오늘의 복음

September 1, 2020 Tuesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Margaret K 2020. 8. 31. 06:19

2020 9 1일 연중 제22주간 화요일 

오늘의 복음 : http://info.catholic.or.kr/missa/default.asp 

코린토 1서. 2,10ㄴ-16
제 여러분,
10 성령께서는 모든 것을, 그리고 하느님의 깊은 비밀까지도 통찰하십니다.
11 그 사람 속에 있는 영이 아니고서야,
어떤 사람이 그 사람의 생각을 알 수 있겠습니까?
마찬가지로, 하느님의 영이 아니고서는
아무도 하느님의 생각을 깨닫지 못합니다.
12 우리는 세상의 영이 아니라, 하느님에게서 오시는 영을 받았습니다.
그래서 하느님께서 우리에게 주신 선물을 알아보게 되었습니다.
13 우리는 이 선물에 관하여, 인간의 지혜가 가르쳐 준 것이 아니라
성령께서 가르쳐 주신 말로 이야기합니다.
영적인 것을 영적인 표현으로 설명하는 것입니다.
14 그러나 현세적 인간은 하느님의 영에게서 오는 것을 받아들이지 않습니다.

그러한 사람에게는 그것이 어리석음이기 때문입니다.
그것은 영적으로만 판단할 수 있기에 그러한 사람은 그것을 깨닫지 못합니다.
15 영적인 사람은 모든 것을 판단할 수 있지만,
그 자신은 아무에게도 판단받지 않습니다.
16 “누가 주님의 마음을 알아 그분을 가르칠 수 있겠습니까?”
그러나 우리는 그리스도의 마음을 지니고 있습니다.

루카 4,31-37
그때에 31 예수님께서는 갈릴래아의 카파르나움 고을로 내려가시어,
안식일에 사람들을 가르치셨는데, 32 그들은 그분의 가르침에 몹시 놀랐다.
그분의 말씀에 권위가 있었기 때문이다.
33 마침 그 회당에 더러운 마귀의 영이 들린 사람이 있었는데,
그가 크게 소리를 질렀다.
34 “아! 나자렛 사람 예수님, 당신께서 저희와 무슨 상관이 있습니까?
저희를 멸망시키러 오셨습니까?
저는 당신이 누구신지 압니다.
당신은 하느님의 거룩하신 분이십니다.”
35 예수님께서 그에게 “조용히 하여라. 그 사람에게서 나가라.” 하고 꾸짖으시니,
마귀는 그를 사람들 한가운데에 내동댕이치기는 하였지만,
아무런 해도 끼치지 못하고 그에게서 나갔다.
36 그러자 모든 사람이 몹시 놀라, “이게 대체 어떤 말씀인가?
저이가 권위와 힘을 가지고 명령하니
더러운 영들도 나가지 않는가?” 하며 서로 말하였다.
37 그리하여 그분의 소문이 그 주변 곳곳으로 퍼져 나갔다.

September 1, 2020

Tuesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Daily Readings — Audio

Daily Reflections — Video


Daily Mass : http://www.catholictv.com/shows/daily-mass 

Reading 1

1 Cor 2:10b-16

Brothers and sisters:
The Spirit scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God.
Among men, who knows what pertains to the man
except his spirit that is within?
Similarly, no one knows what pertains to God except the Spirit of God.
We have not received the spirit of the world
but the Spirit who is from God,
so that we may understand the things freely given us by God.
And we speak about them not with words taught by human wisdom,
but with words taught by the Spirit,
describing spiritual realities in spiritual terms.

Now the natural man does not accept what pertains to the Spirit of God,
for to him it is foolishness, and he cannot understand it,
because it is judged spiritually.
The one who is spiritual, however, can judge everything
but is not subject to judgment by anyone.

For “who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to counsel him?”
But we have the mind of Christ.


Responsorial Psalm

Ps. 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13ab, 13cd-14

R. (17) The Lord is just in all his ways.
The LORD is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great kindness.
The LORD is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works.
R. The Lord is just in all his ways.
Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,
and let your faithful ones bless you.
Let them discourse of the glory of your Kingdom
and speak of your might.
R. The Lord is just in all his ways.
Making known to men your might
and the glorious splendor of your Kingdom.
Your Kingdom is a Kingdom for all ages,
and your dominion endures through all generations.
R. The Lord is just in all his ways.
The LORD is faithful in all his words
and holy in all his works.
The LORD lifts up all who are falling
and raises up all who are bowed down.
R. The Lord is just in all his ways.



Lk 4:31-37

Jesus went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee.
He taught them on the sabbath,
and they were astonished at his teaching
because he spoke with authority.
In the synagogue there was a man with the spirit of an unclean demon, 
and he cried out in a loud voice,
“What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?
Have you come to destroy us?
I know who you are?the Holy One of God!”
Jesus rebuked him and said, “Be quiet! Come out of him!”
Then the demon threw the man down in front of them
and came out of him without doing him any harm.
They were all amazed and said to one another,
“What is there about his word?
For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits,
and they come out.”
And news of him spread everywhere in the surrounding region.





In today’s first reading, Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s relation to God, to Christ and to knowledge.

Professionally, I have been trained in the “scientific method.” Paul seems to be laying out what might be called the “spiritual method.” Earlier in this chapter Paul admits not having physically experienced the life of Jesus, yet my impression is that Paul’s impact on early Christianity was greater than any of the apostles. If I imagine myself as part of Paul’s audience, I see Paul explaining how we can gain a new wisdom outside of physical experience. In contrast to some scholars who see today’s reading as a consideration of the Trinity, I am moved to consider how we know what we know. I like to think that we establish knowledge through observation and testing. I see Paul as suggesting a different path to knowledge.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks in the synagogue in Capernaum and drives out a demon.

I think back to the classroom during my many years of teaching. I never had a heckler. I did have people who were not paying attention. It seems Jesus had a very different impact on his audience when he explained the Scriptures than I did when I explained physics. Jesus was clearly able to actively involve those around him.

The people of Capernaum see Jesus as speaking with authority. This is in stark contrast to what had just happened to Jesus in Nazareth. He was driven out of town and Jesus was quoted as saying, “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.”

Where you grow up people know your family. This so often defines the roles and expectations of individuals. I am not sure what the expectations were for the son of a carpenter in the first century. My guess is that they expected him to be a carpenter. I think back to when I was in a suburban elementary school. The son of a doctor was regarded differently from the son of carpenter. The Gospel made me recall a specific instance where some students mistreated the son of someone working in the trades. Although I wasn’t a source of this particular cruel act, I did little to spare this individual (as well as others) from the painful abuse that people can do. I am moved to consider how often I make assumptions about people based on their background rather than what I know about them as an individual.

Dear Lord,
Open my heart to the experience of all that the Spirit can bring.
Allow me to know with the gifts of Your wisdom and grace.
Guide my perceptions.
Help me not to judge on the basis of unconscious biases.
Grant me an awareness of the occasions where I am called to serve as a support for those who are troubled by demons of all sorts.




“The Spirit we have received is not the world’s spirit but God’s Spirit.” —1 Corinthians 2:12

The Spirit:
• “scrutinizes all matters” (1 Cor 2:10),
• alone “knows what lies at the depths of God” (1 Cor 2:11),
• helps “us to recognize the gifts He has given us” (1 Cor 2:12),
• teaches us the words with which to speak of spiritual things (1 Cor 2:13), and
• makes it possible for us to “have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor 2:16).
We are trapped in ignorance, confusion, and a superficial relationship with the Lord unless we are docile to the Holy Spirit and let Him do as He wills in our lives. Most of us reading this are baptized and confirmed in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Holy Spirit lives within us (see 1 Cor 6:19). Nonetheless, we can quench (1 Thes 5:19) and grieve (Eph 4:30) the Holy Spirit by our sins. We must repent and let the Spirit be as active as possible in our lives. Only then can we live the abundant fullness of life in Christ.
However, to accept the graces of docility to the Holy Spirit and of repentance to resisting the Spirit is a formidable challenge to our selfishness. The Lord teaches through His Church: “The more we renounce ourselves, the more we ‘walk by the Spirit’ ” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 736). The evil spirit repeatedly and sometimes subtly manipulates us through our selfishness into impeding the work of the Spirit.

Prayer:  Father, I ask You to do in me whatever is necessary for me to live fully in the Holy Spirit.

Promise:  “What is there about His speech? He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power, and they leave.” —Lk 4:36

Praise:  Jesus healed Juan of the damage done by a heart attack. Since then, Juan has both worshipped Jesus in daily Mass and has gone to Confession monthly.




When you listen to the word of God in Scripture how do you respond to it? Do you hear it with indifference, selective submission, or with the full assent of faith and obedience? When Jesus taught he spoke with authority. He spoke the word of God as no one had spoken it before. When the Rabbis taught they supported their statements with quotes from other authorities. The prophets spoke with delegated authority - Thus says the Lord. When Jesus spoke he needed no authorities to back his statements. He was authority incarnate - the Word of God made flesh. When he spoke, God spoke. When he commanded even the demons obeyed.

God's Word is alive and active
Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD), in his commentary on this passage from the Gospel of Luke, tells us that Jesus had all power and authority to heal every sickness and expel every demonic power because he was the living and active Word of God the Father (John 1:14 and Hebrews 4:12):

The bystanders, witnesses of such great deeds, were astonished at the power of his word. He performed his miracles, without offering up a prayer, asking no one else at all for the power to accomplish them. Since he is the living and active Word of God the Father, by whom all things exist, and in whom all things are, in his own person he crushed Satan and closed the profane mouth of impure demons. [Commentary on Luke, Homily 12].

God's Word has power to set us free
God's living and abiding Word is truth and life and it has power to set us free from every sin and oppression and bring us healing of body, mind, and spirit. If the demons, the fallen angels, were able to recognize the power and authority of Jesus, the Son of God, how much more should we recognize and believe in the power and authority of the Gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ, and entrust our lives to the Lord Jesus?

God's Word produces life and freedom for us
The Lord Jesus speaks his life-giving Word to us each and every day so that we may walk in the freedom of his love and truth. If we approach the Word of God with meekness and humility, and with an eagerness to do everything the Lord desires, we are in a much better position to learn what God wants to teach us through his word. Are you ready to follow the Lord Jesus and to conform your life according to his word?

Lord Jesus, you have the words of everlasting life. May I never doubt your saving love and mercy, and the power of your word to bring healing, restoration, and freedom from every sin and oppression.

Psalm 27:1,4,13-14

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
13 I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!
14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD!

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers: New creation begins on the Sabbath, by Ambrose of Milan, 339-397 A.D.

"He describes the works of divine healing begun on the sabbath day, to show from the outset that the new creation began where the old creation ceased. He showed us that the Son of God is not under the law but above the law, and that the law will not be destroyed but fulfilled (Matthew 5:17). For the world was not made through the law but by the Word, as we read: 'By the Word of the Lord were the heavens established' (Psalm 33:6). Thus the law is not destroyed but fulfilled, so that the renewal of humankind, already in error, may occur. The apostle too says, 'Stripping yourselves of the old man, put on the new, who was created according to Christ' (Colossians 3:9-10, Ephesians 4:22,24). He fittingly began on the sabbath, that he may show himself as Creator. He completed the work that he had already begun by weaving together works with works. (excerpt from EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 4.58)


More Homilies

September 4, 2018 Tuesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time