DSLR 카메라 강좌. You tube 동영상 [Hello! DSLR 1회]DSLR! 샅샅이 분석하마.. [Hello DSLR! 2회] 렌즈를 알려주마 Hello DSLR! 3회] 노출이 궁금해!? [Hello DSLR! 4회] 배경을 정리하자! [Hello DSLR! 5회] 빠르거나 혹은 느리거나 [Hello DSLR! 6회] 감도(ISO)를 알아보자 [Hello DSLR! 7회] 화이트밸런스가 뭐지? [Hello DSLR! 8회] 촬영모드에 대하여..... 카메라 2011.05.16
Flash Photography with Canon EOS Cameras - Part I. Flash Photography with Canon EOS Cameras - Part I. http://photonotes.org/articles/eos-flash/ The invention and subsequent automation and miniaturization of electronic flash revolutionized photography. If you’re a photographer you’re no longer tied to available light. A reliable and portable light source is immediately at your disposal if you choose. But flash phot.. 카메라 2011.03.02