2021년 8월 14일 연중 제19주간 토요일
오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp
<누구를 섬길 것인지 오늘 선택하여라.>
여호수아기. 24,14-29
그 무렵 여호수아가 백성에게 말하였다.
14 “이제 너희는 주님을 경외하며 그분을 온전하고 진실하게 섬겨라.
그리고 너희 조상이 강 건너편과 이집트에서 섬기던 신들을 버리고
주님을 섬겨라.
15 만일 주님을 섬기는 것이 너희 눈에 거슬리면,
너희 조상들이 강 건너편에서 섬기던 신들이든,
아니면 너희가 살고 있는 이 땅 아모리족의 신들이든,
누구를 섬길 것인지 오늘 선택하여라. 나와 내 집안은 주님을 섬기겠다.”
16 그러자 백성이 대답하였다.
“다른 신들을 섬기려고 주님을 저버리는 일은 결코 우리에게 없을 것입니다.
17 우리와 우리 조상들을 이집트 땅에서, 종살이하던 집에서 데리고 올라오셨으며,
우리 눈앞에서 이 큰 표징들을 일으키신 분이 바로 주 우리 하느님이십니다.
그분께서는 우리가 걸어온 그 모든 길에서,
또 우리가 지나온 그 모든 민족들 사이에서 우리를 지켜 주셨습니다.
18 또한 주님께서는 모든 민족들과 이 땅에 사는 아모리족을
우리 앞에서 몰아내 주셨습니다.
그러므로 우리도 주님을 섬기겠습니다. 그분만이 우리의 하느님이십니다.”
19 그러자 여호수아가 백성에게 말하였다. “너희는 주님을 섬길 수 없을 것이다.
그분께서는 거룩하신 하느님이시며 질투하시는 하느님으로서,
너희의 잘못과 죄악을 용서하지 않으신다.
20 너희가 주님을 저버리고 낯선 신들을 섬기면,
그분께서는 너희에게 선을 베푸신 뒤에라도,
돌아서서 너희에게 재앙을 내리시고 너희를 멸망시켜 버리실 것이다.”
21 백성이 여호수아에게 말하였다.
“아닙니다. 우리는 주님을 섬기겠습니다.”
22 여호수아가 백성에게, “너희가 주님을 선택하고
그분을 섬기겠다고 한 그 말에 대한 증인은
바로 너희 자신이다.” 하고 말하자,
그들이 “우리가 증인입니다.” 하고 대답하였다.
23 “그러면 이제 너희 가운데에 있는 낯선 신들을 치워 버리고,
주 이스라엘의 하느님께 마음을 기울여라.” 하자,
24 백성이 여호수아에게 말하였다.
“우리는 주 우리 하느님을 섬기고 그분의 말씀을 듣겠습니다.”
25 그날 여호수아는 스켐에서 백성과 계약을 맺고
그들을 위한 규정과 법규를 세웠다.
26 여호수아는 이 말씀을 모두 하느님의 율법서에 기록하고,
큰 돌을 가져다가 그곳 주님의 성소에 있는 향엽나무 밑에 세웠다.
27 그러고 나서 여호수아는 온 백성에게 말하였다.
“보라, 이 돌이 우리에게 증인이 될 것이다.
주님께서 우리에게 이르신 모든 말씀을 이 돌이 들었다.
그래서 이것은 너희가 너희 하느님을 부정하지 못하게 하는 증인이 될 것이다.”
28 여호수아는 백성을 저마다 상속 재산으로 받은 땅으로 돌려보냈다.
29 이런 일들이 있은 뒤에 주님의 종, 눈의 아들 여호수아가 죽었다.
그의 나이는 백열 살이었다.
<어린이들이 나에게 오는 것을 막지 마라. 사실 하늘 나라는 이 어린이들과 같은 사람들의 것이다.>
마태오. 19,13-15
13 그때에 사람들이 어린이들을 예수님께 데리고 와서
그들에게 손을 얹고 기도해 달라고 하였다.
그러자 제자들이 사람들을 꾸짖었다.
14 그러나 예수님께서는 이렇게 이르셨다.
“어린이들을 그냥 놓아두어라. 나에게 오는 것을 막지 마라.
사실 하늘 나라는 이 어린이들과 같은 사람들의 것이다.”
15 그리고 그들에게 손을 얹어 주시고 나서 그곳을 떠나셨다.
August 14, 2021
Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr
Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass
Reading 1
Jos 24:14-29
Joshua gathered together all the tribes of Israel at Shechem,
and addressed them, saying:
“Fear the LORD and serve him completely and sincerely.
Cast out the gods your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt,
and serve the LORD.
If it does not please you to serve the LORD,
decide today whom you will serve,
the gods your fathers served beyond the River
or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you are dwelling.
As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
But the people answered, “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD
for the service of other gods.
For it was the LORD, our God,
who brought us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt,
out of a state of slavery.
He performed those great miracles before our very eyes
and protected us along our entire journey and among all the peoples
through whom we passed.
At our approach the LORD drove out all the peoples,
including the Amorites who dwelt in the land.
Therefore we also will serve the LORD, for he is our God.”
Joshua in turn said to the people,
“You may not be able to serve the LORD, for he is a holy God;
he is a jealous God who will not forgive
your transgressions or your sins.
If, after the good he has done for you,
you forsake the LORD and serve strange gods,
he will do evil to you and destroy you.”
But the people answered Joshua, “We will still serve the LORD.”
Joshua therefore said to the people,
“You are your own witnesses that you have chosen to serve the LORD.”
They replied, “We are, indeed!”
Joshua continued:
“Now, therefore, put away the strange gods that are among you
and turn your hearts to the LORD, the God of Israel.”
Then the people promised Joshua,
“We will serve the LORD, our God, and obey his voice.”
So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day
and made statutes and ordinances for them at Shechem,
which he recorded in the book of the law of God.
Then he took a large stone and set it up there under the oak
that was in the sanctuary of the LORD.
And Joshua said to all the people, “This stone shall be our witness,
for it has heard all the words which the LORD spoke to us.
It shall be a witness against you, should you wish to deny your God.”
Then Joshua dismissed the people, each to his own heritage.
After these events, Joshua, son of Nun, servant of the LORD,
died at the age of a hundred and ten.
Responsorial Psalm
16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 11
R. (see 5a) You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge;
I say to the LORD, “My Lord are you.”
O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup,
you it is who hold fast my lot.
R. You are my inheritance, O Lord.
I bless the LORD who counsels me;
even in the night my heart exhorts me.
I set the LORD ever before me;
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
R. You are my inheritance, O Lord.
You will show me the path to life,
fullness of joys in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.
R. You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Mt 19:13-15
Children were brought to Jesus
that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said,
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them;
for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
After he placed his hands on them, he went away.
“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” - Joshua 14:15
Today’s first reading is all about choices. Josuah became the leader of the Israelites after Moses died. He gathers the twelve tribes of Israel and challenges them to decide which god they will worship: the God of Abraham or other gods. He makes it clear that this decision is up to them.
“If it does not please you to serve the LORD, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your fathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you are dwelling.”
They quickly choose the God of Abraham saying, “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD for the service of other gods.” They remember all that the Lord has done for them, including bringing them out of slavery in Egypt, performing miracles and protecting them along the way.
They decide: “we also will serve the LORD, for he is our God.”
In Matthew’s Gospel today, the apostles try to shoo away people who were bringing children to see Jesus. In that society, children were not particularly valued, and the disciples didn’t want Jesus “bothered” by them. Not only does Jesus encourage the children to “come to me,” but he tells the crowd that the Kingdom of heaven belongs to these small, powerless and humble human beings. Jesus is encouraging us to become smaller, more humble and less powerful. It is not how our society is set up, but it shows how the ways of Jesus often diverge from the ways of the world.
Each of us makes daily decisions about our lives, and how we connect with God. Will we spend some time today thanking God for the gifts we have been given, or get sidetracked by “important” tasks that must be done?
Each morning we can begin by asking for help in our choices for the day, to serve others and follow the teachings of Jesus. We can take a few minutes at the edge of our beds before our day begins, simply opening our hands to God and asking for guidance for the day. Making that choice each day will change how our day unfolds and how the bonds between us and our loving God are strengthened.
Today the Church remembers St. Maximilian Kolbe who made the ultimate choice to love God and serve. A Polish Franciscan priest, his monastery in German-occupied Poland published several anti-Nazi German publications. The monastery also helped to hide, feed and clothe 3,000 Polish refugees, about half of them, Jews.
Kolbe was arrested in February 1941 and a few months later was a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp. That August three prisoners escaped. In retribution, the Nazis chose ten other random prisoners from the same cell block for the underground starvation bunker. As the names were called out, one of the unlucky ones, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out, “My wife! My children!”
Witnesses watched in astonishment as Fr. Kolbe offered to take the man’s place. Kolbe pointed to Gajowniczek, a man he did not know, and said “I am a Catholic priest; I would like to take his place because he has a wife and children.” His offer was accepted, and he and nine other prisoners were sent to the bunker. Gajowniczek, who was present at Kolbe’s canonization in 1971, remembered, “I could only thank him with my eyes.”
According to Saint Maximilian Kolbe Church in New Jersey, in the weeks that followed, Kolbe chose not to focus on his thirst, hunger and impending death. Instead, he continually lifted up the men with prayers, psalms and hymns. As the men grew weaker, prayers and songs became whispered, but continued.
After two horrific weeks, nearly all of the men had died of dehydration or starvation. The guards wanted to empty the cell, so decided to give the remaining few a lethal injection. Kolbe, the only one who was still conscious, lifted his arm for the soldiers to do their fatal work. His body, along with the others was cremated at the camp.
Most of us will not face decisions like that today, or even in our lifetimes. But we can focus each day on how we choose to thank and serve the God who loves us endlessly.
Thank you, loving God for the ways you love me and the gifts and people you place in my life today. Let me recognize the sacredness of each person in my life and to be aware of those who suffer.
“This stone shall be our witness.” —Joshua 24:27
One of the most important words in the Bible is “witness.” Joshua said to the people: “You are your own witnesses that you have chosen to serve the Lord” (Jos 24:22). Joshua even set up a large stone as a witness. We have the custom of attaching little stones to rings, putting these rings and stones on our fingers, and using them as witnesses to our marriage vows.
Isaiah prophesied that we are called to be God’s witnesses (Is 43:10). Shortly before His Ascension, Jesus commanded: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be My witnesses” (Acts 1:8). We are to be witnesses for Jesus right where we are and then even to the ends of the earth.
Are you a witness for Jesus? When was the last time you took the witness stand at home, work, school, or church? Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel (Rm 1:16). Acknowledge Jesus publicly (Mt 10:32). Don’t give Jesus the “silent treatment” but openly, boldly, freely, and courageously speak of your love for Him. Try to never let a day pass without witnessing to someone about Jesus.
Prayer: Jesus, stir into flame the grace of my Confirmation so I will witness for You (2 Tm 1:6).
Promise: “ ‘Let the children come to Me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’ And He laid His hands on their heads.” —Mt 19:14-15
Praise: St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe witnessed to the Poles, the Japanese, and the Germans in the course of his powerful ministry of evangelization, holiness, and absolute trust in God.
Do you seek to help others draw near to the Lord?
The parents who brought their children to Jesus wanted Jesus to lay his hands upon them. They knew of the healing power, both physical and spiritual, which came from Jesus' touch. Jesus, in turn, rebuked his disciples for hindering the children from coming. The disciples may have wanted to shield Jesus from the nuisance of noisy children. But Jesus delighted in the children and demonstrated that God's love has ample room for everyone, including children.
Pray for the young to grow strong in faith
No one is unimportant to God. He comes to each person individually and uniquely that he might touch them with his healing love and power. Do you show kindness to the youth you encounter in your neighborhood, home, and church? And do you pray for them that they may grow in the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ?
Psalm 16:1-2,5-8,11
1 Preserve me, O God, for in you take refuge.
2 I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you."
5 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.
8 I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
11 You show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy, in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: To such belongs the Kingdom, by Epiphanius the Latin (late 5th century)
"Why did the disciples keep the children back? Not because of the children's wickedness but because it was not the right time. They did not want the Lord to be tired by the great crowd. To them he said, 'Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.' For children are ignorant of wickedness. They do not know how to return evil for evil or how to do someone an injury. They do not know how to be lustful or to fornicate or to rob. What they hear, they believe. They love their parents with complete affection. Therefore, beloved, the Lord instructs us that what they are by the gift of nature, we should become by the fear of God, a holy way of life and love of the heavenly kingdom - for unless we are alien to all sin just like children, we cannot come to the Savior." (excerpt from INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPELS 25)
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