December 28, 2019 Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
2019년 12월 28일 죄 없는 아기 순교자들 축일
오늘의 복음 :
요한 1서. 1,5ㅡ2,2
사랑하는 여러분, 우리가 예수 그리스도에게서 5 듣고
이제 여러분에게 전하는 말씀은 이것입니다.
곧 하느님은 빛이시며 그분께는 어둠이 전혀 없다는 것입니다.
6 만일 우리가 하느님과 친교를 나눈다고 말하면서 어둠 속에서 살아간다면,
우리는 거짓말을 하는 것이고 진리를 실천하지 않는 것입니다.
7 그러나 그분께서 빛 속에 계신 것처럼 우리도 빛 속에서 살아가면,
우리는 서로 친교를 나누게 되고,
그분의 아드님이신 예수님의 피가
우리를 모든 죄에서 깨끗하게 해 줍니다.
8 만일 우리가 죄 없다고 말한다면,
우리는 자신을 속이는 것이고 우리 안에 진리가 없는 것입니다.
9 우리가 우리 죄를 고백하면,
그분은 성실하시고 의로우신 분이시므로
우리의 죄를 용서하시고 우리를 모든 불의에서 깨끗하게 해 주십니다.
10 만일 우리가 죄를 짓지 않았다고 말한다면,
우리는 그분을 거짓말쟁이로 만드는 것이고
우리 안에 그분의 말씀이 없는 것입니다.
2,1 나의 자녀 여러분, 내가 여러분에게 이 글을 쓰는 까닭은
여러분이 죄를 짓지 않게 하려는 것입니다.
그러나 누가 죄를 짓더라도 하느님 앞에서
우리를 변호해 주시는 분이 계십니다.
곧 의로우신 예수 그리스도이십니다.
2 그분은 우리 죄를 위한 속죄 제물이십니다.
우리 죄만이 아니라 온 세상의 죄를 위한 속죄 제물이십니다.
마태오. 2,13-18
13 박사들이 돌아간 뒤,
꿈에 주님의 천사가 요셉에게 나타나서 말하였다.
“일어나 아기와 그 어머니를 데리고 이집트로 피신하여,
내가 너에게 일러 줄 때까지 거기에 있어라.
헤로데가 아기를 찾아 없애 버리려고 한다.”
14 요셉은 일어나 밤에 아기와 그 어머니를 데리고 이집트로 가서,
15 헤로데가 죽을 때까지 거기에 있었다.
주님께서 예언자를 통하여,
“내가 내 아들을 이집트에서 불러내었다.”
하신 말씀이 이루어지려고 그리된 것이다.
16 그때에 헤로데는 박사들에게 속은 것을 알고 크게 화를 내었다.
그리고 사람들을 보내어, 박사들에게서 정확히 알아낸 시간을 기준으로,
베들레헴과 그 온 일대에 사는 두 살 이하의 사내아이들을 모조리 죽여 버렸다.
17 그리하여 예레미야 예언자를 통하여 하신 말씀이 이루어졌다.
18 “라마에서 소리가 들린다. 울음소리와 애끊는 통곡 소리.
라헬이 자식들을 잃고 운다. 자식들이 없으니 위로도 마다한다.”
December 28, 2019
Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
Daily Mass :
Reading 1
1 Jn 1:5-2:2
This is the message that we have heard from Jesus Christ
and proclaim to you:
God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.
If we say, "We have fellowship with him,"
while we continue to walk in darkness,
we lie and do not act in truth.
But if we walk in the light as he is in the light,
then we have fellowship with one another,
and the Blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
If we say, "We are without sin,"
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just
and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing.
If we say, "We have not sinned," we make him a liar,
and his word is not in us.
My children, I am writing this to you
so that you may not commit sin.
But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous one.
He is expiation for our sins,
and not for our sins only but for those of the whole world.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7cd-8
Had not the LORD been with us?
When men rose up against us,
then would they have swallowed us alive,
When their fury was inflamed against us.
R. Our soul has been rescued like a bird from the fowler's snare.
Then would the waters have overwhelmed us;
The torrent would have swept over us;
over us then would have swept the raging waters.
R. Our soul has been rescued like a bird from the fowler's snare.
Broken was the snare,
and we were freed.
Our help is in the name of the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
R. Our soul has been rescued like a bird from the fowler's snare.
Mt 2:13-18
the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,
"Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt,
and stay there until I tell you.
Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him."
Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night
and departed for Egypt.
He stayed there until the death of Herod,
that what the Lord had said through the prophet might be fulfilled,
Out of Egypt I called my son.
When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi,
he became furious.
He ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity
two years old and under,
in accordance with the time he had ascertained from the magi.
Then was fulfilled what had been said through Jeremiah the prophet:
A voice was heard in Ramah,
sobbing and loud lamentation;
Rachel weeping for her children,
and she would not be consoled,
since they were no more

«Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left that night for Egypt»
Fr. Joan Pere PULIDO i Gutiérrez
(Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Spain)
Today, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs. Embedded within the Christmas celebrations, we cannot ignore the message the liturgy wants to convey to us to define with two clear accents, and even more, the good news of the birth of Jesus. In the first place, St. Joseph's predisposition in God's design for our salvation, by accepting God's will. And, at the same time, the evil, the injustice we often find in our life, determined in this case by the martyrdom of those innocent infants. All this requires a personal and social attitude and response.
St. Joseph offers us a very clear and responsive testimony to God's call. We can, thus, identify ourselves with him when we are to take decisions, from our own faith, in difficult moments of our life: «Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left that night for Egypt» (Mt 2:14).
Our faith in God entails our own life. It wakes us up, that is, makes us fully alert to those things happening around us, because —quite often— it is where God speaks to us. He makes us take the child and his mother, i.e., God becomes closer, our travel companion, and He strengthens our faith, hope and charity. And He makes us leave at night for Egypt, i.e. He invites us not to be afraid of our own life, which, more often than not, is full of shadows too difficult to illuminate.
Today, those infants martyrs also have specific names in other infants, youngsters, old people, immigrants, ailing persons... requesting the response of our charity. So, John Paul II, tells us: «Many are, indeed, in our time the needs questioning our Christian sensibility. It is time for a new idea of charity that can be displayed not only in the efficiency of the help provided, but in our capacity to become closer and more supportive with those suffering».
Let us hope that God Infant's clear and strong new light fills up our lives and reaffirm our faith, our hope and our charity.

Matthew writes: A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more.
Just three days ago, we were listening to choirs of angels singing, hearing of shepherds hurrying to Bethlehem, and what seemed to be the whole world was paying homage to the newborn baby, Jesus. Today we get a glimpse of what Jesus had in store for him through his lifetime on Earth. Herod was furious and ordered the killing of all the boys in Bethlehem two years and younger. ALL OF THEM!
This seems to be a feast that is easily forgotten, but it actually crucial to never forget!
Many say there is no pain worse than the loss of a child. I can’t imagine what the people of Bethlehem experienced during this time. As a long-time pediatric critical nurse, I’ve been with too many people as they lost a child. It never gets easier. Each life is precious and should be treated as such.
As I reflect on today’ gospel my mind wanders to innocent children who are in danger, or dying by no fault of their own. I think of parents who would truly do ANYTHING to save their precious child.
Children remain at risk. UNICEF reported that there will be 167 million children living in extreme poverty by 2030. It is predicted that globally, 69 million children under the age of five will die between now and 2030. Children around the world suffer from war, slavery and various forms of abuse. It’s hard to transition from adoring a beautiful infant born in a stable to loving parents to considering the harsh realities of many children.
Pope Francis challenges all of us to protect life, acknowledge the reality faced by too many children while protecting their dignity as God’s children. Specifically, “life will not only be respected but above all defended.”
Today, let us take some time to remember the innocent who suffer. We can take time to remember those whose lives seem to be devalued by today’s society. We can take time to be thankful that Jesus was spared, for things could be very different had He been killed. And, we can take time to remember and to pray for peace.

Herod "ordered the massacre of all the boys two years old and under in Bethlehem." �Matthew 2:16 | ||
Each baby boy killed that morning over two-thousand years ago in Bethlehem died because he was mistaken for Jesus. The soldiers who killed the Holy Innocents in Bethlehem thought they were killing Christ, or someone who could be Jesus. To the killers, the children were indistinguishable from Christ. The child-martyrs we call the Holy Innocents are thus a model to us. We are to bear the light of Christ in our lives to such an extent that Jesus called us "the light of the world" (Mt 5:14). May our lives be conformed to such an astonishing likeness to Jesus that the world, in a sense, might confuse us for Christ. This makes us a threat to the world just as was Jesus, and so we risk being persecuted. But "blest are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of" Jesus (Mt 5:11). "I beg you through the mercy of God to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God's will, what is good, pleasing and perfect" (Rm 12:1-2). | ||
Prayer: Father, mold me and fashion me into the image of Jesus. | ||
Promise: "Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." —Ps 124:8 | ||
Praise: Jesus said, "My kingdom does not belong to this world" (Jn 18:36). In retrospect, King Herod should not have been threatened by the Holy Innocents. Thank You, Father, for protecting Jesus, Your Son through these blessed, innocent children. |

"Rachel weeping for her children"
Who can explain suffering, especially the suffering of innocent children? Herod's massacre of children who gave their lives for a person and a truth they did not know seemed so useless and unjust. What a scandal and stumbling block for those who can't recognize God's redeeming love. Why couldn't God prevent this slaughter? Suffering is indeed a mystery. No explanation seems to satisfy our human craving to understand.
First martyrs for Christ
These innocent children who died on Christ's behalf are the first martyrs who shed their blood for Jesus Christ. Suffering, persecution, and martyrdom are the lot of all who chose to follow Jesus Christ. There is no crown without the cross. It was through Jesus' suffering, humiliation, and death on a cross, that our salvation was won. His death won life - eternal life for us. And his blood which was shed for our sake obtained pardon and reconciliation with our heavenly Father.
Suffering can take many forms - illness, disease, handicap, physical pain and emotional trauma, slander, abuse, poverty, and injustice. Paul the Apostle states: We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called to his purpose (Romans 8:28)? Jesus exclaimed that those who weep, who are reviled and persecuted for righteousness sake are blessed (Matthew 5:10-12). The word blessed [makarios in the Greek] literally means happiness or beatitude. It describes a kind of joy which is serene and untouchable, self-contained and independent from chance and changing circumstances of life.
Supernatural joy in the face of suffering
There is a certain paradox for those blessed by the Lord. Mary was given the blessedness of being the mother of the Son of God. That blessedness also would become a sword which pierced her heart as her Son died upon the cross. She received both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow. But her joy was not diminished by her sorrow because it was fueled by her faith, hope, and trust in God and his promises. Jesus promised his disciples that "no one will take your joy from you" (John 16:22).
The Lord gives each of us a supernatural joy which enables us to bear any sorrow or pain and which neither life nor death can take way. Do you know the joy of a life fully given over to God with faith and trust?
"Lord Jesus, you gave your life for my sake, to redeem me from slavery to sin and death. Help me to carry my cross with joy that I may willingly do your will and not shrink back out of fear or cowardice when trouble besets me."
Psalm 124
1 If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, let Israel now say-
2 if it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us,
3 then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us;
4 then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us;
5 then over us would have gone the raging waters.
6 Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth!
7 We have escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!
8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Daily Quote from the early church fathers: The first martyrs of Christ, by Chromatius (died 406 AD)
"In Bethlehem therefore all the babies were slain. These innocents who died then on Christ's behalf became the first martyrs of Christ. David refers to them when he says, 'From the mouths of nursing babies you have perfected praise because of your enemies, that you might bring ruin to the enemy' (Psalm 8:2). ... For in this persecution even tiny infants and nursing babies were killed on Christ's behalf and attained to the consummate praise of martyrs. Meanwhile the wicked king Herod was destroyed, he who had usurped the realm to defend himself against the king of the heavens. Thus it is that those blessed babes have deservedly lasted beyond others. They were the first who were worthy to die on Christ’s behalf." (excerpt from TRACTATE on MATTHEW 6.2)
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