Catechism Quiz —
Joseph, the Husband of Mary
and Foster Father of Jesus
by Friar Jim Van Vurst, O.F.M.
St. Joseph of Nazareth has sometimes been taken for granted. Still, we know how important his role was as the spouse of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and as the foster father of Jesus. onc e we say that, we wonder how we could forget about him. In fact, for many centuries it seemed that the Church itself did just that. This is understandable, because in the early centuries the Church was struggling with heresies and false doctrines about Jesus. Was he really God and man? What about the Trinity? Were there now three Gods? And what about Mary? Was she anyone special? The Church faced major theological struggles in those early centuries. In addition, the Church was in the process of growing in its own self-understanding. No wonder Joseph got lost in history.
What role does Joseph play in salvation history?
Count the number of words about Joseph in the New Testament. There aren’t many. But what is said is extremely important. You can’t think about Mary and Jesus without Joseph’s presence. In fact, their very safety depended upon him. This is shown when Joseph took his family into Egypt to avoid the massacre of male babies ordered by King Herod.
Joseph is referred to as the “father of Jesus” (Jn 1:45; Lk 4:22). Matthew and Luke tell us that Joseph was of Davidic descent (Mt 1:2-16; Lk 1:27). He is described as a carpenter or an artisan (Mt 13:55) and trains Jesus in that same work (6:3). When Mary becomes pregnant with Jesus, Joseph is upset, not knowing what to do, and yet thoughtful enough not to expose Mary publicly. He learns in a dream that Mary’s child is from God and that he should indeed take her to his home, which he does.
Artists in the past, in an attempt to reinforce the Church’s tradition of Mary’s perpetual virginity, have pictured Joseph as an old man. Actually, there is no reason to think that Joseph was not young and that his family was not like any other normal family. The holy family lived like all other families of the same time and culture, and, as Luke tells us, Jesus “grew in age and wisdom before God and man” (Lk 2:52). Joseph’s final appearance in the Bible is when he and Mary look for Jesus when he remained in the Temple, eager to be about his Father’s business.
Tradition has always held that Joseph died prior to Jesus’ entrance into his public ministry. It is important for us to understand the love Joseph and Mary had for each other as husband and wife. The title of Joseph’s March 19 feast day is “Husband of Mary.” Mary’s virginity would never lessen her love for him as her spouse, protector and provider.
What is Joseph’s role in the Church?
As the history of the Church and its doctrine grew through early crises, the awareness and veneration of Joseph began particularly in the Eastern Church. In the West, the feast of St. Joseph was introduced into the calendar in the late 15th century. Saints such as Bernardine of Siena and Teresa of Avila, along with Ignatius of Loyola and Francis de Sales, actively promoted devotion to Joseph.
Finally, in 1870 at the end of the First Vatican Council, Pope Pius IX declared Joseph to be the patron saint of the Universal Church. Joseph is also the patron of workers, fathers and happy death, given that he died in the presence of Jesus and Mary. Pius XII declared May 1 to be the feast of Joseph the Worker to counteract the Communist holiday. Finally, Joseph’s name was added to the first Eucharistic Prayer by Pope John XXIII in 1962.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Readers respond to Friar Jack’s musings on “A Visit to St. Padre Pio’s Tomb.”
Dear Friar Jack: May I ask for a prayer? I am elderly and alone, and can use all the help I can get. I know Jesus loves me more than any human person can love me. It is just that losing my husband at this time in my life, after a good marriage, I have to trust more in the God who gave his onl y Son so that we might know eternal life. Thank you for all that you do. Marjorie
Dear Marjorie: This is a good opportunity for me to assure you and all the people who ask me to pray for them that, even though I cannot answer personally all the people who write to me, I do read all your letters and pray for God’s healing regarding all the personal needs you share with me. Certainly, I pray for you, Marjorie, at this time of loss and suffering. May God lighten the burden you carry and bring comfort to your heart. Your words not onl y reveal your pain, but also your great trust in God. I’m sure that many readers join me in praying for you. Through the love of Christ and the intercession of St. Padre Pio, may you come to experience God’s healing love! Friar Jack
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