2021년 4월 8일 부활 팔일 축제 내 목요일
오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp
<여러분은 생명의 영도자를 죽였습니다. 그러나 하느님께서는 죽은 이들 가운데에서 그분을 다시 일으키셨습니다.>
사도행전. 3,11-26
그 무렵 치유받은 불구자가 11 베드로와 요한 곁을 떠나지 않고 있는데,
온 백성이 크게 경탄하며 ‘솔로몬 주랑’이라고 하는 곳에 있는 그들에게 달려갔다.
12 베드로는 백성을 보고 말하였다.
“이스라엘인 여러분, 왜 이 일을 이상히 여깁니까?
또 우리의 힘이나 신심으로 이 사람을 걷게 만들기나 한 것처럼,
왜 우리를 유심히 바라봅니까?
13 여러분은 예수님을 빌라도에게 넘기고,
그분을 놓아주기로 결정한 빌라도 앞에서 그분을 배척하였습니다.
그러나 아브라함의 하느님과 이사악의 하느님과 야곱의 하느님,
곧 우리 조상들의 하느님께서는 당신의 종 예수님을 영광스럽게 하셨습니다.
14 여러분은 거룩하고 의로우신 분을 배척하고
살인자를 풀어 달라고 청한 것입니다.
15 여러분은 생명의 영도자를 죽였습니다.
그러나 하느님께서는 죽은 이들 가운데에서 그분을 다시 일으키셨고,
우리는 그 증인입니다.
16 이 예수님의 이름에 대한 믿음 때문에,
바로 그분의 이름이 여러분이 지금 보고 또 아는 이 사람을 튼튼하게 하였습니다.
그분에게서 오는 믿음이 여러분 모두 앞에서
이 사람을 완전히 낫게 해 주었습니다.
17 이제, 형제 여러분! 나는 여러분도 여러분의 지도자들과 마찬가지로
무지한 탓으로 그렇게 하였음을 압니다.
18 하느님께서는 모든 예언자의 입을 통하여
당신의 메시아께서 고난을 겪으시리라고 예고하신 것을 그렇게 이루셨습니다.
19 그러므로 회개하고 하느님께 돌아와 여러분의 죄가 지워지게 하십시오.
20 그러면 다시 생기를 찾을 때가 주님에게서 올 것이며,
주님께서는 여러분을 위하여 정하신 메시아 곧 예수님을 보내 주실 것입니다.
21 물론 이 예수님께서는 하느님께서
예로부터 당신의 거룩한 예언자들의 입을 통하여 말씀하신 대로,
만물이 복원될 때까지 하늘에 계셔야 합니다.
22 모세는 이렇게 말하였습니다.
‘주 너희 하느님께서는 너희 동족 가운데에서
나와 같은 예언자를 일으켜 주실 것이니,
너희는 그가 하는 말은 무엇이든지 다 들어야 한다.
23 누구든지 그 예언자의 말을 듣지 않는 자는 백성에게서 잘려 나갈 것이다.’
24 그리고 사무엘을 비롯하여 그 뒤를 이어 말씀을 전한 모든 예언자도
지금의 이때를 예고하였습니다.
25 여러분은 그 예언자들의 자손이고, 또 하느님께서 아브라함에게
‘세상의 모든 종족들이 너희 후손을 통하여 복을 받을 것이다.’ 하시며
여러분의 조상들과 맺어 주신 계약의 자손입니다.
26 하느님께서는 당신의 종을 일으키시고 먼저 여러분에게 보내시어,
여러분 하나하나를 악에서 돌아서도록 하여
여러분에게 복을 내리게 하셨습니다.”
<성경에 기록된 대로, 그리스도는 고난을 겪고 사흘 만에 죽은 이들 가운데에서 다시 살아나야 한다.>
루카 24,35-48
그 무렵 예수님의 제자들은 35 길에서 겪은 일과
빵을 떼실 때에 그분을 알아보게 된 일을 이야기해 주었다.
36 그들이 이러한 이야기를 하고 있을 때
예수님께서 그들 가운데에 서시어,
“평화가 너희와 함께!” 하고 그들에게 말씀하셨다.
37 그들은 너무나 무섭고 두려워 유령을 보는 줄로 생각하였다.
38 그러자 예수님께서 그들에게 이르셨다.
“왜 놀라느냐? 어찌하여 너희 마음에 여러 가지 의혹이 이느냐?
39 내 손과 내 발을 보아라.
바로 나다. 나를 만져 보아라.
유령은 살과 뼈가 없지만, 나는 너희도 보다시피 살과 뼈가 있다.”
40 이렇게 말씀하시고 나서 그들에게 손과 발을 보여 주셨다.
41 그들은 너무 기쁜 나머지 아직도 믿지 못하고 놀라워하는데,
예수님께서 그들에게 “여기에 먹을 것이 좀 있느냐?” 하고 물으셨다.
42 그들이 구운 물고기 한 토막을 드리자,
43 예수님께서는 그것을 받아 그들 앞에서 잡수셨다.
44 그리고 그들에게 이르셨다.
“내가 전에 너희와 함께 있을 때에 말한 것처럼,
나에 관하여 모세의 율법과 예언서와 시편에 기록된 모든 것이
다 이루어져야 한다.”
45 그때에 예수님께서는 그들의 마음을 여시어 성경을 깨닫게 해 주셨다.
46 이어서 그들에게 이르셨다.
“성경에 기록된 대로,
그리스도는 고난을 겪고 사흘 만에 죽은 이들 가운데에서 다시 살아나야 한다.
47 그리고 예루살렘에서부터 시작하여,
죄의 용서를 위한 회개가 그의 이름으로 모든 민족들에게 선포되어야 한다.
48 너희는 이 일의 증인이다.”
April 8, 2021
Thursday in the Octave of Easter
Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass
Reading 1
As the crippled man who had been cured clung to Peter and John,
all the people hurried in amazement toward them
in the portico called “Solomon’s Portico.”
When Peter saw this, he addressed the people,
“You children of Israel , why are you amazed at this,
and why do you look so intently at us
as if we had made him walk by our own power or piety?
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus
whom you handed over and denied in Pilate’s presence,
when he had decided to release him.
You denied the Holy and Righteous One
and asked that a murderer be released to you.
The author of life you put to death,
but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses.
And by faith in his name,
this man, whom you see and know, his name has made strong,
and the faith that comes through it
has given him this perfect health,
in the presence of all of you.
Now I know, brothers and sisters,
that you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did;
but God has thus brought to fulfillment
what he had announced beforehand
through the mouth of all the prophets,
that his Christ would suffer.
Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away,
and that the Lord may grant you times of refreshment
and send you the Christ already appointed for you, Jesus,
whom heaven must receive until the times of universal restoration
of which God spoke through the mouth
of his holy prophets from of old.
For Moses said:
A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you
from among your own kin;
to him you shall listen in all that he may say to you.
Everyone who does not listen to that prophet
will be cut off from the people.
“Moreover, all the prophets who spoke,
from Samuel and those afterwards, also announced these days.
You are the children of the prophets
and of the covenant that God made with your ancestors
when he said to Abraham,
In your offspring all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
For you first, God raised up his servant and sent him to bless you
by turning each of you from your evil ways.”
Responsorial Psalm
R. (2ab) O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!
R. Alleluia.
O LORD, our Lord,
how glorious is your name over all the earth!
What is man that you should be mindful of him,
or the son of man that you should care for him?
R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!
R. Alleluia.
You have made him little less than the angels,
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You have given him rule over the works of your hands,
putting all things under his feet.
R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!
R. Alleluia.
All sheep and oxen,
yes, and the beasts of the field,
The birds of the air, the fishes of the sea,
and whatever swims the paths of the seas.
R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!
R. Alleluia.
The disciples of Jesus recounted what had taken place along the way,
and how they had come to recognize him in the breaking of bread.
While they were still speaking about this,
he stood in their midst and said to them,
“Peace be with you.”
But they were startled and terrified
and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled?
And why do questions arise in your hearts?
Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.
Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones
as you can see I have.”
And as he said this,
he showed them his hands and his feet.
While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed,
he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?”
They gave him a piece of baked fish;
he took it and ate it in front of them.
He said to them,
“These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you,
that everything written about me in the law of Moses
and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.”
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
And he said to them,
“Thus it is written that the Christ would suffer
and rise from the dead on the third day
and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins,
would be preached in his name
to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem .
You are witnesses of these things.”

As I write today’s reflection, we are nearing the celebration of Easter. Our readings remind us at this time of year of the importance of repentance and the good that comes from accepting Jesus as our Messiah. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Peter heals a crippled man by invoking the name of Jesus. Understandably, the crowd is amazed and Peter takes the opportunity to remind the crowd that Jesus is the “Holy and Righteous One” as well as the “Author of Life.” He continues by stating that it is through repentance and our faith in Jesus as the Messiah that we are healed and given new life. Peter, John, and the crowds are true witnesses to our Lord’s blessings. In the second reading from Luke, Jesus appears before the disciples and proclaims that following his suffering and resurrection that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name, and that the disciples would once again be witnesses to this great news.
In both readings, we see the value of repentance. The opportunity to ask for forgiveness and for our sins to be wiped away – a “refreshment” according to Peter. I believe that it is in this act of repentance that we rid ourselves of past sins and open our hearts and souls to the words of God. As such, we gain the opportunity to truly witness God’s great works. And maybe, more importantly, not just witnessing, but becoming disciples of Christ who actually carry forward the Word of God through our words and actions. Now, we may not be able to cure a crippled man in the manner of Peter and John, but we can engage in small and not-so-small acts that demonstrate we are witnesses of the Good News – be it a simple act of opening a door for a stranger, to volunteering at a shelter, to advocating for those who are marginalized, to actually treating those who are sick through our work as healthcare professionals. We all have an opportunity to witness God and to act as Jesus taught us.
I recently listened to a homily by the Reverend Patrick Smith from St. Augustine Parish in Washington, DC. And he told the story of a man who was teaching at a university and was close to being appointed tenure when he resigned. A year later a former colleague bumped into him in a grocery store and asked what he was doing. He said he was praying and discerning and felt God wanted him to leave and to teach in an inner-city public school. The former colleague asked what it was like and he said he loved it. Then his former colleague asked the question that he really wanted to know – “So, what do you make?” For which he responded – “I make a difference.” God wants us to make a difference. So, all us should take advantage of our opportunity to repent, to refresh, and to not only witness Jesus as the Messiah, but to become disciples in our own right by engaging in acts of goodness toward others. We should want to make a difference.

“They thought they were seeing a ghost.” —Luke 24:37
The apostles thought that Jesus was a ghost. He was not. Yet the apostles were on to something profound in thinking of the presence of a ghost. A “ghost” was in the upper room, the Holy Ghost, and the apostles would be filled with this Holy Spirit in seven weeks at Pentecost in that same upper room (see Acts 2:4). Jesus and the Holy Spirit opened the minds of the apostles to understand the Word of God. Then the apostles brought thousands to the Lord at Pentecost (see Acts 2:41).
During this season of Easter, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are likewise working in you to open your mind to the understanding of the Scriptures. May the Spirit also lead many to understand God’s Word through you. “Receive the Holy Spirit” (Jn 20:22) and immerse yourself in the Word of God. Make the Word of God your home (Jn 8:31). Allow Jesus to open your mind to the understanding of the Scriptures through the daily Mass readings. Then allow the Holy Spirit to minister the Word of God to many through your life.
Prayer: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, may each reader of One Bread, One Body bring thousands of people to understand the Word of God.
Promise: "Reform your lives! Turn to God, that your sins may be wiped away!" --Acts 3:19
Praise: Praise You, Lord, for rising, ascending to the Father in glory, and sending the Holy Spirit to us.

Aren't we like the apostles? We wont believe unless we can see with our own eyes. The Gospel accounts attest to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Jesus goes to great lengths to assure his disciples that he is no mere ghost or illusion. He shows them the marks of his crucifixion and he explains how the Scriptures foretold his death and rising.
Jerome (347-420 AD), an early church bible scholar, comments:
"As he showed them real hands and a real side, he really ate with his disciples; really walked with Cleophas; conversed with men with a real tongue; really reclined at supper; with real hands took bread, blessed and broke it, and was offering it to them... Do not put the power of the Lord on the level with the tricks of magicians, so that he may appear to have been what he was not, and may be thought to have eaten without teeth, walked without feet, broken bread without hands, spoken without a tongue, and showed a side which had no ribs." (From a letter to Pammachius against John of Jerusalem 34)
The door to heaven and key to paradise is through the cross
The centrality of the Gospel message is the cross - but fortunately it does not stop there. Through the cross Jesus defeated our enemies - death and Satan and won pardon for our sins. His cross is the door to heaven and the key to paradise. The way to glory is through the cross. When the disciples saw the risen Lord they disbelieved for joy! How can death lead to life, the cross to victory? Jesus shows us the way and he gives us the power to overcome sin and despair, and everything else that would stand in the way of his love and truth. Just as the first disciples were commissioned to bring the good news of salvation to all the nations, so, we, too, are called to be witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to all who live on the face of the earth. Do you witness the joy of the Gospel to those around you?
Lord Jesus, open our minds to understand the Scriptures that we may fully comprehend the truth of your word. Anoint us with your power and give us joy and boldness to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed.
Psalm 8:2,5,9
2 By the mouth of babes and infants, you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.
5 Yet you have made him little less than God, and crowned him with glory and honor.
9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: The Easter Alleluia, by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.
"We are praising God now, assembled as we are here in church; but when we go on our various ways again, it seems as if we cease to praise God. But provided we do not cease to live a good life, we shall always be praising God. You cease to praise God only when you swerve from justice and from what is pleasing to God. If you never turn aside from the good life, your tongue may be silent but your actions will cry aloud, and God will perceive your intentions; for as our ears hear each others voices, so do God's ears hear our thoughts. " (excerpt from commentary on Psalm 148)

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