오늘의 복음

2023년 1월 19일 연중 제2주간 목요일

Margaret K 2023. 1. 19. 05:41

2023년 1월 19일 연중 제2주간 목요일

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 


히브리서 7,25 ─ 8,6

형제 여러분, 예수님께서는 25 당신을 통하여

하느님께 나아가는 사람들을 언제나 구원하실 수 있습니다.

그분께서는 늘 살아 계시어 그들을 위하여 빌어 주십니다.

26 사실 우리는 이와 같은 대사제가 필요하였습니다.

거룩하시고 순수하시고 순결하시고 죄인들과 떨어져 계시며

하늘보다 더 높으신 분이 되신 대사제이십니다.

27 그분께서는 다른 대사제들처럼 날마다 먼저 자기 죄 때문에 제물을 바치고

그다음으로 백성의 죄 때문에 제물을 바칠 필요가 없으십니다.

당신 자신을 바치실 때에 이 일을 단 한 번에 다 이루신 것입니다.

28 율법은 약점을 지닌 사람들을 대사제로 세우지만,

율법 다음에 이루어진 맹세의 그 말씀은

영원히 완전하게 되신 아드님을 대사제로 세웁니다.

8,1 지금 하는 말의 요점은 우리에게 이와 같은 대사제가 계시다는 것입니다.

곧 하늘에 계신 존엄하신 분의 어좌 오른쪽에 앉으시어,

2 사람이 아니라 주님께서 세우신 성소와 참성막에서

직무를 수행하시는 분이십니다.

3 모든 대사제는 예물과 제물을 바치도록 임명된 사람입니다.

그러므로 대사제도 무엇인가 바칠 것이 있어야 합니다.

4 만일 그분께서 세상에 계시면 사제가 되지 못하십니다.

율법에 따라 예물을 바치는 사제들이 있기 때문입니다.

5 모세가 성막을 세우려고 할 때에 지시를 받은 대로,

그들은 하늘에 있는 성소의 모상이며 그림자에 지나지 않는 성소에서 봉직합니다.

하느님께서 “자, 내가 이 산에서 너에게 보여 준 모형에 따라

모든 것을 만들어라.” 하고 말씀하신 것입니다.

6 그런데 이제 그리스도께서는 더 훌륭한 직무를 맡으셨습니다.

더 나은 약속을 바탕으로 세워진 더 나은 계약의 중개자이시기 때문입니다.


마르코. 3,7-12

그때에 7 예수님께서 제자들과 함께 호숫가로 물러가셨다.

그러자 갈릴래아에서 큰 무리가 따라왔다.

또 유다와 8 예루살렘, 이두매아와 요르단 건너편,

그리고 티로와 시돈 근처에서도

그분께서 하시는 일을 전해 듣고 큰 무리가 그분께 몰려왔다.

9 예수님께서는 군중이 당신을 밀쳐 대는 일이 일어나지 않게 하시려고,

당신께서 타실 거룻배 한 척을 마련하라고 제자들에게 이르셨다.

10 그분께서 많은 사람의 병을 고쳐 주셨으므로,

병고에 시달리는 이들은 누구나 그분에게 손을 대려고 밀려들었기 때문이다.

11 또 더러운 영들은 그분을 보기만 하면 그 앞에 엎드려,

“당신은 하느님의 아드님이십니다!” 하고 소리 질렀다.

12 그러나 예수님께서는 그들에게 당신을 사람들에게 알리지 말라고

엄하게 이르곤 하셨다.

January 19, 2023

Memorial of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

: https://www.youtube.com/c/DailyTVMass

Reading 1

Heb 7:25~8:6

Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him,

since he lives forever to make intercession for them.

It was fitting that we should have such a high priest:

holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners,

higher than the heavens.

He has no need, as did the high priests,

to offer sacrifice day after day,

first for his own sins and then for those of the people;

he did that once for all when he offered himself.

For the law appoints men subject to weakness to be high priests,

but the word of the oath, which was taken after the law,

appoints a son, who has been made perfect forever.

The main point of what has been said is this:

we have such a high priest,

who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne

of the Majesty in heaven, a minister of the sanctuary

and of the true tabernacle that the Lord, not man, set up.

Now every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices;

thus the necessity for this one also to have something to offer.

If then he were on earth, he would not be a priest,

since there are those who offer gifts according to the law.

They worship in a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary,

as Moses was warned when he was about to erect the tabernacle.

For God says, “See that you make everything

according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

Now he has obtained so much more excellent a ministry

as he is mediator of a better covenant,

enacted on better promises.

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17

R. (8a and 9a) Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

Sacrifice or oblation you wished not,

but ears open to obedience you gave me.

Burnt offerings or sin-offerings you sought not;

then said I, “Behold I come.”

R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

“In the written scroll it is prescribed for me,

To do your will, O my God, is my delight,

and your law is within my heart!”

R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

I announced your justice in the vast assembly;

I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.

R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

May all who seek you

exult and be glad in you,

And may those who love your salvation

say ever, “The LORD be glorified.”

R. Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.


Mk 3:7-12

Jesus withdrew toward the sea with his disciples.

A large number of people followed from Galilee and from Judea.

Hearing what he was doing,

a large number of people came to him also from Jerusalem,

from Idumea, from beyond the Jordan,

and from the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon.

He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd,

so that they would not crush him.

He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases

were pressing upon him to touch him.

And whenever unclean spirits saw him they would fall down before him

and shout, “You are the Son of God.”

He warned them sternly not to make him known.


Maybe we all feel a little overwhelmed sometimes by the work, the expectations and the people in our lives. When all three combine, we look for ways to ease the stress, perhaps a break to take a walk outside. That’s what I thought about when I read today’s Gospel: How Jesus withdrew to the sea and had the apostles make a boat ready. All of those crowds of people must have been overwhelming, and Jesus continued to preach and heal and be there for those who came to see him. He needed some space to do his work, and he continued that work. He focused on the people around him.

What I take away from the readings is to renew my own efforts to carry out my work to the best of my ability, and to remember to care for those around me and for myself in doing that. St. Ignatius said: “Love ought to show itself in deeds more than words.” Jesus did that for us. How can I show love in deeds today? How can I in small ways and big ways find God in all things? Love shown in deeds can quietly ripple out in my life and into the world. Think of how someone showed love to you in a small act of kindness or help and how that love blossomed inside of you. If I build on smaller acts of love, the everyday deeds of doing a good job, being considerate of others, lending a helping hand when it’s convenient and when it’s not convenient, giving someone grace or another chance. This I can do today and every day. My prayer today is that I practice showing love in deeds, large and small, in my work, and with my family and friends.



“The main point in what we are saying is this: we have such a High Priest, Who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, Minister of the sanctuary and of that true tabernacle set up, not by man, but by the Lord.” —Hebrews 8:1-2

Jesus is a better Priest (Heb 7:28) with a better ministry in “a better covenant, founded on better promises” (Heb 8:6). The Jewish people did not think of God’s work with them as completed. They were waiting for the Messiah to give them the new covenant. The writer of Hebrews maintained that Jesus was the Messiah, the Fulfillment of the law, the ultimate High Priest Who made the once-and-for-all sacrifice (Heb 7:27) and tore open the curtain separating us from God’s presence in the Holy of Holies (Mt 27:51).

Are you living the fulfilled life, or are you back in B.C.? Do you realize that “absolute fullness” resides in Jesus? (Col 1:19) Are you living the new covenant of Baptism to the fullest? Do you know and live both the Old and New Testaments? Do you focus your life on the Eucharist, the perpetuation of Jesus’ once-and-for-all sacrifice on Calvary? Do you tell the world that Jesus has done it all and is our All in all? In Christ, we have everything we will ever need (see 2 Cor 6:10; 1 Cor 3:21).

Rejoice that you are alive in Jesus, in the Messianic age, the end times, the new covenant.

Prayer: Father, I know that “when much has been given a man, much will be required of him” (Lk 12:48). May I live appropriately to what I have received from You.

Promise: “Because He had cured many, all who had afflictions kept pushing toward Him to touch Him.” —Mk 3:10

Praise: “For You, O Lord, bless the just man; You surround him with the shield of Your good will” (Ps 5:13).


Is there anything holding you back from giving yourself to God without fear or reservation? Jesus offered freedom to everyone who sought him out. Wherever Jesus went the people came to him because they had heard about all the wonderful deeds and miracles which he performed. They were hungry for God and desired healing from their afflictions. In faith they pressed upon Jesus to touch him. As they did so power came from Jesus and they were healed. Do you seek to lay hold of Jesus' presence in your life that he may touch and heal you?

Draw near to Jesus with expectant faith and he will answer

Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D.) remarked:

"It is by faith that we touch Jesus. And far better to touch him by faith than to touch or handle him with the hands only and not by faith. It was no great thing to merely touch him manually. Even his oppressors doubtless touched him when they apprehended him, bound him, and crucified him, but by their ill-motivated touch they lost precisely what they were laying hold of. O worldwide church! It is by touching him faithfully that your 'faith has made you whole' (Isaiah 1:10-18; Matthew 9:22; Mark 5:34; Mark 10:52; Luke 8:48; John 20:29)." (excerpt from SERMONS, ON EASTER 148)

The Lord Jesus has power to heal, restore, and make us new

Why did Jesus perform so many countless miracles and signs during his earthly ministry? Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD) wrote that these signs and miracles showed that Jesus was truly God - the eternal Word who was made flesh for our salvation:

[Jesus] performed very many wonderful miracles, rebuking demons, delivering from incurable diseases whoever drew near to him, and displaying his own most divine power. He did these works so that both the Jews, who had run together to him, and those from the country of the Greeks might know that Christ was not some ordinary man of those in our degree but, on the contrary, God. He honored these chosen disciples with the dignity of the apostolate. He was the Word that was made man but retained nevertheless his own glory. "For power went forth from him and healed all." Christ did not borrow strength from some other person, but being himself God by nature, even though he had become flesh, he healed them all, by the demonstration of power over the sick. (COMMENTARY ON LUKE, HOMILY 25)

Why did the demons tremble in the presence of Jesus (Mark 3:11)? They recognized that his power and authority came from heaven and not from earth. But while they confessed Christ and trembled in his presence, they did not respond in love.

Receive God's word with expectant faith, persevering hope, and fervent love

When you read God's word and consider all that Jesus said and did, how do you respond? With indifference, hesitation, or skepticism, or with expectant faith, love, and willing obedience? Ask the Lord Jesus to draw you to himself with increasing faith, fervent love, and eager readiness to do his will.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Inflame my heart with a burning love for you and with an expectant faith in your saving power. Set me free from all that hinders me from drawing closer to you.

Psalm 40:7-10, 16

6 Sacrifice and offering you do not desire; but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required.

7 Then I said, "Behold, I come; in the roll of the book it is written of me;

8 I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart."

9 I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; Behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O LORD.

10 I have not hid your saving help within my heart, I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.

16 But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, "Great is the LORD!"

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Faith works by love, by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.

"The 'faith that works by love' (Galatians 5:6), is not the same faith that demons have. 'For the devils also believe and tremble' (James 2:19) but do they love? If they had not believed, they would not have said: 'You are the holy one of God' or 'You are the Son of God' (Mark 3:11-12; Luke 4:34,41). But if they had loved, they would not have said: 'What have we to do with you?' (Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Luke 8:28)" (excerpt from Letter 194, To Sixtus)