오늘의 복음

January 8, 2021 Friday after Epiphany

Margaret K 2021. 1. 8. 07:49

2021 1 8일 주님 공현 후 금요일 

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 

요한 1서. 5,5-13
사랑하는 여러분, 5 세상을 이기는 사람은 누구입니까?

예수님께서 하느님의 아드님이심을 믿는 사람이 아닙니까?
6 그분께서 바로 물과 피를 통하여 세상에 오신 예수 그리스도이십니다.
물만이 아니라 물과 피로써 오신 것입니다.
이것을 증언하시는 분은 성령이십니다. 성령은 곧 진리이십니다.
7 그래서 증언하는 것이 셋입니다.
8 성령과 물과 피인데, 이 셋은 하나로 모아집니다.
9 우리가 사람들의 증언을 받아들인다면, 하느님의 증언은 더욱 중대하지 않습니까?
그것이 하느님의 증언이기 때문입니다.
바로 하느님께서 당신 아드님에 관하여 친히 증언해 주셨습니다.
10 하느님의 아드님을 믿는 사람은 이 증언을 자신 안에 간직하고 있습니다.
하느님을 믿지 않는 자는 하느님을 거짓말쟁이로 만들어 버렸습니다.
하느님께서 당신의 아드님에 관하여 하신 증언을 믿지 않았기 때문입니다.
11 그 증언은 이렇습니다.
하느님께서 우리에게 영원한 생명을 주셨고
그 생명이 당신 아드님에게 있다는 것입니다.
12 아드님을 모시고 있는 사람은 그 생명을 지니고 있고,
하느님의 아드님을 모시고 있지 않는 사람은
그 생명을 지니고 있지 않습니다.
13 내가 여러분에게,
곧 하느님의 아드님의 이름을 믿는 이들에게 이 글을 쓰는 까닭은,
여러분이 영원한 생명을 지니고 있음을 알게 하려는 것입니다.

12 예수님께서 어느 한 고을에 계실 때, 온몸에 나병이 걸린 사람이 다가왔다.

그는 예수님을 보자 얼굴을 땅에 대고 엎드려 이렇게 청하였다.
“주님! 주님께서는 하고자 하시면 저를 깨끗하게 하실 수 있습니다.”
13 예수님께서 손을 내밀어 그에게 대시며 말씀하셨다.
“내가 하고자 하니 깨끗하게 되어라.”그러자 곧 나병이 가셨다.
14 예수님께서는 아무에게도 말하지 말라고 그에게 분부하시고,
“다만 사제에게 가서 네 몸을 보이고,
모세가 명령한 대로 네가 깨끗해진 것에 대한 예물을 바쳐,
그들에게 증거가 되게 하여라.” 하셨다.
15 그래도 예수님의 소문은 점점 더 퍼져,
많은 군중이 말씀도 듣고 병도 고치려고 모여 왔다.
16 그러나 예수님께서는 외딴곳으로 물러가 기도하셨다.

January 8, 2021
Friday after Epiphany 

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

Reading 1

1 Jn 5:5-13

Who indeed is the victor over the world
but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

This is the one who came through water and Blood, Jesus Christ,
not by water alone, but by water and Blood. 
The Spirit is the one who testifies,
and the Spirit is truth. 
So there are three who testify,
the Spirit, the water, and the Blood, 
and the three are of one accord. 
If we accept human testimony,
the testimony of God is surely greater. 
Now the testimony of God is this,
that he has testified on behalf of his Son. 
Whoever believes in the Son of God
has this testimony within himself.
Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar
by not believing the testimony God has given about his Son. 
And this is the testimony:
God gave us eternal life,
and this life is in his Son. 
Whoever possesses the Son has life;
whoever does not possess the Son of God does not have life.

I write these things to you so that you may know
that you have eternal life,
you who believe in the name of the Son of God.

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20

R. (12a) Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.
R. Alleluia.
Glorify the LORD, O Jerusalem;
praise your God, O Zion.
For he has strengthened the bars of your gates;
he has blessed your children within you.
R. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.
R. Alleluia.
He has granted peace in your borders;
with the best of wheat he fills you.
He sends forth his command to the earth;
swiftly runs his word!
R. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.
R. Alleluia.
He has proclaimed his word to Jacob,
his statutes and his ordinances to Israel.
He has not done thus for any other nation;
his ordinances he has not made known to them. Alleluia.
R. Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.
R. Alleluia.


Lk 5:12-16

It happened that there was a man full of leprosy in one of the towns where Jesus was;
and when he saw Jesus,
he fell prostrate, pleaded with him, and said,
“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” 
Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, and said,
“I do will it. Be made clean.” 
And the leprosy left him immediately. 
Then he ordered him not to tell anyone, but
“Go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing
what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.” 
The report about him spread all the more,
and great crowds assembled to listen to him
and to be cured of their ailments,
but he would withdraw to deserted places to pray.


 I write these things to you so that you may know

that you have eternal life,
you who believe in the name of the Son of God.
 1 John 4

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” 
Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, and said,
“I do will it.  Be made clean.” 
 Mark 6

I love this story of Jesus being approached by a many with leprosy. In the man's day, this was a social disease. A sign of "uncleaness" - meaning the person was unable to worship in public. The leper had to live on the outskirts of a town and when anyone approached, the person had to shout, "Unclean!" to warn of his contageous disease and the ritual prohibition that someone would acquire by encountering the leper.

This man falls down in front of Jesus and pleads, "Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean." He reveals to Jesus that he believes Jesus can heal him. Jesus, in effect, says, "Of course I want to." But, first, Jesus does the most remarkable thing in this story: He reaches out and touches the man, to reasure him that he's not untouchable. Then he responds to the man's faith and says, "Be made clean."

When we watch this story, it is hard not to simply fall in love with Jesus. Who does this, except someone who loves deeply? Jesus, completely unconcerned for his own safety, or worried about ritual impurity, just reaches out the man in deep empathy and compassion. Our heart melts as we witness the scene.

The great news is that Jesus looks on us in our need in the same way. He knows how we feel about ourselves. He sees through the ways we present ourselves on the outside. He sees whatever pain we have and he reaches out to us. This story lets us boldly imagine approaching Jesus today and saying, in our own words, with our own pain, "Lord, if you want to, I believe you can make me clean. I believe you can relieve this thing in me that is self-defeating, this thing I "caught" somehow and it has a hold on me and isolates me from others." And, we can prepare ourselves to hear his most graceous and merciful response, "Of course, I want to. Be clean. Be healed. Be set free. Be whole again."

And, when we are whole again, we will be full of gratitude and know that we have eternal life in him. We can be bold in touching and relieving the isolation of other sin pain. What a joyful gift.




“It is the Spirit Who testifies to this, and the Spirit is Truth.” —1 John 5:6

On this fourteenth day of Christmas, our true Love, Jesus, gives us victory. We defeat the evil one “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of (our) testimony” (Rv 12:11), that is, our witness.

The water of Jesus’ baptism and the blood of His death witness that He is the Son of God (1 Jn 5:6-8). However, these witnesses are not always understood or accepted. So the Spirit witnesses for these witnesses (1 Jn 5:6). He bears witness on  behalf of Jesus (Jn 15:26). “The Spirit Himself gives witness with our” spirits (Rm 8:16). Therefore, by the Holy Spirit, we believe that Jesus is God, for “no one can say: ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except in the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12:3). By the power of the Holy Spirit, we become witnesses for the risen Christ (Acts 1:8) and thereby conquer the world.

The Holy Spirit wants to rest on us (Lk 4:18) and make us witnesses for Jesus and more than conquerors (Rm 8:37). Listen “to the voice of the Spirit” (Toward the Third Millennium, Pope St. John Paul II, 48), and renew the face of the earth (Ps 104:30).

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, cry out in my heart “Abba” (Gal 4:6).

Promise:  “Great crowds gathered to hear Him and to be cured of their maladies.” —Lk 5:15

Praise:  Louise has become a dedicated virgin, one of the few in her diocese, dedicated to her Bridegroom.


  Do you seek the Lord Jesus with expectant faith? No one who sought Jesus out was refused his help. Even the untouchables and the outcasts of Jewish society found help in him. Unlike the people of Jesus' time who fled at the sight of a leper, Jesus touched the leper who approached him and he made him whole and clean. Why was this so remarkable? Lepers were outcasts of society. They were driven from their homes and communities and left to fend for themselves. Their physical condition was terrible as they slowly lost the use of their limbs and withered away. They were not only shunned but regarded as "already dead" even by their relatives. The Jewish law forbade anyone from touching or approaching a leper, lest ritual defilement occur.

This leper did something quite remarkable. He approached Jesus confidently and humbly, expecting that Jesus could and would heal him. Normally a leper would be stoned or at least warded off if he tried to come near a rabbi. Jesus not only grants the man his request, but he demonstrates the personal love, compassion, and tenderness of God in his physical touch. The medical knowledge of his day would have regarded such contact as grave risk for incurring infection. Jesus met the man's misery with compassion and tender kindness. He communicated the love and mercy of God in a sign that spoke more eloquently than words. He touched the man and made him clean - not only physically but spiritually as well.

How do you approach those who seem difficult to love, or who are shunned by others because they are deformed or have some physical or mental weakness? Do you show them kindness and offer them mercy and help as Jesus did? The Lord Jesus is always ready to show us his mercy and to free us from whatever makes us unclean, unapproachable, or unloving.

Lord Jesus, inflame my heart with your love and make me clean and whole in body, mind, and spirit. May I never doubt your love nor cease to tell others of your mercy and compassion.

Psalm 147:12-15,19-20

12 Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion!
13 For he strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your sons within you.
14 He makes peace in your borders; he fills you with the finest of the wheat.
15 He sends forth his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.
19 He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel.
20 He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the LORD!

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Jesus' healing demonstrates the power of the kingdom of heaven, by Ambrose of Milan, 339-397 A.D.

"The authority of power in the Lord is here compared with the steadfastness of faith manifest in the leper (Luke 5:12-13). He fell on his face because it is a mark of humility and modesty that each feel shame for the sins of his life, but shyness did not restrict his confession. He showed the wound, he begged for the remedy, and the very confession is full of piety and faith. 'If you will,' it says, 'you can make me clean'" He conceded the power to the Lord's will. But he doubted concerning the Lord's will, not as if unbelieving in piety, but as if aware of his own impurity, he did not presume. The Lord replies to him with a certain holiness. 'I will: be clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.' For there is nothing between God's command and his work, because the work is in the command. Thus he spoke, and they came into being (Psalm 33:9). You see that it cannot be doubted that the will of God is power. If, therefore, his will is power, those who affirm that the Trinity is of One will affirm that it is of one power. Thus the leprosy departed immediately. In order that you may understand the effect of healing, he added truth to the work." (excerpt from EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 5.2-3)



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