2020년 12월 17일 대림 제3주간 목요일
오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp
창세기. 49,1-2.8-10
그 무렵 1 야곱이 아들들을 불러 말하였다.
“너희는 모여들 오너라. 뒷날 너희가 겪을 일을 내가 너희에게 일러 주리라.
2 야곱의 아들들아, 모여 와 들어라. 너희 아버지 이스라엘의 말을 들어라.
8 너 유다야, 네 형제들이 너를 찬양하리라.
네 손은 원수들의 목을 잡고 네 아버지의 아들들이 네 앞에 엎드리리라.
9 유다는 어린 사자. 내 아들아, 너는 네가 잡은 짐승을 먹고 컸다.
유다가 사자처럼, 암사자처럼 웅크려 엎드리니 누가 감히 그를 건드리랴?
10 유다에게 조공을 바치고 민족들이 그에게 순종할 때까지
왕홀이 유다에게서, 지휘봉이 그의 다리 사이에서 떠나지 않으리라.”
마태오. 1,1-17
1 다윗의 자손이시며 아브라함의 자손이신 예수 그리스도의 족보.
2 아브라함은 이사악을 낳고 이사악은 야곱을 낳았으며
야곱은 유다와 그 형제들을 낳았다.
3 유다는 타마르에게서 페레츠와 제라를 낳고
페레츠는 헤츠론을 낳았으며 헤츠론은 람을 낳았다.
4 람은 암미나답을 낳고 암미나답은 나흐손을 낳았으며 나흐손은 살몬을 낳았다.
5 살몬은 라합에게서 보아즈를 낳고 보아즈는 룻에게서 오벳을 낳았다.
오벳은 이사이를 낳고 6 이사이는 다윗 임금을 낳았다.
다윗은 우리야의 아내에게서 솔로몬을 낳고, 7 솔로몬은 르하브암을 낳았으며
르하브암은 아비야를 낳고 아비야는 아삽을 낳았다.
8 아삽은 여호사팟을 낳고 여호사팟은 여호람을 낳았으며
여호람은 우찌야를 낳았다.
9 우찌야는 요탐을 낳고 요탐은 아하즈를 낳았으며 아하즈는 히즈키야를 낳았다.
10 히즈키야는 므나쎄를 낳고 므나쎄는 아몬을 낳았으며 아몬은 요시야를 낳았다.
11 요시야는 바빌론 유배 때에 여호야킨과 그 동생들을 낳았다.
12 바빌론 유배 뒤에 여호야킨은 스알티엘을 낳고 스알티엘은 즈루빠벨을 낳았다.
13 즈루빠벨은 아비훗을 낳고 아비훗은 엘야킴을 낳았으며 엘야킴은 아조르를 낳았다.
14 아조르는 차독을 낳고 차독은 아킴을 낳았으며 아킴은 엘리웃을 낳았다.
15 엘리웃은 엘아자르를 낳고 엘아자르는 마탄을 낳았으며 마탄은 야곱을 낳았다.
16 야곱은 마리아의 남편 요셉을 낳았는데,
마리아에게서 그리스도라고 불리는 예수님께서 태어나셨다.
17 그리하여 이 모든 세대의 수는 아브라함부터 다윗까지가 십사 대이고,
다윗부터 바빌론 유배까지가 십사 대이며,
바빌론 유배부터 그리스도까지가 십사 대이다.
December 17, 2020
Thursday of the Third Week in Advent
Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass
Reading 1
Jacob called his sons and said to them:
“Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob,
listen to Israel, your father.
“You, Judah, shall your brothers praise
?your hand on the neck of your enemies;
the sons of your father shall bow down to you.
Judah, like a lion’s whelp,
you have grown up on prey, my son.
He crouches like a lion recumbent,
the king of beasts?who would dare rouse him?
The scepter shall never depart from Judah,
or the mace from between his legs,
While tribute is brought to him,
and he receives the people’s homage.”
Responsorial Psalm
R. (see 7) Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.
O God, with your judgment endow the king,
and with your justice, the king’s son;
He shall govern your people with justice
and your afflicted ones with judgment.
R. Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.
The mountains shall yield peace for the people,
and the hills justice.
He shall defend the afflicted among the people,
save the children of the poor.
R. Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.
Justice shall flower in his days,
and profound peace, till the moon be no more.
May he rule from sea to sea,
and from the River to the ends of the earth.
R. Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.
May his name be blessed forever;
as long as the sun his name shall remain.
In him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed;
all the nations shall proclaim his happiness.
R. Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever.
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Abraham became the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers.
Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah,
whose mother was Tamar.
Perez became the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,
Ram the father of Amminadab.
Amminadab became the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,
Salmon the father of Boaz,
whose mother was Rahab.
Boaz became the father of Obed,
whose mother was Ruth.
Obed became the father of Jesse,
Jesse the father of David the king.
David became the father of Solomon,
whose mother had been the wife of Uriah.
Solomon became the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah,
Abijah the father of Asaph.
Asaph became the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Joram,
Joram the father of Uzziah.
Uzziah became the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah.
Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amos,
Amos the father of Josiah.
Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers
at the time of the Babylonian exile.
After the Babylonian exile,
Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
Zerubbabel the father of Abiud.
Abiud became the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,
Azor the father of Zadok.
Zadok became the father of Achim,
Achim the father of Eliud,
Eliud the father of Eleazar.
Eleazar became the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary.
Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.
Thus the total number of generations
from Abraham to David
is fourteen generations;
from David to the Babylonian exile, fourteen generations;
from the Babylonian exile to the Christ,
fourteen generations.
The Gospel reading today is one of those I have glossed over for many years. I found it somewhat mundane until I began to delve into Scripture as the years have gone by. Matthew skips generations but he highlights some of the most important figures in salvation history emphasizing Jesus as part of the Davidic line. What makes this genealogy is the break from the patriarchal Jewish society at the time.
We have four women mentioned who do not fit the narrative fit for a king. We have a prostitute, a victim of sexual assault, a disguised seducer, a poor widow, and non-Jewish woman. Certainly not your typical women of Israel or those of a royal line. So, with this reading one can see the inclusivity and acceptance of all nations that is portrayed here. In that sense the love of Christ for all mankind is on display. Whatever our place and background whether it be good or bad we know that will have a place in God’s Kingdom. This reading brings us hope during the Advent Season and an understanding that our hope truly resides in Jesus Christ and Lord and Savior.
“A family record of Jesus Christ...” —Matthew 1:1
Wait! Don’t skip the genealogy! Because we love the Lord, we can’t wait to learn more about Him. Here are a few things God reveals about Himself in St. Matthew’s genealogy:
- Jesus Christ is “truly God and truly man,” God made man (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 467-468, 470).
- Jesus is God, the Messiah, born of a virgin (Mt 1:16, 18).
- Family comes first — these are the first verses of the New Testament, and God can’t wait to introduce His family.
- God works through people — lots of them.
- God loves families. Jesus lived in one for thirty years.
- Some family members are extraordinary (e.g. Mary, Joseph, David); others are faithful (e.g. Ruth, Josiah); some are nondescript (e.g. Eliud, Azor); others are despicable (e.g. Manasseh, Rehoboam). Jesus considers them all His family. God’s plan was accomplished through each one.
- Some, like Ruth and Rahab, were outsiders but were welcomed into God’s family for their loving faithfulness.
- God is pro-life. He loves fathers, mothers, and children.
- God has a place in His plan for every baby, including those born of prostitution (Perez — Mt 1:3; Gn 38:1-30), injustice (Solomon — Mt 1:6; 2 Sm 11:1-27), and mixed marriages (Obed — Mt 1:5; Ru 4:5ff).
- God is patient. His plan may take a long time to unfold.
- “God is not ashamed to be called their God” (Heb 11:16) and Jesus is not ashamed of His family. He loves them.
“Beloved, we are God’s children now” (1 Jn 3:2). Let us love our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayer: Father, thank You for adopting me into Your family! May I please You and bring honor to Your family name.
Promise: “The scepter shall never depart from Judah.” —Gn 49:10
Praise: “O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, You govern all creation with Your strong yet tender care.”
Do you know who your ancestors were, where they came from, and what they passed on from their generation to the next? Genealogies are very important. They give us our roots and help us to understand our heritage. Matthew's genealogy of Jesus traces his lineage from Abraham, the father of God's chosen people, through the line of David, King of Israel. Jesus the Messiah is the direct descent of Abraham and David, and the rightful heir to David's throne. God in his mercy fulfilled his promises to Abraham and to David that he would send a Savior and a King to rule over the house of Israel and to deliver them from their enemies.
The Lord Jesus is the fulfillment of all God's promises
When Jacob blessed his sons he foretold that Judah would receive the promise of royalty which we see fulfilled in David (Genesis 49:10). We can also see in this blessing a foreshadowing of God's fulfillment in raising up his anointed King, Jesus the Messiah. Jesus is the fulfillment of all God's promises. He is the hope not only for the people of the Old Covenant but for all nations as well. He is the Savior of the world who redeems us from slavery to sin and Satan and makes us citizens of the kingdom of God. In him we receive adoption into a royal priesthood and holy nation as sons and daughters of the living God (see 1 Peter 1:9). Do you recognize your spiritual genealogy and do you accept God as your Father and Jesus as the sovereign King and Lord of your life?
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Messiah and Savior of the world, the hope of Israel and the hope of the nations. Be the ruler of my heart and the king of my home. May there be nothing in my life that is not under your wise rule and care.
Psalm 72:3-8, 17
3 Let the mountains bear prosperity for the people, and the hills, in righteousness!
4 May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor!
5 May he live while the sun endures, and as long as the moon, throughout all generations!
6 May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass, like showers that water the earth!
7 In his days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more!
8 May he have dominion from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth!
17 May his name endure for ever, his fame continue as long as the sun! May men bless themselves by him, all nations call him blessed!
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Judah who received the promise of royalty foreshadows the Christ the King, by Rufinus (340-410 AD)
"This can be referred to the historical Judah as well as to those kings who were his descendants (Genesis 49:8-10). They broke the back of their enemies by administering the kingdom of that people. But this can also be fittingly referred to Christ, who is praised with good reason by his brothers, that is, by the apostles whom he himself called brothers in the Gospel. And his enemies, on whose back is his hand, appear to be those whom the Father promised to place under his feet by saying, 'Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet' (Psalm 110:1). They are enemies as long as they are unbelieving and unfaithful, and for that reason they are struck on the back. But after their conversion they become brothers and praise the One who, by summoning them to the adoption of the Father, has made them his coheirs and brothers. It is said correctly that the back of the enemies is struck by Christ. All those who worshiped the idols turned their back to God, as the Lord, through the prophet, accused them by saying, 'They turned their backs to me, and not their faces' (Jeremiah 2:27). Therefore he strikes their back so that after being converted they may turn their back to the idols and raise their forehead to God and may accomplish what is written here: 'Your father's sons shall bow down before you.' In fact, they adore him when they have become sons of the Father and have received the spirit of adoption in which they cry out, 'Abba, Father' (Romans 8:15-16)." No one calls Jesus Christ Lord except those who are in the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3). (excerpt from THE BLESSINGS OF THE PATRIARCHS 1.5)
[Rufinus of Aquileia (340-410) was a friend of the Bible scholar Jerome, and, like Jerome, he departed from Italy to live in the East. For many years he lived in monasteries in Egypt and in Palestine, acquiring the learning of the Eastern churches. Towards the end of his life he returned to Italy and occupied himself in translating works of the earlier Greek Fathers into Latin.]
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