2020년 11월 2일 위령의 날
오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp
지혜서. 3,1-9<또는 3,1-6.9>
1 의인들의 영혼은 하느님의 손안에 있어 어떠한 고통도 겪지 않을 것이다. 2 어리석은 자들의 눈에는 의인들이 죽은 것처럼 보이고 그들의 말로가 고난으로 생각되며 3 우리에게서 떠나는 것이 파멸로 여겨지지만, 그들은 평화를 누리고 있다.
4 사람들이 보기에 의인들이 벌을 받는 것 같지만, 그들은 불사의 희망으로 가득 차 있다.
5 그들은 단련을 조금 받은 뒤 은혜를 크게 얻을 것이다. 하느님께서 그들을 시험하시고, 그들이 당신께 맞갖은 이들임을 아셨기 때문이다.
6 그분께서는 용광로 속의 금처럼 그들을 시험하시고 번제물처럼 그들을 받아들이셨다.
<7 그분께서 그들을 찾아오실 때에 그들은 빛을 내고 그루터기들만 남은 밭의 불꽃처럼 퍼져 나갈 것이다. 8 그들은 민족들을 통치하고 백성들을 지배할 것이며, 주님께서는 그들을 영원히 다스리실 것이다.>
9 주님을 신뢰하는 이들은 진리를 깨닫고, 그분을 믿는 이들은 그분과 함께 사랑 속에 살 것이다. 은총과 자비가 주님의 거룩한 이들에게 주어지고, 그분께서는 선택하신 이들을 돌보시기 때문이다.
로마서. 5,5-11
형 제 여러분, 5 희망은 우리를 부끄럽게 하지 않습니다. 우리가 받은 성령을 통하여 하느님의 사랑이 우리 마음에 부어졌기 때문입니다. 6 우리가 아직 나약하던 시절, 그리스도께서는 정해진 때에 불경한 자들을 위하여 돌아가셨습니다. 7 의로운 이를 위해서라도 죽을 사람은 거의 없습니다. 혹시 착한 사람을 위해서라면 누가 죽겠다고 나설지도 모릅니다. 8 그런데 우리가 아직 죄인이었을 때에 그리스도께서 우리를 위하여 돌아가심으로써, 하느님께서는 우리에 대한 당신의 사랑을 증명해 주셨습니다.
9 그러므로 이제 그분의 피로 의롭게 된 우리가 그분을 통하여 하느님의 진노에서 구원을 받게 되리라는 것은 더욱 분명합니다.
10 우리가 하느님의 원수였을 때에 그분 아드님의 죽음으로 그분과 화해하게 되었다면, 화해가 이루어진 지금 그 아드님의 생명으로 구원을 받게 되리라는 것은 더욱 분명합니다. 11 그뿐 아니라 우리는 또한 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 통하여 하느님을 자랑합니다. 이 그리스도를 통하여 이제 화해가 이루어진 것입니다..
요한 6장 37-40
아버지께서 나에게 주시는 사람은 모두 나에게 올 것이고, 나에게 오는 사람을 나는 물리치지 않을 것이다. 나는 내 뜻이 아니라 나를 보내신 분의 뜻을 실천하려고 하늘에서 내려왔기 때문이다. 나를 보내신 분의 뜻은, 그분께서 나에게 주신 사람을 하나도 잃지 않고 마지막 날에 다시 살리는 것이다. 내 아버지의 뜻은 또, 아들을 보고 믿는 사람은 누구나 영원한 생명을 얻는 것이다. 나는 마지막 날에 그들을 다시 살릴 것이다.”
November 2, 2019
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass
Reading 1
Wis 3:1-9
and no torment shall touch them.
They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead;
and their passing away was thought an affliction
and their going forth from us, utter destruction.
But they are in peace.
For if before men, indeed, they be punished,
yet is their hope full of immortality;
chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed,
because God tried them
and found them worthy of himself.
As gold in the furnace, he proved them,
and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself.
In the time of their visitation they shall shine,
and shall dart about as sparks through stubble;
they shall judge nations and rule over peoples,
and the LORD shall be their King forever.
Those who trust in him shall understand truth,
and the faithful shall abide with him in love:
because grace and mercy are with his holy ones,
and his care is with his elect.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6
R. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
beside restful waters he leads me;
he refreshes my soul.
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
R. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me.
He guides me in right paths
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk in the dark valley
I fear no evil; for you are at my side
with your rod and your staff
that give me courage.
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
R. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me.
You spread the table before me
in the sight of my foes;
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
R. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me.
Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
for years to come.
R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
R. Though I walk in the valley of darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me.
Reading 2
Rom 5:5-11
because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
For Christ, while we were still helpless,
died at the appointed time for the ungodly.
Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person,
though perhaps for a good person
one might even find courage to die.
But God proves his love for us
in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
How much more then, since we are now justified by his Blood,
will we be saved through him from the wrath.
Indeed, if, while we were enemies,
we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son,
how much more, once reconciled,
will we be saved by his life.
Not only that,
but we also boast of God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have now received reconciliation.
or Rom 6:3-9
Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus
were baptized into his death?
We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death,
so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
we too might live in newness of life.
For if we have grown into union with him through a death like his,
we shall also be united with him in the resurrection.
We know that our old self was crucified with him,
so that our sinful body might be done away with,
that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.
For a dead person has been absolved from sin.
If, then, we have died with Christ,
we believe that we shall also live with him.
We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more;
death no longer has power over him.
Jn 6:37-40
"Everything that the Father gives me will come to me,
and I will not reject anyone who comes to me,
because I came down from heaven not to do my own will
but the will of the one who sent me.
And this is the will of the one who sent me,
that I should not lose anything of what he gave me,
but that I should raise it on the last day.
For this is the will of my Father,
that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him
may have eternal life,
and I shall raise him on the last day

The only sure things according to the old saying are “death and taxes.” Reminding us of the need for being ready for the ultimate event of our lives. There is no escaping our death. The invitation here is to live fully the call of God. Our lives flourish by God’s gift of his Son and our brother, Jesus who teaches our way back to God.
Often, we approach death with darkness and dread. But there is so much more to dying than what initially confronts us. One fruitful way to view death and dying is from the perspective of being born to new life. Let us see how that relates to the community of saints celebrated today. Our own mothers, fathers, siblings and friends, our dear ones, who have gone to God before us provide evidence of God’s goodness. Today we celebrate their lives and seek to discover their deaths as enlightenment for us.
Cycles of life and death abound in our lives. Those cycles played out each day, each new season of the year, each project we undertake and ultimately our own living and dying. All these have the life-and-death factor which us deal with the final conundrum of our lives.
Let us be attentive to human birth as conclusion and not solely beginning. We must die to life-in-the-womb (conclusion) so that we can be free to live as human persons (beginning). So, death becomes a beginning to something wonderfully new.
Between a fascinating, wondrous life in our mother’s womb, there comes an end. That end is the termination of astounding growth in the womb of our mother so that we become free to be born into the complex world we call life as we know it.
So, human birth is a dying to one world so that we can live into a new world. Literally, life in the womb becomes too small and confining for us to flourish and we are expelled from the confines of our mother’s body. Dying to womb-life then becomes living to the wonders of a whole new world, life on earth as we know it.
Similarly, human life lived out in all the ups and downs of our strange new world, becomes too small and confining so we are expelled from that life through death. And, similar to our human birth, we are born into an eternal life, a living with God face-to-face which we will have to experience to fully know what it is. The contours of our eternal life with God can only become clear after death and new birth into glory.
Sorry to be so abstract! but I believe that contemplating life/death as death to the small (and confining) world we inhabit aids our discovery of God’s goodness in us. Our task? To receive gratefully and lovingly God’s gifts in the life/death human realities of growing up into whom we are at our core, gifts of God.
Loving God, creator of our birth, guide us as we live and honor you each day. You call us into life and service in the wondrous world you created for us. Be with us as we experience the faith, hope, and love with which you grace us.

“Those who trust in Him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with Him in love.” —Wisdom 3:9
Today the Church calls us to pray for the dead, since we believe death does not necessarily mean immediate entry into heaven or hell. The Bible indicates this when it mentions that providing sacrifices for the dead is considered “excellent and noble” (2 Mc 12:43).
Even so, most people are confused or at least doubtful about praying for the dead, and therefore we pray only sporadically for the dead, if at all. The Lord would have us be “clear about those who sleep in death” (1 Thes 4:13). He does not want us to yield to grief or apathy but wants us to be clear about praying for the dead and to pray with commitment. “Do not continue in ignorance, but try to discern the will of the Lord” (Eph 5:17).
Read the Scriptures we have just mentioned, since faith comes through hearing the Word of Christ (Rm 10:17). Ask the Spirit to teach you everything and guide you to all truth (Jn 14:26; 16:13). Listen to Him. “God is a God, not of confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor 14:32). Let the Lord speak to you and show you new things in His Word. He will show us how to pray. “The Spirit too helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us” (Rm 8:26).
Prayer: Jesus, by Your Resurrection-victory over death and by the power of the Holy Spirit, may a deceased relative of mine be sanctified completely and enter Your kingdom.
Promise: “No one who comes will I ever reject.” —Jn 6:37
Praise: Since childhood, Louise has prayed for the poor souls with every rosary decade. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them.”

GOSPEL READING: Luke 14:12-14 Alternate reading: John 6:37-40
Who do you honor at your table? The Lord is always ready to receive us at his table. As far as we can tell from the Gospel accounts, Jesus never refused a dinner invitation! Why, in this particular instance, does Jesus lecture his host on whom he should or shouldn't invite to dinner? Did his host expect some favor or reward from Jesus? Did he want to impress his neighbors with the honor of hosting the "miracle worker" from Galilee?
Generous giving doesn't impoverish - but enriches the heart
Jesus probes our hearts as well. Do you only show favor and generosity to those who will repay you in kind? What about those who do not have the means to repay you - the poor, the sick, and the disadvantaged? Generosity demands a measure of self-sacrifice. However, it doesn't impoverish, but rather enriches the soul of the giver. True generosity springs from a heart full of mercy and compassion. God has loved us first, and our love for him is a response of gratitude for the great mercy and kindness he has shown to each one of us. No one can outmatch God in his generous love and kindness towards us. Do you give freely as Jesus gives without seeking personal gain or reward?
Lord Jesus, your love never fails and your mercies abound. You offer us the best of gifts - peace, pardon and everlasting friendship with you at your banquet table. Fill me with gratitude for your great mercy and kindness towards me. And may I never fail to show kindness and mercy towards all I meet so that they may know the mercy and goodness you offer them as well.
Psalm 69:16,29-30,32-36
16 Answer me, O LORD, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me.
29 But I am afflicted and in pain; let thy salvation, O God, set me on high!
30 I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.
32 Let the oppressed see it and be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive.
33 For the LORD hears the needy, and does not despise his own that are in bonds.
34 Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves therein.
35 For God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah; and his servants shall dwell there and possess it;
36 the children of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it.
Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: First and last at the banquet table, by Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD)
"'When,' he says, 'a man more honorable than you comes, he that invited you and him will say, 'Give this man place.' Oh, what great shame is there in having to do this! It is like a theft, so to speak, and the restitution of the stolen goods. He must restore what he has seized because he had no right to take it. The modest and praiseworthy person, who without fear of blame might have claimed the dignity of sitting among the foremost, does not seek it. He yields to others what might be called his own, that he may not even seem to be overcome by empty pride. Such a one shall receive honor as his due. He says, 'He shall hear him who invited him say, 'Come up here.' ...If any one among you wants to be set above others, let him win it by the decree of heaven and be crowned by those honors that God bestows. Let him surpass the many by having the testimony of glorious virtues. The rule of virtue is a lowly mind that does not love boasting. It is humility. The blessed Paul also counted this worthy of all esteem. He writes to those who eagerly desire saintly pursuits, 'Love humility.'"(excerpt from COMMENTARY ON LUKE, HOMILY 101)
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