오늘의 복음

March 18, 2022 Friday of the Second Week of Lent

Margaret K 2022. 3. 18. 05:30

2022년 3월 18일 사순 제2주간 금요일 

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 

<저기 저 꿈쟁이가 오는구나. 저 녀석을 죽여 버리자.>


창세기. 37,3-4.12-13ㄷ.17ㄹ-28
3 이스라엘은 요셉을 늘그막에 얻었으므로,
다른 어느 아들보다 그를 더 사랑하였다.
그래서 그에게 긴 저고리를 지어 입혔다.
4 그의 형들은 아버지가 어느 형제보다 그를 더 사랑하는 것을 보고
그를 미워하여, 그에게 정답게 말을 건넬 수가 없었다.
12 그의 형들이 아버지의 양 떼에게 풀을 뜯기러 스켐 근처로 갔을 때,
13 이스라엘이 요셉에게 말하였다.
“네 형들이 스켐 근처에서 양 떼에게 풀을 뜯기고 있지 않느냐?
자, 내가 너를 형들에게 보내야겠다.”
17 그래서 요셉은 형들을 뒤따라가 도탄에서 그들을 찾아냈다.
18 그런데 그의 형들은 멀리서 그를 알아보고,
그가 자기들에게 가까이 오기 전에 그를 죽이려는 음모를 꾸몄다.

19 그들은 서로 말하였다. “저기 저 꿈쟁이가 오는구나.
20 자, 이제 저 녀석을 죽여서 아무 구덩이에나 던져 넣고,
사나운 짐승이 잡아먹었다고 이야기하자.
그리고 저 녀석의 꿈이 어떻게 되나 보자.”
21 그러나 르우벤은 이 말을 듣고 그들의 손에서 요셉을 살려 낼 속셈으로,
“목숨만은 해치지 말자.” 하고 말하였다.
22 르우벤이 그들에게 다시 말하였다.
“피만은 흘리지 마라. 그 아이를 여기 광야에 있는 이 구덩이에 던져 버리고,
그 아이에게 손을 대지는 마라.”
르우벤은 그들의 손에서 요셉을 살려 내어
아버지에게 되돌려 보낼 생각이었다.
23 이윽고 요셉이 형들에게 다다르자,
그들은 그의 저고리, 곧 그가 입고 있던 긴 저고리를 벗기고,
24 그를 잡아 구덩이에 던졌다. 그것은 물이 없는 빈 구덩이였다.
25 그들이 앉아 빵을 먹다가 눈을 들어 보니,
길앗에서 오는 이스마엘인들의 대상이 보였다.
그들은 여러 낙타에 향고무와 유향과 반일향을 싣고,
이집트로 내려가는 길이었다.
26 그때 유다가 형제들에게 말하였다. “우리가 동생을 죽이고
그 아이의 피를 덮는다고 해서, 우리에게 무슨 이득이 있겠느냐?
27 자, 그 아이를 이스마엘인들에게 팔아 버리고,
우리는 그 아이에게 손을 대지 말자.
그래도 그 아이는 우리 아우고 우리 살붙이가 아니냐?”
그러자 형제들은 그의 말을 듣기로 하였다.
28 그때에 미디안 상인들이 지나가다 요셉을 구덩이에서 끌어내었다.
그들은 요셉을 이스마엘인들에게 은전 스무 닢에 팔아넘겼다.
이들이 요셉을 이집트로 데리고 갔다. 


<저자가 상속자다. 자, 저자를 죽여 버리자.>

 마태오. 21,33-43.45-46
그때에 예수님께서 수석 사제들과 백성의 원로들에게 말씀하셨다.
33 “다른 비유를 들어 보아라. 어떤 밭 임자가 ‘포도밭을 일구어
울타리를 둘러치고 포도 확을 파고 탑을 세웠다.’
그리고 소작인들에게 내주고 멀리 떠났다.
34 포도 철이 가까워지자
그는 자기 몫의 소출을 받아 오라고 소작인들에게 종들을 보냈다.
35 그런데 소작인들은 그들을 붙잡아 하나는 매질하고
하나는 죽이고 하나는 돌을 던져 죽이기까지 하였다.
36 주인이 다시 처음보다 더 많은 종을 보냈지만,
소작인들은 그들에게도 같은 짓을 하였다.
37 주인은 마침내 ‘내 아들이야 존중해 주겠지.’ 하며 그들에게 아들을 보냈다.
38 그러나 소작인들은 아들을 보자, ‘저자가 상속자다. 자, 저자를 죽여 버리고
우리가 그의 상속 재산을 차지하자.’ 하고 저희끼리 말하면서,
39 그를 붙잡아 포도밭 밖으로 던져 죽여 버렸다.
40 그러니 포도밭 주인이 와서 그 소작인들을 어떻게 하겠느냐?”
41 “그렇게 악한 자들은 가차 없이 없애 버리고,
제때에 소출을 바치는 다른 소작인들에게 포도밭을 내줄 것입니다.”
하고 그들이 대답하자, 42 예수님께서 그들에게 말씀하셨다.
“너희는 성경에서 이 말씀을 읽어 본 적이 없느냐?
‘집 짓는 이들이 내버린 돌, 그 돌이 모퉁이의 머릿돌이 되었네.
이는 주님께서 이루신 일, 우리 눈에 놀랍기만 하네.’
43 그러므로 내가 너희에게 말한다.
하느님께서는 너희에게서 하느님의 나라를 빼앗아,
그 소출을 내는 민족에게 주실 것이다.”
45 수석 사제들과 바리사이들은 이 비유들을 듣고서
자기들을 두고 하신 말씀인 것을 알아차리고,
46 그분을 붙잡으려고 하였으나 군중이 두려웠다.
군중이 예수님을 예언자로 여겼기 때문이다. 

March 18, 2022 

Friday of the Second Week of Lent 

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

Reading 1

Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a

Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,
for he was the child of his old age;
and he had made him a long tunic.
When his brothers saw that their father loved him best of all his sons,
they hated him so much that they would not even greet him.

One day, when his brothers had gone
to pasture their father's flocks at Shechem,
Israel said to Joseph, 
"Your brothers, you know, are tending our flocks at Shechem.
Get ready; I will send you to them."

So Joseph went after his brothers and caught up with them in Dothan.
They noticed him from a distance,
and before he came up to them, they plotted to kill him.
They said to one another: "Here comes that master dreamer!
Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here;
we could say that a wild beast devoured him.
We shall then see what comes of his dreams."

When Reuben heard this,
he tried to save him from their hands, saying,
"We must not take his life.
Instead of shedding blood," he continued,
"just throw him into that cistern there in the desert;
but do not kill him outright."
His purpose was to rescue him from their hands
and return him to his father. 
So when Joseph came up to them,
they stripped him of the long tunic he had on;
then they took him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry.

They then sat down to their meal.
Looking up, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead,
their camels laden with gum, balm and resin
to be taken down to Egypt.
Judah said to his brothers:
"What is to be gained by killing our brother and concealing his blood? 
Rather, let us sell him to these Ishmaelites,
instead of doing away with him ourselves.
After all, he is our brother, our own flesh."
His brothers agreed.
They sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. 

Responsorial Psalm

Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21

R. (5a) Remember the marvels the Lord has done.
When the LORD called down a famine on the land
and ruined the crop that sustained them,
He sent a man before them,
Joseph, sold as a slave.
R. Remember the marvels the Lord has done.
They had weighed him down with fetters,
and he was bound with chains,
Till his prediction came to pass
and the word of the LORD proved him true.
Remember the marvels the Lord has done.
The king sent and released him,
the ruler of the peoples set him free.
He made him lord of his house
and ruler of all his possessions.
Remember the marvels the Lord has done.~ 



Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people: 
"Hear another parable.
There was a landowner who planted a vineyard,
put a hedge around it,
dug a wine press in it, and built a tower.
Then he leased it to tenants and went on a journey.
When vintage time drew near,
he sent his servants to the tenants to obtain his produce.
But the tenants seized the servants and one they beat,
another they killed, and a third they stoned.
Again he sent other servants, more numerous than the first ones,
but they treated them in the same way.
Finally, he sent his son to them,
thinking, 'They will respect my son.'
But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another,
'This is the heir.
Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.'
They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?"
They answered him,
He will put those wretched men to a wretched death
and lease his vineyard to other tenants
who will give him the produce at the proper times."
Jesus said to them, Did you never read in the Scriptures:

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes?

Therefore, I say to you,
the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you
and given to a people that will produce its fruit."
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables,
they knew that he was speaking about them.
And although they were attempting to arrest him, 

they feared the crowds, for they regarded him as a prophet.



 This reflection is coming soon. This is a reflection by Dennis Hamm, S.J., from 2016 on these readings.

The rejected one becomes the savior. Believe it or not, today’s readings present not just two stories that mirror each other—the story of Joseph rejected by his brothers (who will emerge to becomes their savior)  and the story of Jesus rejected by the leaders of his day (only to become the savior of his people—but really four stories that all have this same plot. Let me explain.

When Jesus begins to realize that the religious leadership, together with their Roman oppressors, are planning to have him killed, he reaches back to a parable that Isaiah told some seven centuries earlier—Isaiah 5:1-7, the parable of the vineyard that produced wild grapes and is therefore rejected by the Lord God; which parable Isaiah explains as standing for the people of Israel, led by wealthy leaders who have been self-indulgent and violent, and forgetful of God’s ownership of the vineyard of Israel (Isa 5:8-12). Jesus updates that parable and applies it to what the religious and imperial power-holders are doing in his own day—thinking of themselves first and using violence (like killing him!) to implement their selfish desires to control events for their own purposes.

The Lectionary tradition that joins this reading to the Genesis story of Joseph’s brothers “removing” him to implement their violent jealousy because they (i.e. the designers of the Lectionary) discern a similar pattern: the rejected one will become the savior.  So far, we have three stories—the Joseph story, the parable of Isaiah and the passion and resurrection of Jesus exhibiting this divine plot.

There is yet another expression of the same phenomenon—the quotation of a verse from Psalm 118 that comes toward the end of Jesus’ speech:

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes

The early church found in those words of an ancient psalm the perfect summary of the Paschal mystery. While the original psalmist seems to be speaking about the eventual thriving of tyrannized Israel, those words are now wonderfully fulfilled in the life death and resurrection of Jesus. The “builders” (the religious and imperial authorities of Jesus’ day) reject Jesus (like quarrymen rejecting a block of limestone as not worthy of their building plans) by killing him; but Jesus is raised from the dead and becomes the foundation stone of the New Temple that is the renewed people of God, the Church.  And so, already this early in Lent, we are given a glimpse of what will happen in the death and resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate during Passion Week, Easter, and Pentecost.



“The Stone Which the builders rejected has become the Keystone of the structure. It was the Lord Who did this and we find it marvelous to behold.” —Matthew 21:42; Psalm 118:22-23

If we repent in our sinfulness, slavery, and misery, the Lord will take the worst in our lives and make it the best. The Lord manifests His almighty power not just by doing great works but by making the greatest miracles out of the worst sins, injustices, and defeats. “God makes all things work together for the good of those who love” Him (Rm 8:28).

Joseph’s brothers decided to murder him. Then they changed their plans from murdering him to starving him and finally to selling him into slavery. The brothers agreed to lie to their father about Joseph’s death and thereby broke their father’s heart (Gn 37:20, 35). This was a gross evil. The Lord turned this to the good by raising up Joseph into one of the most powerful people of the world. He saved the lives of countless thousands of people (including his own family) from starvation. Ironically, Joseph, who was almost left to starve to death, saved many countries from starving to death.

The worst evil ever perpetrated and the focal point of every sin that has ever or will ever be committed is Jesus’ Passion and death. The Lord took this absolute worst to bring about the ultimate best — the salvation of the whole world.

If you are in the worst of times, there may be reason for you to be even more hopeful. “Rejoice in hope” (Rm 12:12).

Prayer:  Father, this Lent may hope well up inside me as never before.

Promise:  “The king sent and released him, the ruler of the peoples set him free. He made him lord of his house and ruler of all his possessions.” —Ps 105:20-21

Praise:  St. Cyril of Jerusalem’s instructions on the Sacraments are still relevant today.



  Do you ever feel cut off or separated from God? Joseph was violently rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt. His betrayal and suffering, however, resulted in redemption and reconciliation for his brothers. "Fear not, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today" (Genesis 50:19-20). Joseph prefigures Jesus who was betrayed by one of his own disciples and put to death on the cross for our redemption. Jesus came to reconcile us with an all-just and all-merciful God. His parables point to the mission he came to accomplish - to bring us the kingdom of God.

Parable of the vineyard
What is the message of the parable of the vineyard? Jesus' story about an absentee landlord and his not-so-good tenants would have made sense to his audience. The hills of Galilee were lined with numerous vineyards, and it was quite common for the owners to let out their estates to tenants. Many did it for the sole purpose of collecting rent.Why did Jesus' story about wicked tenants cause offense to the scribes and Pharisees? It contained both a prophetic message and a warning. Isaiah had spoken of the house of Israel as "the vineyard of the Lord" (Isaiah 5:7). Jesus' listeners would have likely understood this parable as referring to God's dealing with a stubborn and rebellious people.

This parable speaks to us today as well. It richly conveys some important truths about God and the way he deals with his people. First, it tells us of God's generosity and trust. The vineyard is well equipped with everything the tenants need. The owner went away and left the vineyard in the hands of the tenants. God, likewise trusts us enough to give us freedom to run life as we choose. This parable also tells us of God's patience and justice. Not once, but many times he forgives the tenants their debts. But while the tenants take advantage of the owner's patience, his judgment and justice prevail in the end.

Gift of the kingdom
Jesus foretold both his death on the cross and his ultimate triumph. He knew he would be rejected and put to death, but he also knew that would not be the end. After rejection would come glory - the glory of his resurrection from the grave and his ascension to the right hand of the Father in heaven. The Lord blesses his people today with the gift of his kingdom - a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. And he promises that we will bear much fruit if we abide in him (see John 15:1-11). He entrusts his gifts and grace (unmerited favor and blessing) to each of us and he gives us work to do in his vineyard - the body of Christ in our midst today. He promises that our labor for him will not be in vain if we persevere with faith to the end (see 1 Corinthians 15:58). We can expect trials and even persecution. But in the end we will see triumph. Do you follow and serve the Lord Jesus with joyful hope and confidence in the victory he has won for you and the gift of abundant new life in the Holy Spirit?

Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits which you have given us - for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us. O most merciful redeemer, friend, and brother, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, for your own sake. (prayer of St. Richard of Chichester, 13th century)

Psalm 105:16-21

16 When he summoned a famine on the land, and broke every staff of bread,
17 he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
18 His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron;
19 until what he had said came to pass the word of the LORD tested him.
20 The king sent and released him, the ruler of the peoples set him free;
21 he made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Life through death, by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.

"Unless the Word of God had first assumed our mortal flesh He could not have died for us. Only in that way was the immortal God able to die and to give life to mortal humans. Therefore, by this double sharing He brought about a wonderful exchange. We made death possible for Him, and He made life possible for us." (excerpt from Sermon 218C, 1)


More Homilies

March 5, 2021 Friday of the Second Week of Lent