 주었다.
4/14 Sun .1:20PM [IAD] KKE 94 Seoul, South Korea (ICN)
4/15 Mon 4:50PM (ICN) TERMINAL 2 <14 hr 25 min> Seats 36C
4/15 Mon KE 689 6:40PM~10:10PM (PNH)<05 hr(s) 30 min>
4/15 Mon, 10:10PM The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA ① pool. coffee maker
4/16 Tue, Regency Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap, CAMBODIA ① - ②
DAY 3 Phnom Penh City Tour, Flight to Siem Reap
Morning visit to the Victory Monument, dedicated to the independence from the French; it now also serves as a memorial to Cambodia's war victims. Visit the Royal Palace, built by King Norodom on the site of the old town. Within these walls, visit the Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morakot) with its floor of over 5000 shimmering silver tiles. Other national treasures housed here include solid gold and jeweled Buddha statues and a small 17th century Baccarat crystal Buddha, known as the "Emerald Buddha". Then, visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum on the site of a former high school used as the notorious Security Prison 21 (S-21) by the Khmer Rouge regime. After, depart Phnom Penh and fly to Siem Reap, gateway to the Angkor temples. Tonight, enjoy dinner with a traditional Apsara show
Overnight: Siem Reap
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
4/17 Wed, Regency Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap, CAMBODIA ② - ②
DAY 4- Full Day Angkor Thom & Angkor Wat Tour
Today, you'll understand why the architectural masterpieces of Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat, are designated as one of the "Seven Wonders of the World". This sprawling city, built by Khmer Kings was once home to more than one million people at the height of the empire. On the visit to the fortified city of Angkor Thom visit the Elephants Terrace and Terrace of the Leper King, all adorned with dramatic bas-reliefs. Continue to the mysterious Bayon Temple, highlight of Angkor Thom, replete with beautifully preserved bas-reliefs and more than 172 giant smiling stone faces. On to the monuments of Ta Keo, Prasat Kravan and Srah Srang before arriving at Ta Prohm, where the jungle was left untouched, as it appeared to European explorers. The highpoint of the day is the visit to stunning Angkor Wat, a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. World-famous for its beauty and splendor, Angkor Wat has the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which runs along the entire outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu mythology. Stay to experience the unforgettable sunset - a view that cannot be compared to anything you have ever seen! Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight
Overnight: Siem Reap
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
4/18 Thu, Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel, Ho Chi Minh, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 5, Tonle Sap Lake Boat Excursion, Flight to Ho Chi Minh
Depart Siem Reap, driving along the rolling verdant hills of the farm lands, stopping for a ride on an ox-cart, the vehicle still being used today by local farmers. Arrive at Tonle Sap Lake in the heart of Cambodia, with its rich and diverse ecosystem. Embark on a serene boat excursion - observe the local life unfolding and the floating fishing villages that dot the shoreline. Later, visit to the National Museum with its multi-media exhibits depicting the Golden Era of the Khmer Kingdom.
Afterwards, flight to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the largest city in Vietnam; transfer to your hotel
Overnight: Ho Chi Minh
Meals: Breakfast
Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral
Established between 1863 and 1880 by French colonists, the central
Weekday masses every day in Vietnamese at 5.30 am and 5 pm
4/19 Fri, Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel, Ho Chi Minh, VIETNAM ② - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 6, Ho Chi Minh City Tour
Spend the morning at leisure or, join the optional half day tour to Cu Chi Tunnels. They were part of an underground tunnel network built by the Viet Cong to control a large rural area near Saigon. The Cu Chi network includes 125 miles of tunnels with many branches connecting to underground hideouts, weapon factories, hospitals, shelters and other tunnels. In the afternoon, participate in a guided tour in Ho Chi Minh City, which includes the neo-Romanesque Notre Dame Cathedral 8am open, the Central Post Office with its French style architecture, City Hall, and the magnificent Saigon Opera House. From here, visit lively Ben Thanh Market - where an unbelievable assortment of wares and crafts are sold under one roof. Continue to Dong Khoi Street, a major shopping thoroughfare in the center of the city. Early in the evening, join your Tour Manager and travel companions for a Welcome Meeting. Remainder of the evening is at leisure. Be sure to check out the diversified dining scene in this culinary rich city
Optional: Half Day Cu Chi Tunnels (AM)
Overnight: Ho Chi Minh
Meals: Breakfast
Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral
Established between 1863 and 1880 by French colonists, the central
Weekday masses every day in Vietnamese at 5.30 am and 5 pm
Bình Tây Market
57a Tháp Mười, Phường 2, Quận 6, Hồ Chí
4/20 Sat, Hoi An Trails Resort, Hoi An, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 7 Flight to Da Nang, Hoi An Walking Tour
Depart Ho Chi Minh on your flight to Da Nang, one of Vietnam's major ports, situated on the coast of the South China Sea. Travel south to the picturesque ancient town of Hoi An, where people still wear the "ao dais", Vietnam’s traditional dress. The ancient town of Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was one the most important trading ports in Southeast Asia in the 15th century. Its ancient past is superbly preserved in an enchanting collection of temples, pagodas, shop houses and magnificent private homes in the town's Old Quarter. Walking tour of this artistic jewel, with its century's old architecture includes the gorgeous Phuoc Kien Pagoda, the 400 year old bright-red Japanese Covered Bridge and the Ancient House. Afterwards, continue to dinner at a local restaurant Overnight: Hoi An
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
Catholic Cathedral, Hoi An, Cẩm Phô tp. Hội An, 246 Lý Thường Kiệt, Phường Minh An, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam 3 km 35min to walk catholic cathedreal from hotel Sat 5:30PM, Sun 9am for children, 4 pm Mass 02 Nguyen Truong To Street
4/21 Sun . Hoi An Trails Resort, Hoi An, VIETNAM ② - ②
DAY 8, Full Day in Hoi An
Catholic Cathedral, Hoi An, Cẩm Phô tp. Hội An, 246 Lý Thường Kiệt, Phường Minh An, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam 3 km 35min to walk catholiccathedreal from hote lSat 5:30PM, Sun 9am for children, 4 pm Mass
Spend a full day at leisure discovering all of the delights of Hoi An independently. Walk through the Old City, stopping at one of the city's many museums, or see artisans using age-old techniques to fashion a variety of crafts. Of special interest are the colorful and elaborate paper lanterns created by lantern artisans for which Hoi An is well known. Or, join the optional boat trip on the Thu Bon River visiting the Organic Village, including lunch. The boat trip begins at a local pier in the Old Town. You'll cruise down streams and past many fishing areas before arriving in Kim Bong village, home of traditional woodworking and boat building. Return to the mainland and drive to the Traque Organic Village for lunch. Here, you'll meet local farmers and learn about the many vegetables and herbs organically grown to support the people of Hoi An. After a Vietnamese culinary lesson and tasting, return to Hoi An
Optional: Boat Trip on the Thu Bon River & Organic Village with Lunch Trip to Danang Hoi An! Vietnam Travel Information! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piXY104OLuk야경이 좋은 신시가지 Overnight: Hoi An
Meals: Breakfast
4/22 Mon, Eldora Hotel, Hue, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 9 Travel to Hue, Hue Imperial City Tour
This morning, travel to Da Nang, with stunning views of bowl-shaped Da Nang Bay. Drive by the Marble Mountains, an area well-known for its sophisticated handmade marble products. Journey over the towering mountains to Hue, home to a wealth of palaces, temples, libraries and museums. Afternoon tour of this former Imperial capital, modeled after the Forbidden City in Beijing. Enter the Ngo Mon Gate, principal entrance to the Imperial Enclosure and the central passageway reserved for use by the Emperor. Continue to the Thai Hoa Palace with its spacious hallways and ornamental roof, the Halls of the Mandarins, the Nine Dynastic Urns, and the ruins of the Forbidden Purple City, once home to the royal family. Tonight, spend time at leisure to explore on your own or, or join the optional tour for a Cyclo Ride (Trishaw) in the city, ending with a multi-course feast at a special restaurant within the Citadel
Optional: Cyclo Ride with Dinner at the Citadel
Overnight: Hue
Meals: Breakfast
4/23 Tue, Eldora Hotel, Hue, VIETNAM ② - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 10 Full Day in Hue
Today is at leisure to explore Hue independently. Or, participate in the not-to-be-missed optional boat excursion on the gentle Perfume River, which explores the life along the banks of the ancient royal capital city. The river, with its shimmering blue color is dotted with a poetic landscape of boats, gardens, pagodas, towers and temples. The tour continues to the legendary Thien Mu Pagoda, on the north bank of the Perfume River, built in seven successive tiers. Then, a drive to the Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc, final resting place of Vietnam's longest reigning emperor and to Khai Dinh, the last monument of the Nguyen dynasty. Here, a vegetarian lunch will be prepared by Buddhist nuns of the Dong Thien Pagoda. Return to Hue
Optional: Perfume River Boat Trip and Lunch at Dong Thien Pagoda
Overnight: Hue
Meals: Breakfast
/24 Wed, Royal Lotus Hotel Halong, Halong Bay, VIETNAM ① pool. coffee maker
DAY 11 Flight to Hanoi, Sightseeing en route to Halong Bay
Depart Hue on the flight* to sparkling Hanoi, cultural center of the country. Upon arrival, travel overland and through the lush Vietnamese countryside to picturesque Halong Bay, considered one of Vietnam's most celebrated attractions. As you approach, you'll see thousands of limestone islands rising out of the sea creating a truly magical scene. Arrive at your hotel in Halong Bay for overnight
*On some departures, the flight Hue-Hanoi may be changed to depart from Danang-Hanoi. Details will be provided locally by your Tour Manager
Overnight: Halong Bay
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
4/25 Thu, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ① - ③ coffee maker
DAY 12 Cruise Halong Bay, Travel to Hanoi
Incredible views await you today! Halong Bay is considered one of the most breathtaking places on the planet, added to the list of UNESCO Heritage sites and declared recently as one of the "New Seven Natural Wonders of the World". There are over 3000 islands in the emerald waters and over 1000 have their own names. Numbers of caves and grottos of all sizes and shapes are filled with small waterfalls, stalactites and stalagmites. Sail on a traditional wooden boat on the tranquil bay with lunch served on board. Visit to one of the caves. Afterwards, drive to Hanoi, Vietnam's vibrant capital and check into your hotel. This city's history is tied to French colonialism - its architecture, cuisine and local culture still bear evidence of the French influence
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
4/26 Fri, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ② - ③ coffee maker
DAY 13, Hanoi City Tour & Evening Water Puppet Show
Today, visit the Museum of Ethnology, center for the preservation and exhibition of cultural heritage for over 50 ethnic groups in Vietnam. In the evening, attend a performance of the world-famous Water Puppet Show, accompanied by a traditional Vietnamese orchestra and Cheo (a form of opera). The show depicts a series of ancient Vietnamese folktales, acted out by puppets over a pool of water
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast
4/27 Sat, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ③ - ③ coffee maker
DAY 14 Full Day in Hanoi
Spend a full day at leisure discovering Hanoi on your own, or, take the optional tour to the stunning Thay Pagoda and So Village, including lunch, also known as the "Pagoda of the Master". Nestled against the hillside in Sai Go Village, it shares its compound with the smaller Ca pagoda. Here, you'll also see Thuy Dinh Stage, a water palace on Long Tri Pond, where the ancient form of water puppetry is performed. Continue to So Village, a well-preserved ancient village. Walking tour around the village with its traditional layout and small alleyways in-between the houses. Stop at one of the communal houses to meet villagers who earn their living from making noodles. Tonight, your journey to Cambodia and Vietnam ends with many lasting memories. Farewell Dinner with your fellow travelers and Tour Manager
Optional: Thay Pagoda & So Village with lunch
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
History of St. Joseph Cathedral Hanoi resembling the famous cathedral Notre Dame de Paris.
Sunday mass : 5:00 am, 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, from hotel 2km 24min
Imperial Citadel of Thang Long
Until 2010, when it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the citadel was used as a military base.
4 The Perfume PagodaExplore the Pagoda mountain on this day trip from Hanoi. We'll cruise the Yen river, arriving at the mountain range which hides some of the most important temples in Vietnam such as the Thien Tru or Perfume Pagoda. $36.20
Walk Around the Hoan Kiem Lake and Ngoc Son
Dong Xuan Market
Fruit vendors in a street outside the famous Dong Xuan market in Hanoi Old Quarter.
Wander Around Hanoi Old Quarter
Visit the Temple of Literature
Vietnam's first national university. The temple was built in 1070 at the time of Emperor
4/28 Sun, 10:50PM (HAN)~5:25AM (ICN)(04 hr 15 min)
4/29 Mon 10:25AM (ICN) ~ 11:25AM (IAD)(14 hr(s) )
하노이 전경호안끼엠 호수
호찌민 묘소
옌뜨 사원
하노이 야시장하롱베이 티톱 섬혼가이 재래시장
노트르담 성당
VIETNAM - http://visa.vietnamembassy-usa.org/ VISA Application Number: 3012083267-573801077-S1740 2/12/2019 visa fee paid $100 by Paypal
CAMBODIA - Cambodian visa for $36 upon arrival at the airports in
https://www.embassyofcambodiadc.org/ 2/11/2019 sent #819173 9190211819173
14 Apr 01:20PM [KE 94] Korean Air [IAD] Washington Dulles [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) 15 Apr 04:50PM 0 N/A
15 Apr 06:40PM [KE 689] Korean Air [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) [PNH] Phnom Penh, Cambodia 15 Apr 10:10PM 0 N/A
28 Apr 10:50PM [KE 680] Korean Air [HAN] Hanoi, Vietnam [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) 29 Apr 05:05AM 0 N/A
29 Apr 10:30AM [KE 93] Korean Air [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) [IAD] Washington Dulles 29 Apr 11:20AM 0 N/A
Mon, com/PstView.nhn?blogId=daksurye&logNo=220960769467&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
Gate 1 International455 Maryland DriveFort Washington, PAUNITED STATES, 19034
Phone: 215-572-7676
HOTEL INFORMATIONPHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel & Spa15 Apr 19 - 16 Apr 19 #27, Street 178, Sangkat Cheychumneas, Khan DaunPenhPhnom PenhCAMBODIAPhone: +(855)-23-223-320SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA Regency Angkor Hotel16 Apr 19 - 18 Apr 19 Vithei Charles Gaulle, Phum Mondul III, Khum SlorkramSiem ReapCAMBODIAPhone: +(855)-63-767-700HO CHI MINH, VIETNAM Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel18 Apr 19 - 20 Apr 19 179 Le Thanh Ton Street, District 1Ho Chi MinhVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-8-3823-9269HOI AN, VIETNAM Hoi An Trails Resort20 Apr 19 - 22 Apr 19 276 Cua Dai RoadHoi AnVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-510-392-3999
HUE, VIETNAM Eldora Hotel22 Apr 19 - 24 Apr 19 60 Ben Nghe StreetHueVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-234-38-66666HALONG BAY, VIETNAM Royal Lotus Hotel Halong24 Apr 19 - 25 Apr 19 A13, Block 1, East of Hung Thang 2, Bai Chay WardHalong BayVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-33-625-3999HANOI, VIETNAM La Belle Vie Hotel25 Apr 19 - 28 Apr 19 105 Nguyen Truong To Street, Ba Dinh DistrictHanoiVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-4-3927-5515
Angkor Destination Travel Co., Ltd
629 Phum Mondul I, Sangkat Svay DangkumSiem Reap , CAMBODIA
Voucher: Please Provide the Following Services:
Local Phone: +(855)-95-800-801 Emergency Phone: +(855)-95-800-801
Pick Up: ICN-PNH - KE 689 at 10:10PMDrop Off: The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel & Spa
Phnom Penh Transfer - Airport to HotelUpon arrival,
please look for a representative holding a Gate 1 sign just outside Customs.
Your transfer willbe held for 1 hr from your scheduled arrival time
AsiaPlus ToursSuite 228, ATS Building, 33B Pham Ngu Lao Str,Hoan Kiem Dst.Hanoi , VIETNAM
Voucher: Please Provide the Following Services
Local Phone: +(84)-24-6270-2544
Emergency Phone: +(84)-91-321-4627
Ho Chi Minh Transfer - Airport to HotelUpon arrival,
please look for a representative holding a Gate 1 sign just outside Customs.
Your transfer willbe held for 1 hr from your scheduled arrival time.
Beautiful light misic on realplayer downloads
GUIDE TO VIETNAM www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh4E-SLDgJ4
DAY 3 Phnom Penh City Tour, Flight to Siem Reap
Morning visit to the Victory Monument, dedicated to the independence from the French; it now also serves as a memorial to Cambodia's war victims. Visit the Royal Palace, built by King Norodom on the site of the old town. Within these walls, visit the Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morakot) with its floor of over 5000 shimmering silver tiles. Other national treasures housed here include solid gold and jeweled Buddha statues and a small 17th century Baccarat crystal Buddha, known as the "Emerald Buddha". Then, visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum on the site of a former high school used as the notorious Security Prison 21 (S-21) by the Khmer Rouge regime. After, depart Phnom Penh and fly to Siem Reap, gateway to the Angkor temples. Tonight, enjoy dinner with a traditional Apsara show
Overnight: Siem Reap
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
4/17 Wed, Regency Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap, CAMBODIA ② - ②
DAY 4- Full Day Angkor Thom & Angkor Wat Tour
Today, you'll understand why the architectural masterpieces of Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat, are designated as one of the "Seven Wonders of the World". This sprawling city, built by Khmer Kings was once home to more than one million people at the height of the empire. On the visit to the fortified city of Angkor Thom visit the Elephants Terrace and Terrace of the Leper King, all adorned with dramatic bas-reliefs. Continue to the mysterious Bayon Temple, highlight of Angkor Thom, replete with beautifully preserved bas-reliefs and more than 172 giant smiling stone faces. On to the monuments of Ta Keo, Prasat Kravan and Srah Srang before arriving at Ta Prohm, where the jungle was left untouched, as it appeared to European explorers. The highpoint of the day is the visit to stunning Angkor Wat, a temple dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. World-famous for its beauty and splendor, Angkor Wat has the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which runs along the entire outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu mythology. Stay to experience the unforgettable sunset - a view that cannot be compared to anything you have ever seen! Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight
Overnight: Siem Reap
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
4/18 Thu, Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel, Ho Chi Minh, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 5, Tonle Sap Lake Boat Excursion, Flight to Ho Chi Minh
Depart Siem Reap, driving along the rolling verdant hills of the farm lands, stopping for a ride on an ox-cart, the vehicle still being used today by local farmers. Arrive at Tonle Sap Lake in the heart of Cambodia, with its rich and diverse ecosystem. Embark on a serene boat excursion - observe the local life unfolding and the floating fishing villages that dot the shoreline. Later, visit to the National Museum with its multi-media exhibits depicting the Golden Era of the Khmer Kingdom.
Afterwards, flight to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the largest city in Vietnam; transfer to your hotel
Overnight: Ho Chi Minh
Meals: Breakfast
Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral
Established between 1863 and 1880 by French colonists, the central
Weekday masses every day in Vietnamese at 5.30 am and 5 pm
4/19 Fri, Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel, Ho Chi Minh, VIETNAM ② - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 6, Ho Chi Minh City Tour
Spend the morning at leisure or, join the optional half day tour to Cu Chi Tunnels. They were part of an underground tunnel network built by the Viet Cong to control a large rural area near Saigon. The Cu Chi network includes 125 miles of tunnels with many branches connecting to underground hideouts, weapon factories, hospitals, shelters and other tunnels. In the afternoon, participate in a guided tour in Ho Chi Minh City, which includes the neo-Romanesque Notre Dame Cathedral 8am open, the Central Post Office with its French style architecture, City Hall, and the magnificent Saigon Opera House. From here, visit lively Ben Thanh Market - where an unbelievable assortment of wares and crafts are sold under one roof. Continue to Dong Khoi Street, a major shopping thoroughfare in the center of the city. Early in the evening, join your Tour Manager and travel companions for a Welcome Meeting. Remainder of the evening is at leisure. Be sure to check out the diversified dining scene in this culinary rich city
Optional: Half Day Cu Chi Tunnels (AM)
Overnight: Ho Chi Minh
Meals: Breakfast
Saigon Notre Dame Cathedral
Established between 1863 and 1880 by French colonists, the central
Weekday masses every day in Vietnamese at 5.30 am and 5 pm
Bình Tây Market
57a Tháp Mười, Phường 2, Quận 6, Hồ Chí
4/20 Sat, Hoi An Trails Resort, Hoi An, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 7 Flight to Da Nang, Hoi An Walking Tour
Depart Ho Chi Minh on your flight to Da Nang, one of Vietnam's major ports, situated on the coast of the South China Sea. Travel south to the picturesque ancient town of Hoi An, where people still wear the "ao dais", Vietnam’s traditional dress. The ancient town of Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was one the most important trading ports in Southeast Asia in the 15th century. Its ancient past is superbly preserved in an enchanting collection of temples, pagodas, shop houses and magnificent private homes in the town's Old Quarter. Walking tour of this artistic jewel, with its century's old architecture includes the gorgeous Phuoc Kien Pagoda, the 400 year old bright-red Japanese Covered Bridge and the Ancient House. Afterwards, continue to dinner at a local restaurant Overnight: Hoi An
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
Catholic Cathedral, Hoi An, Cẩm Phô tp. Hội An, 246 Lý Thường Kiệt, Phường Minh An, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam 3 km 35min to walk catholic cathedreal from hotel Sat 5:30PM, Sun 9am for children, 4 pm Mass 02 Nguyen Truong To Street
4/21 Sun . Hoi An Trails Resort, Hoi An, VIETNAM ② - ②
DAY 8, Full Day in Hoi An
Catholic Cathedral, Hoi An, Cẩm Phô tp. Hội An, 246 Lý Thường Kiệt, Phường Minh An, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam 3 km 35min to walk catholiccathedreal from hote lSat 5:30PM, Sun 9am for children, 4 pm Mass
Spend a full day at leisure discovering all of the delights of Hoi An independently. Walk through the Old City, stopping at one of the city's many museums, or see artisans using age-old techniques to fashion a variety of crafts. Of special interest are the colorful and elaborate paper lanterns created by lantern artisans for which Hoi An is well known. Or, join the optional boat trip on the Thu Bon River visiting the Organic Village, including lunch. The boat trip begins at a local pier in the Old Town. You'll cruise down streams and past many fishing areas before arriving in Kim Bong village, home of traditional woodworking and boat building. Return to the mainland and drive to the Traque Organic Village for lunch. Here, you'll meet local farmers and learn about the many vegetables and herbs organically grown to support the people of Hoi An. After a Vietnamese culinary lesson and tasting, return to Hoi An
Optional: Boat Trip on the Thu Bon River & Organic Village with Lunch Trip to Danang Hoi An! Vietnam Travel Information! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piXY104OLuk야경이 좋은 신시가지 Overnight: Hoi An
Meals: Breakfast
4/22 Mon, Eldora Hotel, Hue, VIETNAM ① - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 9 Travel to Hue, Hue Imperial City Tour
This morning, travel to Da Nang, with stunning views of bowl-shaped Da Nang Bay. Drive by the Marble Mountains, an area well-known for its sophisticated handmade marble products. Journey over the towering mountains to Hue, home to a wealth of palaces, temples, libraries and museums. Afternoon tour of this former Imperial capital, modeled after the Forbidden City in Beijing. Enter the Ngo Mon Gate, principal entrance to the Imperial Enclosure and the central passageway reserved for use by the Emperor. Continue to the Thai Hoa Palace with its spacious hallways and ornamental roof, the Halls of the Mandarins, the Nine Dynastic Urns, and the ruins of the Forbidden Purple City, once home to the royal family. Tonight, spend time at leisure to explore on your own or, or join the optional tour for a Cyclo Ride (Trishaw) in the city, ending with a multi-course feast at a special restaurant within the Citadel
Optional: Cyclo Ride with Dinner at the Citadel
Overnight: Hue
Meals: Breakfast
4/23 Tue, Eldora Hotel, Hue, VIETNAM ② - ② pool. coffee maker
DAY 10 Full Day in Hue
Today is at leisure to explore Hue independently. Or, participate in the not-to-be-missed optional boat excursion on the gentle Perfume River, which explores the life along the banks of the ancient royal capital city. The river, with its shimmering blue color is dotted with a poetic landscape of boats, gardens, pagodas, towers and temples. The tour continues to the legendary Thien Mu Pagoda, on the north bank of the Perfume River, built in seven successive tiers. Then, a drive to the Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc, final resting place of Vietnam's longest reigning emperor and to Khai Dinh, the last monument of the Nguyen dynasty. Here, a vegetarian lunch will be prepared by Buddhist nuns of the Dong Thien Pagoda. Return to Hue
Optional: Perfume River Boat Trip and Lunch at Dong Thien Pagoda
Overnight: Hue
Meals: Breakfast
/24 Wed, Royal Lotus Hotel Halong, Halong Bay, VIETNAM ① pool. coffee maker
DAY 11 Flight to Hanoi, Sightseeing en route to Halong Bay
Depart Hue on the flight* to sparkling Hanoi, cultural center of the country. Upon arrival, travel overland and through the lush Vietnamese countryside to picturesque Halong Bay, considered one of Vietnam's most celebrated attractions. As you approach, you'll see thousands of limestone islands rising out of the sea creating a truly magical scene. Arrive at your hotel in Halong Bay for overnight
*On some departures, the flight Hue-Hanoi may be changed to depart from Danang-Hanoi. Details will be provided locally by your Tour Manager
Overnight: Halong Bay
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
4/25 Thu, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ① - ③ coffee maker
DAY 12 Cruise Halong Bay, Travel to Hanoi
Incredible views await you today! Halong Bay is considered one of the most breathtaking places on the planet, added to the list of UNESCO Heritage sites and declared recently as one of the "New Seven Natural Wonders of the World". There are over 3000 islands in the emerald waters and over 1000 have their own names. Numbers of caves and grottos of all sizes and shapes are filled with small waterfalls, stalactites and stalagmites. Sail on a traditional wooden boat on the tranquil bay with lunch served on board. Visit to one of the caves. Afterwards, drive to Hanoi, Vietnam's vibrant capital and check into your hotel. This city's history is tied to French colonialism - its architecture, cuisine and local culture still bear evidence of the French influence
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
4/26 Fri, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ② - ③ coffee maker
DAY 13, Hanoi City Tour & Evening Water Puppet Show
Today, visit the Museum of Ethnology, center for the preservation and exhibition of cultural heritage for over 50 ethnic groups in Vietnam. In the evening, attend a performance of the world-famous Water Puppet Show, accompanied by a traditional Vietnamese orchestra and Cheo (a form of opera). The show depicts a series of ancient Vietnamese folktales, acted out by puppets over a pool of water
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast
4/27 Sat, La Belle Vie Hotel, Hanoi, VIETNAM ③ - ③ coffee maker
DAY 14 Full Day in Hanoi
Spend a full day at leisure discovering Hanoi on your own, or, take the optional tour to the stunning Thay Pagoda and So Village, including lunch, also known as the "Pagoda of the Master". Nestled against the hillside in Sai Go Village, it shares its compound with the smaller Ca pagoda. Here, you'll also see Thuy Dinh Stage, a water palace on Long Tri Pond, where the ancient form of water puppetry is performed. Continue to So Village, a well-preserved ancient village. Walking tour around the village with its traditional layout and small alleyways in-between the houses. Stop at one of the communal houses to meet villagers who earn their living from making noodles. Tonight, your journey to Cambodia and Vietnam ends with many lasting memories. Farewell Dinner with your fellow travelers and Tour Manager
Optional: Thay Pagoda & So Village with lunch
Overnight: Hanoi
Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
History of St. Joseph Cathedral Hanoi resembling the famous cathedral Notre Dame de Paris.
Sunday mass : 5:00 am, 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, from hotel 2km 24min
Imperial Citadel of Thang Long
Until 2010, when it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the citadel was used as a military base.
4 The Perfume PagodaExplore the Pagoda mountain on this day trip from Hanoi. We'll cruise the Yen river, arriving at the mountain range which hides some of the most important temples in Vietnam such as the Thien Tru or Perfume Pagoda. $36.20
Walk Around the Hoan Kiem Lake and Ngoc Son
Dong Xuan Market
Fruit vendors in a street outside the famous Dong Xuan market in Hanoi Old Quarter.
Wander Around Hanoi Old Quarter
Visit the Temple of Literature
Vietnam's first national university. The temple was built in 1070 at the time of Emperor
4/28 Sun, 10:50PM (HAN)~5:25AM (ICN)(04 hr 15 min)
4/29 Mon 10:25AM (ICN) ~ 11:25AM (IAD)(14 hr(s) )
하노이 전경호안끼엠 호수
호찌민 묘소
옌뜨 사원
하노이 야시장하롱베이 티톱 섬혼가이 재래시장
노트르담 성당
VIETNAM - http://visa.vietnamembassy-usa.org/ VISA Application Number: 3012083267-573801077-S1740 2/12/2019 visa fee paid $100 by Paypal
CAMBODIA - Cambodian visa for $36 upon arrival at the airports in
https://www.embassyofcambodiadc.org/ 2/11/2019 sent #819173 9190211819173
14 Apr 01:20PM [KE 94] Korean Air [IAD] Washington Dulles [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) 15 Apr 04:50PM 0 N/A
15 Apr 06:40PM [KE 689] Korean Air [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) [PNH] Phnom Penh, Cambodia 15 Apr 10:10PM 0 N/A
28 Apr 10:50PM [KE 680] Korean Air [HAN] Hanoi, Vietnam [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) 29 Apr 05:05AM 0 N/A
29 Apr 10:30AM [KE 93] Korean Air [ICN] Seoul, South Korea (ICN) [IAD] Washington Dulles 29 Apr 11:20AM 0 N/A
Mon, com/PstView.nhn?blogId=daksurye&logNo=220960769467&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
Gate 1 International455 Maryland DriveFort Washington, PAUNITED STATES, 19034
Phone: 215-572-7676
HOTEL INFORMATIONPHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel & Spa15 Apr 19 - 16 Apr 19 #27, Street 178, Sangkat Cheychumneas, Khan DaunPenhPhnom PenhCAMBODIAPhone: +(855)-23-223-320SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA Regency Angkor Hotel16 Apr 19 - 18 Apr 19 Vithei Charles Gaulle, Phum Mondul III, Khum SlorkramSiem ReapCAMBODIAPhone: +(855)-63-767-700HO CHI MINH, VIETNAM Liberty Central Saigon Centre Hotel18 Apr 19 - 20 Apr 19 179 Le Thanh Ton Street, District 1Ho Chi MinhVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-8-3823-9269HOI AN, VIETNAM Hoi An Trails Resort20 Apr 19 - 22 Apr 19 276 Cua Dai RoadHoi AnVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-510-392-3999
HUE, VIETNAM Eldora Hotel22 Apr 19 - 24 Apr 19 60 Ben Nghe StreetHueVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-234-38-66666HALONG BAY, VIETNAM Royal Lotus Hotel Halong24 Apr 19 - 25 Apr 19 A13, Block 1, East of Hung Thang 2, Bai Chay WardHalong BayVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-33-625-3999HANOI, VIETNAM La Belle Vie Hotel25 Apr 19 - 28 Apr 19 105 Nguyen Truong To Street, Ba Dinh DistrictHanoiVIETNAMPhone: +(84)-4-3927-5515
Angkor Destination Travel Co., Ltd
629 Phum Mondul I, Sangkat Svay DangkumSiem Reap , CAMBODIA
Voucher: Please Provide the Following Services:
Local Phone: +(855)-95-800-801 Emergency Phone: +(855)-95-800-801
Pick Up: ICN-PNH - KE 689 at 10:10PMDrop Off: The Frangipani Royal Palace Hotel & Spa
Phnom Penh Transfer - Airport to HotelUpon arrival,
please look for a representative holding a Gate 1 sign just outside Customs.
Your transfer willbe held for 1 hr from your scheduled arrival time
AsiaPlus ToursSuite 228, ATS Building, 33B Pham Ngu Lao Str,Hoan Kiem Dst.Hanoi , VIETNAM
Voucher: Please Provide the Following Services
Local Phone: +(84)-24-6270-2544
Emergency Phone: +(84)-91-321-4627
Ho Chi Minh Transfer - Airport to HotelUpon arrival,
please look for a representative holding a Gate 1 sign just outside Customs.
Your transfer willbe held for 1 hr from your scheduled arrival time.
Beautiful light misic on realplayer downloads
GUIDE TO VIETNAM www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh4E-SLDgJ4
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