프란치스코 후원회(작은형제회)
* 프란치스코 성소 후원회
프란치스코 성소 후원회는 성소 개발과 교육기에 있는 형제들과 생활을 돕기 위한 후원회로서 성소 후원회 회원님들을 위해서 매달 미사와 함께 성소를 위한 기도와 회합의 시간을 마련하고 연중 피정등 후원회 회원님들을 위한 '은인의 날'이라는 시간을 마련하여 후원회 회원님들에게 감사하는 시간을 가지고 있습니다.
* 복지 시설 후원회
수도회에서 현재 후원회원님들의 후원으로 복지 시설을 운영하고 있습니다. 복지 시설은 산청 성심원과 진주와 장성의 노인 요양원, 그리고 빈민 식당이 있습니다. 산청 성심원과 진주와 장성의 노인 요양원은 개별 후원회가 있으며, 빈민 식당은 개별 은인들의 도움으로 현재 운영되고 있습니다. 후원되는 성금은 각 시설의 성격에 맞게 시설을 사용하시는 분들의 생활과 복지를 위해서 사용됩니다.
* 프란치스코 선교후원회 안내(Franciscan Missions)
선교 후원회는 현재 각국(러시아, 카자흐스탄, 중국, 일본, 잠비아)에 나가 있는 선교사 형제들을 돕기 위한 후원회입니다. 선교 후원회 회원 님들께서 도와주시는 성금은 선교사 형제들 양성과 선교지를 지원하는데 사용되고 있습니다.
현재 선교 후원회 회원님들을 위해서 매달 미사를 함께 봉헌하고, 격월로 피정을 하고 있으며, 형제회의 소식지를 보내드리고 있습니다.
작은 형제회’ 한국관구는 1978년 이스라엘 선교를 시작으로 현재 13명의 선교사들이 활동하고 있습니다.
이스라엘에 파견된 형제들은 성지에 현존하며 교회와 순례자들을 위한 소임에 충심하고 터키에서는 종교간 대화와 그리스도교 일치 활동에 임하고 있습니다.
중국은 서안(西安)에서 나환우 마을을 맡고 있으며, 사회의 무관심 속에 버려져 있던 환자들을 모아 열악한 중국의 현실로써는 대단한 시설을 지어 중국 정부의 신뢰를 얻게 되었습니다.
러시아는 연해주 쪽의 도시 우수리스크에서 본당을 세워 신앙의 갈증을 풀고, ‘타우’ 복지관을 통하여 러시아 정교회의 전통이 강한 이 나라에서 경쟁과 미움의 대상이 아닌 복음적 형제의 삶을 증거하는 모습으로 현존하고 있습니다.
카자흐스탄에서는 빈민식당, 침술 봉사 등으로 가난한 주민들을 도우며, 사목자 부족을 겪고 있는 일본 교회에서는 일본인 신자들을 위한 사목과 교포들을 위한 사목을 각각의 형제들이 담당하고 있습니다.
미얀마에 파견된 형제는 국제공동체의 친교를 통해서 복음을 드러내고 있습니다. , 미국에 파견된 형제는 본당사목을 하고 있습니다. 또한 “세상 끝까지”(마태 28,16-20) 기쁜 소식을 전하고자 여러 형제들이 파견을 준비하고 있습니다.
하느님의 평화와 선을 받고 전하는, 이 복음의 여정에 여러분을 초대합니다.
작은형제회 후원회 가입 신청서
□ 프란치스코 성소 후원회
□ 프란치스코 선교후원회
□ 복지 시설 후원회
성명________________________ 세례명______________________영명축일_________________
생년월일 ________________________ 양력□ 음력□
전화번호 _______________________휴대폰 번호__________________________
작장명_________________________ 직장전화번호________________________
직장 주소_____________________________________________________________________
약정액 월 __________________ 기타_______________________
위와 같이 프란치스코 후원회(작은 형제회)에 가입을 신청합니다.
_______________년 _______________월 ______________일
신청인 ___________________________________
작은 형제회 한국관구
(Franciscan Friar of Korea)
서울시 중구 정동 17번지
Franciscan Friars
Order of Friars Minor(OFM)
About Us
We are a group of Franciscan Friar Brothers and Priests following the example of St. Francis. Together, we help one another live lives in light of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do this in prayer, by living in community, and in service to the poor/neglected of our world.
Who is Saint Francis?
A medieval man of radical action and a challenger of the status quo – in today’s vocabulary, the life and work of Francis of Assisi would be considered both unconventional and innovative. He spent years searching for a new way of life, a pursuit that led to two radical breaks: firstly, with the world's conventions and the obligations attached to them; secondly, with the established codes of conduct followed by the religious communities of the time. Francis was an open, communicative individual, inspired by nature - qualities which challenged the Italy of the thirteenth century. He overcame numerous setbacks and – eventually – even saw his vision endorsed by the Papacy in 1209.
But what made him so different? His central cause appears at first somewhat unspectacular: he wanted to share the Gospel with humankind, attesting to the infinite love of God. Yet this is the very thing which makes his philosophy stands out – it is shaped by sharing. Up until then, religious orders had lived a life of seclusion within their cloisters, shut off from the challenges and problems of the outside world. Then along came a young man who had broken with his family publicly and spectacularly in order to become involved in the lives of the people, in a spirit of dialogue and solidarity. Over the course of 800 years, Francis of Assisi has proved an inspiration to many men and women.
We pray God leads you into a stronger relationship with Christ, and others. May you grow in your own awareness of the mercy of the living God, and share that hope with those most in need.
Statement of Beliefs
We believe that as followers of St. Francis of Assisi we are "Lesser Brothers" called to be centered in Christ with the Gospel as our Rule life.
We believe that fidelity to our calling is expressed in loyalty to the mission of Jesus continued in His Church, in a spirit of prayer and contemplation, with a special love for the poor, and reverence for all God's creation.
We believe that we are called to fraternity, to share a life of joy and peace, to draw our inspiration from the cross of Jesus, and to be renewed continually through our celebration of the Eucharist.
Statement of Purpose
Our mission is to permeate our society with Gospel values. We are to be instruments of change and heralds of peace in a broken world, serving all people, especially the poor and marginalized, through reconciliation and healing.
Our mission, in a variety of ministries, is to try to respond to the needs of the Church in fidelity to our Franciscan ideals.
Statement of Commitment
Rejecting greed, manipulation, and consumerism, we commit ourselves to a life style that effectively witnesses the Gospel values of simplicity, joy, and brotherhood.
We commit ourselves to forward the evangelizing mission of the Church for our day with primacy of concern for issues of justice and the rights of minorities, the poor, the homeless, and refugees.
We commit ourselves to the development of the laity in order to call forth their gifts and talents toward a greater participation in leadership roles in both Church and society.
We commit ourselves to a readiness to relinquish ministries that can be provided for by others, in order to respond to more urgent needs consonant with our Franciscan charism and the demands of ministry.
We commit ourselves to a genuine Christian formation of our friars as well as the people we serve, sensitive to cultural identities and values, rooting out prejudice in all its forms.
Franciscan Missions
St. Francis of Assisi was the first founder of a religious order to include missionary work as one of its explicit objectives. Friar of the minors, as heirs of this tradition, has a long and proud missionary history.
Franciscan Friars of the Order of Friars Minor(OFM) serve the People of God in Catholic parishes, schools, hospitals, shelters for the homeless, in the military—wherever people need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and to experience God in their lives.
Only a few years after our Province was formed, Fr. Patrick Gilgan, OFM, volunteered in 1913 to serve in the Order's missions in China. He was soon joined by numerous other friars.
To support their efforts, friars and lay associates banded together to form the Franciscan Missionary in 1922 to raise awareness of the work of missionaries and the needs of Franciscans.
Today, friars work in missions in China, North Korea, Rusia, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam. Our evangelization to the world includes promoting not only the spiritual life, but the human and social development of the people our missionaries serve.
To learn more about the missionary work of the friars, or to make a donation toward this ministry
Support Us
Please consider becoming an active partner in supporting our ministries our work and our lives
One-Time Donation
Amount : $10 $25 $50 $100 Other
Complete the following fields if this gift is a tribute. (optional)
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Tribute First Name
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Prayer Requests
Prayer Request/Comment or
Tribute Contact Address
Franciscan Charities
Franciscan Missionary
We would love to be aware of and share in your intentions at our daily masses and during our prayers
Join Us
Charitable Gifts Through Your IRA
The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 has extended the IRA Charitable Rollover for 2010 and 2011. Originally passed in 2006 as part of the Pension Protection Act, the IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals age 70½ and older to make direct transfers totaling up to $100,000 per year to 501(c)(3) organizations, without having to count the transfers as income for federal income tax purposes.
· Who qualifies? Individuals who are age 70½ or older at the time of the contribution (you have to wait until your actual 70½th birthday to make the transfer).
· How much can I transfer? $100,000 per year.
· From what accounts can I make transfers? Transfers must come from your IRAs directly to the Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Augustine. If you have retirement assets in a 401(k), 403(b) etc., you must first roll those funds into an IRA, and then you can direct the IRA provider to transfer the funds from the IRA directly to the Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Augustine.
· To what organizations can I make gifts? Tax exempt organizations that are classified as 501(c)(3) organizations, including the Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Augustine, to which deductible contributions can be made.
· Can I use the rollover to fund life-income gifts (charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, or pooled income funds)? No, these are not eligible.
· Can I use the rollover to fund donor advised funds or supporting organizations? No, these are not eligible.
· Can I use the rollover to support a particular purpose of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars? As with all other gifts, you can direct your IRA Charitable Rollover gift as you see fit. However, you cannot direct your gift for a purpose from which you receive a personal benefit, goods, or services in return, such as a gala ticket, to purchase items at a silent auction, etc.
· How will the Capuchin Franciscan Friars count the gift? We will give you full credit for the entire gift amount.
· What are the tax implications to me?
o Federal – You do not recognize the transfer to the Capuchin Franciscan Friars as income, provided it goes directly from the IRA provider to us. However, you are not entitled to an income tax charitable deduction for your gift.
o State – Each state has different laws, so you will need to consult with your own advisors. Some states have a state income tax and will include this transfer as income. Within those states, some will allow for a state income tax charitable deduction and others will not. Other states base their state income tax on the federal income or federal tax paid. Still other states have no income tax at all.
· Does this transfer qualify as my minimum required distribution? once you reach age 70½, you are required to take minimum distributions from your retirement plans each year, according to a federal formula. IRA charitable rollovers count towards your minimum required distributions for the year.
· How do I know if an IRA charitable rollover is right for me? If you are at least age 70½ and
o You do not need the additional income necessitated by the minimum required distribution, OR
o Your charitable gifts already equal 50% of your adjusted gross income, so you do not benefit from an income tax charitable deduction for additional gifts, OR
o You do not itemize deductions.
· What is the procedure to execute an IRA charitable rollover? To complete an IRA charitable rollover, the first step is to contact your IRA provider to learn their procedures. We also offer a sample letter you can send to your IRA provider to initiate a rollover. Make sure that you contact us when you direct the rollover so we can look for the check from your IRA provider.
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