2022년 8월 12일 연중 제19주간 금요일
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에제키엘 예언서 16,1-15.60.63<또는 16,59-63>
1 주님의 말씀이 나에게 내렸다.
2 “사람의 아들아, 예루살렘에게 자기가 저지른 역겨운 짓들을 알려 주어라.
3 너는 말하여라. ‘주 하느님이 예루살렘에게 이렇게 말한다.
너의 혈통과 태생으로 말하자면, 너는 가나안 땅 출신이다.
너의 아버지는 아모리 남자고 너의 어머니는 히타이트 여자다.
4 네가 태어난 일을 말하자면, 네가 나던 날,
아무도 네 탯줄을 잘라 주지 않고, 물로 네 몸을 깨끗이 씻어 주지 않았으며,
아무도 네 몸을 소금으로 문질러 주지 않고 포대기로 싸 주지 않았다.
5 너를 애처롭게 보아서, 동정심으로 이런 일을 하나라도 해 주는 이가 없었다.
오히려 네가 나던 날, 너를 싫어하여 들판에 던져 버렸다.
6 그때에 내가 네 곁을 지나가다가, 피투성이로 버둥거리는 너를 보았다.
그래서 내가 피투성이로 누워 있는 너에게 ′살아남아라!′ 하고 말하였다.
7 그러고 나서 너를 들의 풀처럼 자라게 하였더니,
네가 크게 자라서 꽃다운 나이에 이르렀다.
젖가슴은 또렷이 드러나고 털도 다 자랐다.
그러나 너는 아직도 벌거벗은 알몸뚱이였다.
8 그때에 내가 다시 네 곁을 지나가다가 보니, 너는 사랑의 때에 이르러 있었다.
그래서 내가 옷자락을 펼쳐 네 알몸을 덮어 주었다.
나는 너에게 맹세하고 너와 계약을 맺었다.
주 하느님의 말이다. 그리하여 너는 나의 사람이 되었다.
9 나는 너를 물로 씻어 주고 네 몸에 묻은 피를 닦고 기름을 발라 주었다.
10 수놓은 옷을 입히고 돌고래 가죽신을 신겨 주었고,
아마포 띠를 매어 주고 비단으로 너를 덮어 주었으며,
11 장신구로 치장해 주었다.
두 팔에는 팔찌를, 목에는 목걸이를 걸어 주고,
12 코에는 코걸이를, 두 귀에는 귀걸이를 달아 주었으며,
머리에는 화려한 면류관을 씌워 주었다.
13 이렇게 너는 금과 은으로 치장하고, 아마포 옷과 비단옷과 수놓은 옷을 입고서,
고운 곡식 가루 음식과 꿀과 기름을 먹었다.
너는 더욱더 아름다워져 왕비 자리에까지 오르게 되었다.
14 네 아름다움 때문에 너의 명성이 민족들에게 퍼져 나갔다.
내가 너에게 베푼 영화로 네 아름다움이 완전하였던 것이다.
주 하느님의 말이다.
15 그런데 너는 네 아름다움을 믿고, 네 명성에 힘입어 불륜을 저질렀다.
지나가는 아무하고나 마구 불륜을 저질렀다.
60 그러나 나는 네가 어린 시절에 너와 맺은 내 계약을 기억하고,
너와 영원한 계약을 세우겠다.
63 이는 네가 저지른 모든 일을 내가 용서할 때,
네가 지난 일을 기억하고 부끄러워하며,
수치 때문에 입을 열지 못하게 하려는 것이다. 주 하느님의 말이다.’”
마태오. 19,3-12
그때에 3 바리사이들이 다가와 예수님을 시험하려고,
“무엇이든지 이유만 있으면
남편이 아내를 버려도 됩니까?” 하고 물었다.
4 그러자 예수님께서 이렇게 대답하셨다. “너희는 읽어 보지 않았느냐?
창조주께서 처음부터 ‘그들을 남자와 여자로 만드시고’나서,
5 ‘그러므로 남자는 아버지와 어머니를 떠나 아내와 결합하여,
둘이 한 몸이 될 것이다.’ 하고 이르셨다.
6 따라서 그들은 이제 둘이 아니라 한 몸이다.
그러므로 하느님께서 맺어 주신 것을 사람이 갈라놓아서는 안 된다.”
7 그들이 다시 예수님께, “그렇다면 어찌하여 모세는
‘이혼장을 써 주고 아내를 버려라.’ 하고 명령하였습니까?” 하자,
8 예수님께서 그들에게 말씀하셨다.
“모세는 너희의 마음이 완고하기 때문에
너희가 아내를 버리는 것을 허락하였다.
그러나 처음부터 그렇게 된 것은 아니다.
9 내가 너희에게 말한다. 불륜을 저지른 경우 외에
아내를 버리고 다른 여자와 혼인하는 자는 간음하는 것이다.”
10 그러자 제자들이 예수님께, “아내에 대한 남편의 처지가 그러하다면
혼인하지 않는 것이 좋겠습니다.” 하고 말하였다.
11 예수님께서 그들에게 이르셨다.
“모든 사람이 이 말을 받아들일 수 있는 것은 아니다.
허락된 이들만 받아들일 수 있다.
12 사실 모태에서부터 고자로 태어난 이들도 있고,
사람들 손에 고자가 된 이들도 있으며,
하늘 나라 때문에 스스로 고자가 된 이들도 있다.
받아들일 수 있는 사람은 받아들여라.”
August 12, 2022
Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Reading 1
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or Ez 16:59-63
The word of the LORD came to me:
Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations.
Thus says the Lord GOD to Jerusalem:
By origin and birth you are of the land of Canaan;
your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.
As for your birth, the day you were born your navel cord was not cut;
you were neither washed with water nor anointed,
nor were you rubbed with salt, nor swathed in swaddling clothes.
No one looked on you with pity or compassion
to do any of these things for you.
Rather, you were thrown out on the ground as something loathsome,
the day you were born.
Then I passed by and saw you weltering in your blood.
I said to you: Live in your blood and grow like a plant in the field.
You grew and developed, you came to the age of puberty;
your breasts were formed, your hair had grown,
but you were still stark naked.
Again I passed by you and saw that you were now old enough for love.
So I spread the corner of my cloak over you to cover your nakedness;
I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you;
you became mine, says the Lord GOD.
Then I bathed you with water, washed away your blood,
and anointed you with oil.
I clothed you with an embroidered gown,
put sandals of fine leather on your feet;
I gave you a fine linen sash and silk robes to wear.
I adorned you with jewelry: I put bracelets on your arms,
a necklace about your neck, a ring in your nose,
pendants in your ears, and a glorious diadem upon your head.
Thus you were adorned with gold and silver;
your garments were of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth.
Fine flour, honey, and oil were your food.
You were exceedingly beautiful, with the dignity of a queen.
You were renowned among the nations for your beauty, perfect as it was,
because of my splendor which I had bestowed on you,
says the Lord GOD.
But you were captivated by your own beauty,
you used your renown to make yourself a harlot,
and you lavished your harlotry on every passer-by,
whose own you became.
Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you when you were a girl,
and I will set up an everlasting covenant with you,
that you may remember and be covered with confusion,
and that you may be utterly silenced for shame
when I pardon you for all you have done, says the Lord GOD.
Thus says the LORD:
I will deal with you according to what you have done,
you who despised your oath, breaking a covenant.
Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you when you were a girl,
and I will set up an everlasting covenant with you.
Then you shall remember your conduct and be ashamed
when I take your sisters, those older and younger than you,
and give them to you as daughters,
even though I am not bound by my covenant with you.
For I will re-establish my covenant with you,
that you may know that I am the LORD,
that you may remember and be covered with confusion,
and that you may be utterly silenced for shame
when I pardon you for all you have done, says the Lord GOD.
Responsorial Psalm
R. (1c) You have turned from your anger.
God indeed is my savior;
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salvation.
R. You have turned from your anger.
Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.
R. You have turned from your anger.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement;
let this be known throughout all the earth.
Shout with exultation, O city of Zion,
for great in your midst
is the Holy One of Israel!
R. You have turned from your anger.
Some Pharisees approached Jesus, and tested him, saying,
“Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause whatever?”
He said in reply, “Have you not read that from the beginning
the Creator made them male and female and said,
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?
So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore, what God has joined together, man must not separate.”
They said to him, “Then why did Moses command
that the man give the woman a bill of divorce and dismiss her?”
He said to them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts
Moses allowed you to divorce your wives,
but from the beginning it was not so.
I say to you, whoever divorces his wife
(unless the marriage is unlawful)
and marries another commits adultery.”
His disciples said to him,
“If that is the case of a man with his wife,
it is better not to marry.”
He answered, “Not all can accept this word,
but only those to whom that is granted.
Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so;
some, because they were made so by others;
some, because they have renounced marriage
for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.”
I am a beloved sinner and child of God . . . .
What a strange beginning you are thinking. However, that is a true statement – I am, indeed, a beloved child of God and just as true I am a sinner. I remember well a few years ago at a couples’ retreat that Father Greg Carlson noted that we are beloved sinners. It does not mean we are doomed; we are redeemed. However, it also does not mean are just free to go and do whatever because we will be forgiven.
When I read the first reading, I was baffled. I understood the analogy of Israel as being the motherless child left out if the cold and God nurturing and restoring dignity and health only to be disappointed in the behavior and outcome. My sense of some Old Testament readings is that God sets rules, and the people follow for awhile and then decide their way is the better way. Some sort of retribution occurs, and slavery ensues or some other nation overtakes them. Rinse and repeat many times. I remember in a Bible class a few years ago, thinking when will they get it and just obey the rules? Then, I got it – we (me!) never seem to be able to just obey the rules. Yet, I did not see how to make this meaningful to us at this point.
At a recent church service, it came together. There was a discussion of the real vs ideal. We DO strive for the ideal but the real often/mostly falls short of the ideal. Jesus set the bar high (in many ways even higher than the Old Testament) yet was always there with grace. This passage from John helped to clarify.
John 1:17: For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
This is an essential balance of both grace and truth. Jesus sees the real and still loves us and our love for Him propels us to strive for that ideal. As the discussion continued, it was emphasized grace without truth would lead us to live completely permissive lives. There would be no regard or need to move toward the ideal. Yet, truth without grace would end in hypocrisy and lies – we would be separated from God. Jesus provides the opportunity for the balance to make it possible in this broken world for us still to be connected to God. He is the epitome of grace – something that is given even when not deserved. Remember when some businesses used to provide a “grace period” for payment. An extra period of time, not because it was earned or deserved, just given. Not unlike the Grace we receive, not because it is our entitlement, rather it is a gift – the best gift we could ever receive.
Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave
“I now say to you, whoever divorces his wife (lewd conduct is a separate case) and marries another commits adultery.” —Matthew 19:9
Jesus came into the world and freed all human beings from sin by His death on the cross. He destroyed the devil’s works (1 Jn 3:8) by rising from the dead. Jesus gave us all the capacity of becoming sharers in the divine nature (2 Pt 1:4). Jesus made us adopted sons and daughters of God. “This means that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old order has passed away; now all is new!” (2 Cor 5:17)
Jesus has radically transformed everything, including all relationships. For example, marriage is no longer subject to divorce but is indissoluble. Those who have been united by the Lord in marriage cannot be separated (Mt 19:6). God has created an objective, unbreakable bond in marriage.
In Jesus, those single for His kingdom are not cursed or merely unmarried (Mt 19:12). Now single life in Jesus can be the greatest vocation of all, the vocation of Jesus, the most definitive sign of God’s heavenly kingdom (Lk 20:35ff).
Jesus has also revolutionized relationships with parents and children and especially with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you letting Jesus make all things new in all your relationships? (see 2 Cor 5:17) Are you accepting God’s grace to unfold your Baptism? Are you letting Jesus be Lord of your relationships by letting Him do anything He wants in your relationships? Let all your relationships be immersed in the newness of Jesus.
Prayer: Father, may I not be B.C., but A.D. to the full.
Promise: “I will re-establish My covenant with you, that you may know that I am the Lord, that you may remember and be covered with confusion...when I pardon you for all you have done, says the Lord God.” —Ez 16:62-63
Praise: St. Jane Frances was a wife, the mother of six children, a widow, a religious sister, and the founder, along with St. Francis de Sales, of a religious order, the Visitation nuns.
What is God's intention for our state in life, whether married or single?
Jesus deals with the issue of divorce by taking his hearers back to the beginning of creation and to God's plan for the human race. In Genesis 2:23-24 we see God's intention and ideal that two people who marry should become so indissolubly one that they are one flesh. That ideal is found in the unbreakable union of Adam and Eve. They were created for each other and for no one else. They are the pattern and symbol for all who were to come. Jesus explains that Moses permitted divorce as a concession in view of a lost ideal. Jesus sets the high ideal of the married state before those who are willing to accept his commands.
Whether married or single - be consecrated for the Lord
Jesus, likewise sets the high ideal for those who freely renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Both marriage and the single life are calls from God to live a consecrated life, that is to live as married couples or as singles who belong not to themselves but to God. Our lives are not our own, but they belong to God. He gives strength, joy, and blessing to those who seek to follow his way of holiness in their state of life. Do you seek the Lord Jesus and his grace for your state of life?
Lord Jesus Christ, your call to holiness extends to all in every state of life. Sanctify our lives - as married couples and as singles - that we may live as men and women who are consecrated to you. Make us leaven in a society that disdains life-long marriage fidelity, chastity, and living single for the Lord.
Psalm 136:1-3,16-18,21-22,24
1 O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever.
2 O give thanks to the God of Gods, for his steadfast love endures for ever.
3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
16 to him who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
17 to him who smote great kings, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
18 and slew famous kings, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
21 and gave their land as a heritage, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
22 a heritage to Israel his servant, for his steadfast love endures for ever.
24 and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures for ever;
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Don't separate what God has joined together, by John Chrysostom (347-407 AD)
"Then he showed that it is a fearful thing to tamper with this law. When establishing this law, he did not say, 'Therefore, do not sever or separate' but 'What God has joined together, let man not separate.' If you quote Moses, I will quote the God of Moses, and with him I am always strong. For God from the beginning made them male and female. This law is very old, even if it appears human beings have recently discovered it. It is firmly fixed. And God did not simply bring the woman to her husband but ordered her also to leave her father and mother. And he not only ordered the man to go to the woman but also to cling to her, showing by his way of speaking that they could not be separated. And not even with this was God satisfied, but he sought also for another greater union: 'for the two shall be one flesh.'" (excerpt from THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, HOMILY 62.1)
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