2022년 9월 6일 연중 제23주간 화요일
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코린토 1서.6,1-11
형제 여러분, 1 여러분 가운데 누가 다른 사람과 문제가 있을 때,
어찌 성도들에게 가지 않고 이교도들에게 가서
심판을 받으려고 한다는 말입니까?
2 여러분은 성도들이 이 세상을 심판하리라는 것을 모릅니까?
세상이 여러분에게 심판을 받아야 할 터인데,
여러분은 아주 사소한 송사도 처리할 능력이 없다는 말입니까?
3 우리가 천사들을 심판하리라는 것을 모릅니까?
하물며 일상의 일이야 더 말할 나위가 없지 않습니까?
4 그런데 이런 일상의 송사가 일어날 경우에도,
여러분은 교회에서 업신여기는 자들을 재판관으로 앉힌다는 말입니까?
5 나는 여러분을 부끄럽게 하려고 이 말을 합니다.
여러분 가운데에는 형제들 사이에서 시비를 가려 줄 만큼
지혜로운 이가 하나도 없습니까?
6 그래서 형제가 형제에게, 그것도 불신자들 앞에서 재판을 겁니까?
7 그러므로 여러분이 서로 고소한다는 것부터가 이미 그릇된 일입니다.
왜 차라리 불의를 그냥 받아들이지 않습니까?
왜 차라리 그냥 속아 주지 않습니까?
8 여러분은 도리어 스스로 불의를 저지르고 또 속입니다.
그것도 형제들을 말입니다.
9 불의한 자들은 하느님의 나라를 차지하지 못하리라는 것을 모릅니까?
착각하지 마십시오.
불륜을 저지르는 자도 우상 숭배자도 간음하는 자도 남창도 비역하는 자도,
10 도둑도 탐욕을 부리는 자도 주정꾼도 중상꾼도 강도도
하느님의 나라를 차지하지 못합니다.
11 여러분 가운데에도 이런 자들이 더러 있었습니다.
그러나 여러분은 주 예수 그리스도의 이름과
우리 하느님의 영으로 깨끗이 씻겼습니다.
그리고 거룩하게 되었고 또 의롭게 되었습니다.
루카. 6,12-19
12 그 무렵 예수님께서는 기도하시려고 산으로 나가시어,
밤을 새우며 하느님께 기도하셨다.
13 그리고 날이 새자 제자들을 부르시어 그들 가운데에서 열둘을 뽑으셨다.
그들을 사도라고도 부르셨는데,
14 그들은 베드로라고 이름을 지어 주신 시몬, 그의 동생 안드레아,
그리고 야고보, 요한, 필립보, 바르톨로메오,
15 마태오, 토마스, 알패오의 아들 야고보, 열혈당원이라고 불리는 시몬,
16 야고보의 아들 유다, 또 배신자가 된 유다 이스카리옷이다.
17 예수님께서 그들과 함께 산에서 내려가 평지에 서시니,
그분의 제자들이 많은 군중을 이루고, 온 유다와 예루살렘,
그리고 티로와 시돈의 해안 지방에서
온 백성이 큰 무리를 이루고 있었다.
18 그들은 예수님의 말씀도 듣고 질병도 고치려고 온 사람들이었다.
그리하여 더러운 영들에게 시달리는 이들도 낫게 되었다.
19 군중은 모두 예수님께 손을 대려고 애를 썼다.
그분에게서 힘이 나와 모든 사람을 고쳐 주었기 때문이다.
September 6, 2022
Tuesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
Brothers and sisters:
How can any one of you with a case against another
dare to bring it to the unjust for judgment
instead of to the holy ones?
Do you not know that the holy ones will judge the world?
If the world is to be judged by you,
are you unqualified for the lowest law courts?
Do you not know that we will judge angels?
Then why not everyday matters?
If, therefore, you have courts for everyday matters,
do you seat as judges people of no standing in the Church?
I say this to shame you.
Can it be that there is not one among you wise enough
to be able to settle a case between brothers?
But rather brother goes to court against brother,
and that before unbelievers?
Now indeed then it is, in any case,
a failure on your part that you have lawsuits against one another.
Why not rather put up with injustice?
Why not rather let yourselves be cheated?
Instead, you inflict injustice and cheat, and this to brothers.
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the Kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived;
neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers
nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves
nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers
will inherit the Kingdom of God.
That is what some of you used to be;
but now you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified,
you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and in the Spirit of our God.
Responsorial Psalm
R. (see 4) The Lord takes delight in his people.
Sing to the LORD a new song
of praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel be glad in their maker,
let the children of Zion rejoice in their king.
R. The Lord takes delight in his people.
Let them praise his name in the festive dance,
let them sing praise to him with timbrel and harp.
For the LORD loves his people,
and he adorns the lowly with victory.
R. The Lord takes delight in his people.
Let the faithful exult in glory;
let them sing for joy upon their couches;
Let the high praises of God be in their throats.
This is the glory of all his faithful. Alleluia.
R. The Lord takes delight in his people.
Jesus departed to the mountain to pray,
and he spent the night in prayer to God.
When day came, he called his disciples to himself,
and from them he chose Twelve, whom he also named Apostles:
Simon, whom he named Peter, and his brother Andrew,
James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus,
Simon who was called a Zealot,
and Judas the son of James,
and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
And he came down with them and stood on a stretch of level ground.
A great crowd of his disciples and a large number of the people
from all Judea and Jerusalem
and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon
came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases;
and even those who were tormented by unclean spirits were cured.
Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him
because power came forth from him and healed them all.
In today’s epistle, Paul stresses the importance of dealing with internal conflicts within the Christian community. The psalm is a celebration of joy for being God’s chosen people. In the Gospel, Jesus selects the apostles and ministers to the crowd that has come out to meet him.
There are moments when I feel that I am among God’s chosen. I have led a very fortunate life. I tend not to attribute this to either chance or my undeserving actions. I tend to see what I have as a gift. I have felt that God has directed my life in particular directions. Many of those were not the directions that I would have chosen without some push (grace?).
My first thought, when reading the passage from Paul’s letter, was to consider how we deal with internal conflicts within my family. Perhaps this is not the most analogous setting as family is something into which we are born. Still, it is clear that from a certain age, family is something in which we choose to continue our participation. When I think of how we tend to deal with conflict, I realize that in childhood there was internal judication, but in adulthood conflicts tend to be swept under the rug and left to fester. Although one might draw the conclusion from today’s epistle that this may be acceptable, I think that this interpretation is far from the point that Paul is trying to make.
We live in a litigious society. Our culture promotes winning and collection of wealth. These are not the values that the Gospel seems to give us. I see us as called to love and service. This provides a very different path to conflict resolution. Perhaps a functional marriage is a good model. My experience is that marriage works when it is based on love and service and a marriage runs into problems when there is a sense of entitlement that is not being met. I would venture to say that conflicts may be avoided or at the very least minimized when there is a clear effort showing the care and support of the other.
The verses from the Psalm 149 that were left out of today’s passage seem to support the idea that along with the gift of God calling us by name to be a member of His community there will be times of stress and missions that may not be pleasant.
My prayer today builds on the thought of one’s call and the counter-cultural imperative to support the greater good rather than selfish desires.
Dear Lord,
At times I feel like I am living in the contemporary version of the Corinth community.
Paul addresses his letter to a Christian community that has become caught up in the larger society.
I sense that You are reaching out with the gift of Your call.
This seems to be a call to service (in all of the meanings of the word “service”).
Our time on this earth is so short and human life is so fragile.
In my quest for a life worth living, I choose to be invested in You.
Allow me to be open to your grace as your call plays out in me.
“Why, the very fact that you have lawsuits against one another is disastrous for you. Why not put up with injustice, and let yourselves be cheated? Instead, you yourselves injure and cheat your very own brothers.” —1 Corinthians 6:7-8
When Paul told the Corinthian Christians not to take each other to court, he:
- agreed that we should resolve our differences as soon as possible. Jesus Himself commanded us to lose no time in being reconciled with other Christians (Mt 5:24-25).
- stated that we should ask the Church, rather than unbelievers, to help resolve our differences (1 Cor 6:5-6).
To have the mind of Christ (see 1 Cor 2:16), we need to think of the importance of the Church, the immediate need of reconciliation, the priority of Christian brotherhood, and the commission to evangelize. Think Christian.
Prayer: Father, give me “a fresh, spiritual way of thinking” (Eph 4:23).
Promise: “You have been washed, consecrated, justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” —1 Cor 6:11
Praise: George and his roommate pray together daily.
What is God's call on your life? When Jesus embarked on his mission he chose twelve men to be his friends and apostles. In the choice of the twelve, we see a characteristic feature of God's work: Jesus chose very ordinary people. They were non-professionals, who had no wealth or position. They were chosen from the common people who did ordinary things, had no special education, and no social advantages. Jesus wanted ordinary people who could take an assignment and do it extraordinarily well. He chose these men, not for what they were, but for what they would be capable of becoming under his direction and power.
Give yourself unreservedly to God - he will use you for greatness in his kingdom
When the Lord calls us to serve, we must not shrug back because we think that we have little or nothing to offer. The Lord takes what ordinary people, like us, can offer and uses it for greatness in his kingdom. Is there anything holding you back from giving yourself unreservedly to God?
Jesus offers true freedom and healing for all who are troubled or afflicted
Wherever Jesus went the people came to him because they had heard all the things he did. They were hungry for God and desired healing from their afflictions. In faith they pressed upon Jesus to touch him. As they did so power came from Jesus and they were healed. Even demons trembled in the presence of Jesus and left at his rebuke.
Jesus offers freedom from the power of sin and oppression to all who seek him with expectant faith. When you hear God's word and consider all that Jesus did, how do you respond? With doubt or with expectant faith? With skepticism or with confident trust? Ask the Lord to increase your faith in his saving power and grace.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Inflame my heart with a burning love for you and with an expectant faith in your saving power. Take my life and all that I have as an offering of love for you, who are my All.
Psalm 19:1-5
1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard;
4 yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,
5 which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Jesus chose fishermen and tax collectors to be apostles, by Ambrose of Milan, 339-397 A.D.
"It says, 'He called his disciples, and he chose twelve of them,' whom he appointed sowers of the faith, to spread the help of human salvation throughout the world. At the same time, observe the heavenly counsel. He chose not wise men, nor rich men, nor nobles, but fishermen and tax collectors, whom he would direct, lest they seem to have seduced some by wisdom, or bought them with riches, or attracted them to their own grace with the authority of power and nobility. He did this so that the reasoning of truth, not the grace of disputation, should prevail."(excerpt from EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 5.44)
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