오늘의 복음

August 11, 2021 Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin

Margaret K 2021. 8. 11. 06:23

2021년 8월 11일 연중 제19주간 수요일  

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 


<모세는 주님의 말씀대로 모압 땅에서 죽었다. 그와 같은 예언자가 다시는 일어나지 않았다.>

신명기. 34,1-12
그 무렵 1 모세가 모압 평야에서 예리코 맞은쪽에 있는

느보 산 피스가 꼭대기에 올라가자, 주님께서 그에게 온 땅을 보여 주셨다.
단까지 이르는 길앗, 2 온 납탈리, 에프라임과 므나쎄의 땅,
서쪽 바다까지 이르는 유다의 온 땅, 3 네겝, 그리고 초아르까지 이르는 평야 지역,
곧 야자나무 성읍 예리코 골짜기를 보여 주셨다.
4 그리고 주님께서 그에게 말씀하셨다.
“저것이 내가 아브라함과 이사악과 야곱에게,
‘너의 후손에게 저 땅을 주겠다.’ 하고 맹세한 땅이다.
이렇게 네 눈으로 저 땅을 바라보게는 해 주지만,
네가 그곳으로 건너가지는 못한다.”
5 주님의 종 모세는 주님의 말씀대로 그곳 모압 땅에서 죽었다.
6 그분께서 그를 모압 땅 벳 프오르 맞은쪽 골짜기에 묻히게 하셨는데,
오늘날까지 아무도 그가 묻힌 곳을 알지 못한다.
7 모세는 죽을 때에 나이가 백스무 살이었으나,
눈이 어둡지 않았고 기력도 없지 않았다.
8 이스라엘 자손들은 모압 평야에서 삼십 일 동안 모세를 생각하며 애곡하였다.
그런 뒤에 모세를 애도하는 애곡 기간이 끝났다.
9 모세가 눈의 아들 여호수아에게 안수하였으므로,
여호수아는 지혜의 영으로 가득 찼다.
이스라엘 자손들은 그의 말을 들으며,
주님께서 모세에게 명령하신 대로 실천하였다.
10 이스라엘에는 모세와 같은 예언자가 다시는 일어나지 않았다.
그는 주님께서 얼굴을 마주 보고 사귀시던 사람이다.
11 주님께서 그를 보내시어,
이집트 땅에서 파라오와 그의 모든 신하와 온 나라에 일으키게 하신
그 모든 표징과 기적을 보아서도 그러하고,
12 모세가 온 이스라엘이 보는 앞에서 이룬 그 모든 위업과
그 모든 놀라운 대업을 보아서도 그러하다.




<그가 네 말을 들으면 네가 그 형제를 얻은 것이다.>

마태오. 18,15-20
그때에 예수님께서 제자들에게 말씀하셨다.

15 “네 형제가 너에게 죄를 짓거든, 가서 단둘이 만나 그를 타일러라.
그가 네 말을 들으면 네가 그 형제를 얻은 것이다.
16 그러나 그가 네 말을 듣지 않거든 한 사람이나 두 사람을 더 데리고 가거라.
‘모든 일을 둘이나 세 증인의 말로 확정 지어야 하기’때문이다.
17 그가 그들의 말을 들으려고 하지 않거든 교회에 알려라.
교회의 말도 들으려고 하지 않거든 그를 다른 민족 사람이나 세리처럼 여겨라.
18 내가 진실로 너희에게 말한다.
너희가 무엇이든지 땅에서 매면 하늘에서도 매일 것이고,
너희가 무엇이든지 땅에서 풀면 하늘에서도 풀릴 것이다.
19 내가 또 진실로 너희에게 말한다.
너희 가운데 두 사람이 이 땅에서 마음을 모아 무엇이든 청하면,
하늘에 계신 내 아버지께서 이루어 주실 것이다.
20 두 사람이나 세 사람이라도 내 이름으로 모인 곳에는 나도 함께 있기 때문이다.”

August 11, 2021

Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

Reading 1
Dt 34:1-12
Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo,
the headland of Pisgah which faces Jericho,
and the LORD showed him all the land?
Gilead, and as far as Dan, all Naphtali,
the land of Ephraim and Manasseh,
all the land of Judah as far as the Western Sea,
the Negeb, the circuit of the Jordan
with the lowlands at Jericho, city of palms,
and as far as Zoar.
The LORD then said to him, 
“This is the land
which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
that I would give to their descendants.
I have let you feast your eyes upon it, but you shall not cross over.”
So there, in the land of Moab , Moses, the servant of the LORD,
died as the LORD had said; and he was buried in the ravine
opposite Beth-peor in the land of Moab ,
but to this day no one    knows the place of his burial.
Moses was one    hundred and twenty years old when he died,
yet his eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated.
For thirty days the children of Israel wept for Moses
in the plains of Moab , till they had completed
the period of grief and mourning for Moses.

Now Joshua, son of Nun, was filled with the spirit of wisdom,
since Moses had laid his hands upon him;
and so the children of Israel gave him their obedience,
thus carrying out the LORD’s command to Moses.

Since then no prophet has arisen in Israel like Moses,
whom the LORD knew face to face.
He had no equal in all the signs and wonders
the LORD sent him to perform in the land of Egypt
against Pharaoh and all his servants and against all his land,
and for the might and the terrifying power
that Moses exhibited in the sight of all Israel.

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 66:1-3a, 5 and 8, 16-17

R. (see 20a and 10b)  Blessed be God who filled my soul with fire!
Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;
sing praise to the glory of his name;
proclaim his glorious praise.
Say to God: “How tremendous are your deeds!”
R.   Blessed be God who filled my soul with fire!
Come and see the works of God,
his tremendous deeds among the children of Adam.
Bless our God, you peoples; 
loudly sound his praise.
R.  Blessed be God who filled my soul with fire!
Hear now, all you who fear God, while I declare 
what he has done for me.
When I appealed to him in words,
praise was on the tip of my tongue.
R.   Blessed be God who filled my soul with fire!

Mt 18:15-20
Jesus said to his disciples:
“If your brother sins against you,
go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.
If he listens to you, you have won over your brother.
If he does not listen, 
take one or two others along with you,
so that  every fact may be established
on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
If he refuses to listen to them, tell the Church.
If he refuses to listen even to the Church,
then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.
Amen, I say to you,
whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth
about anything for which they are to pray,
it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.”






Jesus said, “If your brother should commit some wrong against you, go and point out his fault, but keep it between the two of you.” —Matthew 18:15

Christians don’t air their grievances publicly. We don’t wash our dirty laundry for all to see. We’re not trying to hide anything but we respect people’s rights not to be talked about behind their backs and not to be confronted in public. We keep it between the two of us (Mt 18:15). Even spouses and families should not know of our complaint. Shooting off our mouths often does more harm than the original problem.

Christians have shredded one another with razor-blade tongues throughout Church history. We have played right into the hands of the devil. In so doing, we are pawns in the devil’s tactics, used to tear down God’s Kingdom. But if we let the Spirit control our tongues, we can control our whole body (Jas 3:2).

This applies not only to our physical bodies but to Christ’s Body, the Church. Tongues of gossip, backbiting, negativity, and discouragement undermine the Church and make our worship pointless (Jas 1:26). Tongues of praise, prayer, prophecy, and encouragement build up Christ’s body (1 Cor 14:3-4). The tongue is a most important member of the Body, the Church.


Prayer:  Father, may I speak in tongues of prayer and praise, not in sinful tongues.

Promise:  “Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated.” —Dt 34:7

Praise:  St. Clare, holding aloft the Eucharist in a monstrance, drove off a threatening army.


 What's the best way to repair a damaged relationship? Jesus offers his disciples spiritual freedom and power for restoring broken or injured relationships.

Don't brood over an offense - speak directly and privately
What can we learn from Jesus' instructions about how to mend a damaged relationship (Matthew 18:15-20)? If you feel you have been wronged by someone, Jesus says the first step is to speak directly but privately to the individual who has done the harm. One of the worst things we can do is brood over our grievance. This can poison our mind and heart and make it more difficult to go directly to the person who caused the damage.

Seek the help of wise Christians
If we truly want to settle a difference with someone, we need to do it face to face. If this fails in its purpose, then the second step is to bring another person or persons, someone who is wise and gracious rather than someone who is hot-tempered or judgmental. The goal is not so much to put the offender on trial, but to persuade the offender to see the wrong and to be reconciled. And if this fails, then we must still not give up, but seek the help of the Christian community. Note the emphasis here is on restoring a broken relationship by seeking the help of other Christians who hopefully will pray and seek a solution for reconciliation based on Christian love and wisdom, rather than relying on coercive force or threat of legal action, such as a lawsuit.

Pray for the offender - for healing and reconciliation
Lastly, if even the Christian community fails to bring about reconciliation, what must we do? Jesus seems to say that we have the right to abandon stubborn and obdurate offenders and treat them like social outcasts. The tax-collectors and Gentiles were regarded as "unclean" by the religious-minded Jews and they resorted to shunning them. However we know from the Gospel accounts that Jesus often had fellowship with tax-collectors (as well as other public sinners), ate with them, and even praised them at times! Jesus refuses no one who is open to receive pardon, healing, and restoration.

Set no obstacle in seeking to heal your brother's wound
When you are offended, are you willing to put aside your own grievance and injury in order to help your brother's wound? The Lord Jesus wants to set us free from resentment, ill-will, and an unwillingness to forgive. The love of Christ both purifies and sets us free to do good to all - even those who cause us grief. The call to accountability for what we have done and have failed to do is inevitable and we can't escape it, both in this life and at the day of judgment when the Lord Jesus will return. But while we have the opportunity today, we must not give up on praying for those who cause us offense. With God's help we must seek to make every effort to win them with the grace and power of God's healing love and wisdom. Do you tolerate broken relationships or do you seek to repair them as God gives you the opportunity to mend and restore what is broken?

Lord Jesus, make me an instrument of your healing love and peace. Give me wisdom and courage to bring your healing love and saving truth to those in need of healing and restoration.

Psalm 66:1-5, 8, 16-17

1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;
2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!
3 Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you.
4 All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing praises to your name." [Selah]
5 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among men.
8 Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard
16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.
17 I cried aloud to him, and he was extolled with my tongue.

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: If someone has done you injury, by Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)

"If someone has done you injury and you have suffered, what should be done? You have heard the answer already in today's scripture: 'If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone.' If you fail to do so, you are worse than he is. He has done someone harm, and by doing harm he has stricken himself with a grievous wound. Will you then completely disregard your brother's wound? Will you simply watch him stumble and fall down? Will you disregard his predicament? If so, you are worse in your silence than he in his abuse. Therefore, when any one sins against us, let us take great care, but not merely for ourselves. For it is a glorious thing to forget injuries. Just set aside your own injury, but do not neglect your brother's wound. Therefore 'go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone,' intent upon his amendment but sparing his sense of shame. For it might happen that through defensiveness he will begin to justify his sin, and so you will have inadvertently nudged him still closer toward the very behavior you desire to amend. Therefore 'tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother,' because he might have been lost, had you not spoken with him. " (excerpt from Sermon 82.7)



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